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34 · May 2020
Societal Bondage
Amy May 2020
The shackles have gotten nicer, prettier, more pleasing to the eye
Slave to the image, a facade- red bottoms, shiny chains
Big watches, pinky rings
If the master gives you what you want
You’ll do anything
To justify your means
*** for money, pay for play
You’ll never win
Yet here you stay
To show how nice it is to be
A slave to the game
Show time, big time, lights up, you’re on
Speeches to the youth
As a guise to recruit
New blood, sweat, & tears to fame
The shackles they are weak, but yet they remain
Pass down the chains
Watch how they fight for the same
Justify your reasons, your family has to eat
Nice clothes, shiny cars, vacations around the world
The disguise of a life worth living
Make sure you glorify your own giving
See the shackles on your feet
They cost you 700 each
See the chains around your neck
              for modern day
Snap it, hashtag it, “don’t you want to be me?”
The ignorant call it clarity
It’s in your blood or family name
A million eyes seek the same
Pop the bottle, make it rain,
Dance, sing
This is how you let ‘freedom’ ring
31 · Mar 2020
Amy Mar 2020
Dear Charlatan,
How dare you deceive me, mislead me, confuse me, disillusion me.
What am I to you?
Do you live without a heart...
The ridicule I receive seems like you do.
The resentment that is portrayed by you and your others show me how much resilience I have.
You can’t rule me, belittle me, or erase face will still shine, my smile will beam again, and my laughter will echo in your thoughts.
Believe me when I say that I am strong enough,
Trust me when I tell you that I am capable enough to overlook you.
One of these days your presence will not make me wander, or make me luster after...
One of these days my presence will show you how strong I became from your mockery.
You may not see the strength or the beauty,
But you will feel tour heartless soul drop before your gorgeous eyes.
You will then know that I am done with you,
And you will have no other to look forward to.
This is your misery for deserting me and abandoning me.
You will never know when it will happen,
But I promise you my dear deceiver...
I swear by it.
Your believer.
28 · Jan 2020
Amy Jan 2020
A tree standing tall
Half wet
Half dry
Like you
Standing tall
Half willing
Half quitting
To dance in the rain
With me

I dance alone
Completely wet
Swaying with breeze
As you watch
By the dryness of the tree
27 · Jan 2020
Vision of Love
Amy Jan 2020
I have no vision of love,
Just mere memories of what was
What I thought was love
Turned out to be misery
Now I’m all alone,
But, feeling easier to live
See, I have no vision of love
Just these bitter memories
Left craving for love,
                 What you offered was never enough
I’m left with no vision of love
Just yearning to know what love is made of
24 · Jan 2020
How many
Amy Jan 2020
How many bodies must we touch before we start to realize that the only thing we’re truly reaching for can never be fulfilled this way?
    How many empty souls must we entangle ourselves with before we realize that a piece of our soul gets taken and never replaced?
    The only common feature
    is the one before the mirror.
    The only one who can change
    these heartless memories is
    right here.
24 · Jan 2020
Amy Jan 2020
I collect lost souls like people who save abandoned animals
I’m a magnet for them

— The End —