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322 · Feb 2021
Anthony Cornejo Feb 2021
She no longer
has a need for me
187 · Jan 2021
Anthony Cornejo Jan 2021
I am a creature
Nothing more than a skittish beast hugging the treeline
What I desire
I do not comprehend
Frothing in fury, I beg for pity
116 · May 2020
Anthony Cornejo May 2020
Life burns
We die
Our wick may be castrated
Or stretched to an ungodly length
Life burns

I want to die
I'm afraid to experience
'No life'
Many are waiting
I have many to greet
Life goes on
Death goes on
Purgatory is greener than both
The taste of stale fire
The last taste being rust
Regrets look on me as I spiral
99 · Jan 2021
No cause
Anthony Cornejo Jan 2021
Heavy handedly
Nail me to the pyre
Marinate, anoint with honey
Hurl your stone
Rotualistly butcher as your deity permits
Exhaustedly await the feasting beasts
Then, and only then, dance amongst embers and cries
Leave a piece behind
Take what the mob offers
93 · Apr 2021
Are you...
Anthony Cornejo Apr 2021
Are you beast, animalia, or homosapien?
A being descended from the Lord, or mere creation suspended in turmoil known as sin?
Live, you dear being.
Live, for there is no other choice.
You are, and so you shall be, a living paradox of a grandeur design hidden from the designed.
Breathe, for you no other choice.
Die, for you have no other choice.
Parish, for you are the joke of the divine.
91 · Mar 2021
Anthony Cornejo Mar 2021
Is it
Sixth sense
Wishful thinking...
or deep scarring

But there you are
a spirit in dreams
a tear in the dark.
90 · May 2020
Anthony Cornejo May 2020
I feel guilty that I lost her
My fault
I'm the reason she left
I was the problem

I wish I didnt exist
Then at least I would feel normal
Regurgitate pills
Black out before poisoning
Faulty receiver
Cautious drivers
Dull blades
Not enough junk

But I'm happy for her
83 · Jul 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jul 2020
Suffer me
Meet with me in placeless connection
Fill me in
Think I am
I am as you think
I am what you fill in
Reject, risk, avoid, die
I am who you know I am
Who am I right now
What am I right now
I think I am now
Right now
But why

Share the rope that leads...
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
Purpose logic

Out of a life that has none
We confront a fleeting meaning
81 · May 2020
Anthony Cornejo May 2020
I miss the taste of my queen
she clenches and squirms and scratches at my face
True loyalty she is not
True purity she is not
I have sought to it
I am who brought ruin
I who have brought infidelity
I am the one who has lost
79 · Jun 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
Crooked highs
Narcotic lows
Clawing out of pits
Only to tunnel back in

What now
Drive, buy, feel sad, feel important
It all leads back
I'm still here
Still ******
Nothing changes
I simply die
In a different way
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
The abundance of my ignorance has collectivly spawned into it's own pessimistic victim.

Emotional ditachement was the norm-is the norm...

Suspended in rehabilitation
Snap, and fall
76 · May 2020
Anthony Cornejo May 2020
Here it comes
The invulnerability
My gut expands, coated in lies
My spine straightens, propped up
by rage

Here it comes
The immoratity
My tongue slashes, freed after years of contempt
My heart beats, no choice, no direction, no beauty
75 · Jun 2020
Drunk groan
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
I apologize
Before I set her free
Happy with the separation
Convince myself this is right
Use her while you can
Above the physical
Watch as I become lighter than air

Ease into haze

She is the vein
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
Lost faith in:
unconditional caring
cultural growth
These are normal
and old.
Recently lost faith in:

In the words of James Hetfield:
We're so ******
**** out of luck
Hardwired to self destruct
71 · Jun 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
I am present
I am meaningless
I will die with the rest of society
No tomorrow,  no realisiam
Out of place
Diprived of past

70 · May 2020
Anthony Cornejo May 2020
when I smile you frown
when I frown you grin
the only time we're both happy is when I'm inside you
when I plant my flag
and stake my claim
69 · Aug 2020
Anthony Cornejo Aug 2020
**** the light that acknowledges life
Breathe smoke that coats design
Bride on fire
Molested, courted, loved
Throughout age

No God has dominion
No faith
By stars we will save ourselves
Faith, rules, being and truth
Fallen soul
Enf of pain
End of dependents
End of suffering
Step in, watch days end
69 · Jun 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
No order
Nothing more than deep silence


Find answers
Be absurd
Satisfy, rule, serve, misfortune

**** the world
By defining the world
**** thyself
By letting go of thyself

Within the limited
Fulfilling despair
Live with observation
Live without appeal
Within the act

