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85 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
i was broken and had to learn to love myself,
for noone else would,
but one day unexpectedly,
someone else did
i didnt have to be alone anymore,
i was found
66 · Mar 2020
A Mar 2020
today i cant help but loose it all
today my best friend shamed me for the way i dress
another for my confidence
another for my successes

all my friends
shaming me for what makes me happy
ive been in the dark
and i crawled out on my own

but theyd all like it better if i stayed in the dark

i love them

and sometimes theyre right

but words can hurt coming from those you once admired so truly
59 · Mar 2020
A Mar 2020
life is there to live
i cant live mine
those i thought cared
take advantage and live it for me

life is meant to live
but how would you feel
being a bystander in your own life

how would you feel
to know its no longer yours to live
54 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
stop taking more than i can give
stop breaking me apart to build yourself up
ive been there for you
but never for myself
you wont let me
i love you
but you keep taking
soon i will be gone
i will deteriorate
i will be gone
dont take every piece of me
46 · Mar 2020
A Mar 2020
ill be there for you
you'll be there for me
when its convenient
you take each part of me that you want
steal my strength for your own
i used to offer
but now you take
46 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
when the world goes to sleep
and the night is dark and calm
thoughts roam
the rhythm of the night simmers
and the calm takes over
the nights stars guiding me
towards perspective
towards life
the night sky taking me home
home to my thoughts
home to myself
away from the sleeping world
i return home
home to me
43 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
In all the darkness of the world
there is a beam
one beam of light to let us into the sight
sight of a better world
this world is full of possibilities
in all the dark there is one beam
that crack in the barrier
between us and the bad
a barrier that a beam cracks through
this beam brings hope
find your beam
it will guide you into the light
everyone has their beam
choose yours
find your sunbeam
43 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
the helpless long for it
the unknowing are gifted it
what we dont have we dream of
what we can achieve we strive for
we reach as far out as we can till we fall
we try to obtain what seems impossible
but it is possible
trust you can reach
stretch out over all the doubt you had
and obtain
40 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
break me
take me
from all that i have
you can crush me
**** me
but you cant have me back
you took so much
and yet you leave it all behind
39 · Feb 2020
Dear love
A Feb 2020
You can break me
You can take away all my trust
But you cant take away my determination
I will love again and again
I will try
I will fight
When everyone has left me broken
Ill build myself up
I will rebuild as many times I need to
You can hurt me
But you cant stop me
One day
I will find someone to care about me
One day
I will find someone who loves me
And I will open my heart again
Until then
I will close my heart
Until then I will only trust myself
Love is the closest thing we have to magic
And ill be ****** if I let the universe take my magic
Love is hard
It has left me broken
But im no quitter
I am here
I am strong
You can not
You will not
33 · Feb 2020
A Feb 2020
I got it for you
to symbolize our journey
a key
a possession
a bond
a  key
for you to know me
know all of me
a key
the insight to my past
the goals for a future
a key
to open any lock i may hold within
a key only you will know
a key

— The End —