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Archaesus Nov 2024
Texas May, shifting into summer,

Tepid humid air and haze in the sky,

Quiet now, soon cicadas wake from slumber,

Screaming out July's encroaching cry.

Sweltering heat and pastel sunset,

Wildflowers wilt under coastal breeze;

Towering storm at evening onset,

Siesta days and life at ease.

Lemonade and condensation,

The smell of fresh cut grass and hays,

This ever-familiar sensation,

The feel of ***** Texas days.
Archaesus Nov 2024
Trepidation, like silent blades, cuts into my mind

Wondering if, after another try, our hearts will at last align?

What choice remains that we can make to leave the hurt behind?

Or will tomorrow be the talk we have for the final time-

My thoughts dwell, perpetual, on days that now have passed -

Of trips and dates, forays and waits, and seasons of the past -

Can these times we shared together be so easily left at last,

Can we forget and move on again, forsake what we held fast?

Will what I feel and think ever be naught more than gloom,

Will I find a reason for my burning passion to resume?

Or has that wick been expired, the bud nipped ere to bloom

And the branch upon which it gently laid fallen all to soon?
Archaesus Nov 2024
I am king and lord, above all else I soar;

Wings span forth against azure skies

Below me stretches earth, e'ery tower, tree my berth,

From my domain none escapes my peering eyes.

Hours-long my forays, back warmed by suns rays,

For the sight and stench of death I peer,

Carrion to you; to me, feast more true,

I sail as a reaper to far or near.

Putrid flesh and bile, for others rot and vile,

My feast this sickened, rotting waste,

Let nothing moulder, my place as Vulture,

Then I return to the sky's embrace.
Archaesus Nov 2024
I found a felled tree laying down the hill -

Its roots exposed, green lingered still -

I wondered then how come

It persisted thus though undone.

I pondered a while at the oak, now laid low,

And questioned as to why it persevered so,

Its trunk on the ground, leaves in the grass,

Persisting in spite of what had passed.

Though consigned to a fate so unfit,

For months beyond, still green persists -

The fallen oak, slowly fading to brown,

Never once admitting its place on the ground.

Now on the path lays a log by the way,

Hollowing, rotting, decomposing each day.

But scattered round through soil peeking through,

Saplings come out, bringing life once anew.
Archaesus Nov 2024

The sound of locusts crying


Beneath the boiling August sun


The earth opens in a plea


The sky shines it's gaze below.


The gusts with tepid breath


Dust, birds, and clouds on updraft


The clouds growing, building, tall


The gambled wait for rain.


The cold, harsh downdraft


The throat of the storm awakened


The horizon behind virgas tempting


Lightning's daylight flash


Drops like bullets falling


Sheets of cold, heavy rain


The storm behind, thunder faded


Humidity returns again.
Archaesus Nov 2024
Scathing the burning flames

Which light my mortal mind

Waste upon the fettered banes

With which i pass my time

Hallowed moments silent spent

Churning thoughts and endless harms

Each second glance a dark descent

To shattered memories alarmed

Mouldered feelings resurrect

Beckoning out deep regrets

Peace of mind once circumspect

Now blithe shame begets.
Moved from poetizer
Archaesus Nov 2024
Here i sit, a linguist, but have naught to say

Like the tobacco in my pipe, words fade

And my mind empties, like the smoke i exhale

Always, before now, I've had a thought

A feeling

A muse






I have now a bowl of ash

In my hand

And heart

To want to write, yet still

Words hang like lifted smoke

Loosely floating until

They fade again......

Have i naught to write?

Have i not the mind?

Like spent *****, burnt

And crisped to ash,

Or merely strained to tight to breathe and grow?

Poetry or prose,

I sit like fire spent

Ash-buried coals

Nothing writ.
Moved from poetizer
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