Joy within strife
69 · Jun 2020
No name, Ali, dread, #4
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
I dream of a field of roses, grain and rice.
As a glide through them
I drag my feet
breaking stems
up turning soil
Rippling water.
I am aware of the barrier before me but I proceed knowing set limits
but there is a propelling force
it hates I push.
Screaming into speed
Vanishing before I appear
I tear at the stitches of sanity
and see into neurotic clarity.
I see lies
breaking bones
tearing organs
implosions and bottomless loss. Impact, transference, lucid control
I feel my skull shatter
then blooming energy.
From a novel I've been writing.
67 · Jul 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jul 2020
Life is what you make of it
Life is what it makes of you
**** the right person
Eat the right food
Drink the right drink
**** whoever
Eat whatever
Drink it all
It's all meaningless
Bury your head in the sand or bible or faith or charity or work or family
It doesn't matter where you hide
64 · Jun 2020
Fuck but in numbers
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
Eat of me my flesh
drink of me my whiskey
burn your throat
cough up my remains

Disrupt my plans
There's now next
Only another day
I shake
I hesitate
I Ponder
I execute
I dream of death by suburbia
I dream of death by joy
I dream of death of self by offspring
64 · Dec 2020
Anthony Cornejo Dec 2020
Manifesting the cardinal sin
Wielding flaming sword
Adorning thorned
white birch crown
Cindered and stressed
Allow me to proceed, Lord
63 · Jun 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
Anthony Cornejo Sep 2020
Would you consider me a beast
A degenerate
A second class monstrosity
If I confided in you
If I told you I've snorted whiskey
Out of a herion addicted *****
If I told you
I blew *** smoke
Up the same ****** *****
What I be labelled then
61 · Sep 2020
Anthony Cornejo Sep 2020
Its not that simple
I want nothing more:
Eat *****
Yell at the Cowboys
And make love
I dont see any other purpose  in life
61 · May 2020
Anthony Cornejo May 2020
Consider this the tearful confession
Consider this the blank stare from the taxi
Consider this...emptiness against the grain
Hollow, shelled, nameless

She dances
Takes me
$250 for eternity
'Come here, it's ok. Get off, dont get mad.'
59 · Jun 2020
Anthony Cornejo Jun 2020
It's freeing
Behind words
Knowing judgment
Knowing rejection
It's comforting
Handling the weight
Feeling muscle strain
Lighter, warmer, dimmer

If I fade away
If i tense
If by the grace of God I feel the spiral
Return to matter
Revert to Black
58 · Nov 2020
Anthony Cornejo Nov 2020
Forced sadness
On skin
A Blistering glow
Of an unattended cigarette
Biting at thoughts of the bottle
57 · Dec 2020
I could lose
Anthony Cornejo Dec 2020
I was reckless
I was harsh
Destined to fail you

I've lived too long
Far too long
Grown too internally
Leaving no room for god
For sympathy
For understanding

I dream
In remembrance
Childhood memories
Trauma and repression

I dream of roses
Endless nights that remain pure
In rising suns that will be forever
On the horizon
53 · Nov 2020
Mi Rosa
Anthony Cornejo Nov 2020
Rose's are red violets are blue
My life is meaningless without you
Rose's are red violets are blue
For you, I have endless love, this is true
Violets are purple and Rose's are red
I am alone without you in my bed
Violets are purple, Rose's come in many colors
A dozen wooden flowers will put a smile on my lover
Bouquets are expensive, and wont last a few nights
If loving you Is wrong then i dont want to be right
When you asked me to marry you, i said yes immediately
I should have driven us like a bat outta hell straight for sin city
I'd be your husband, and you, my wife
Giving you everything for all my life
I'd pray for a chance, of being a father, knowing you'd be the best mother
I'd be proud of our girl or boy, knowing they'd bring us nothing but joy
Showering our child with love and teaching them to walk, their first words better be mama when they learn to talk
As we grow old and our child matures, I'll kiss you goodnight, goodmorning, care, share, confide, and embrace you until my final breath, for you bring me happiness, for you, my love is pure.
52 · Nov 2020
Anthony Cornejo Nov 2020
Fine words
For a fine man
***** words
Described by a ***** man
Seldom words
From a shelled man

The silence of a held tongue
Humbles all recipients
51 · Aug 2020
Anthony Cornejo Aug 2020
We Collide like the day impacts the night, like the moon encroaches on the sun.
We are pale beings glowing in the dark.
Simple organisms surviving in the lack of light.
Floating without realization of our mediocre place in the celestial scope of life.
Dust, gas, our composition.

— The End —