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unnamed Jul 2018
Thicker than water.
The unity of those broken.
The breaker of unity.
It gives life and tears it away in seconds.
It damages a heart of a lover as it runs out.
When it spills
It kills
Pooling around the body you here it drip
And with it
Every last drop of life melts away into the ground.
Poisoning the earth.
The scales of life and death,
unnamed Jul 2018
I’m depressed.
You can’t see but,
For me it is a reality.
I walk the halls of a treacherous soul,
Wishing to never grow old.
I wander the path of a broken heart,
Wishing I could forever part.
I run through the dark depths of an obliterated mind,
Hoping that it is death that I find.
Flesh,body and mind,
Being damaged, doomed infinitely
Being tainted indefinitely.
Stolen away,
Never to be seen
Never to be said.
I’m depressed.
unnamed Jul 2018
I wish I could.
I should, really.
I could take a knife and slit my wrists or puncture my heart with a bullet.
I would bleed out and drown in it
Letting it seep into me.
My heart would stop beating
I’d have 7 minutes before the end.
I wouldn’t say goodbye to my family and friends.
I know. It’s cruel to wish away something that should be celebrated everyday but I just really want to
unnamed Jul 2018
You lie,
I don’t know why.
I try,
To understand but I fail.
I reach out with open
Waiting to catch you if you
I fear,
Next time you’ll step all to near and tumble.
Leaving me empty.
You didn’t have to lie...
unnamed Jul 2018
Nothing more than a blurred face
Someone in the crowd
Lost in the sea of people.
One of the many
One of the masses
A copycat of everyone else
No differences
No soul
No pain
No sorrow
It wouldn’t be noticed if they didn’t exist tomorrow
For they are a blurred face that never existed.
unnamed Jun 2018
You put your all into something but it refuses you.
All the pain and suffering you experience was never worth it.
The pain and suffering you feel now just encompasses the everlasting hatred you feel for yourself.
The fight, the uphill battle is suffocating, drowning.
If defying gravity is impossible then what is the impending realisation that love is not your happy ever after?
Never being loved never loving someone else, as crushing as it may seem releases you. Or so they say.
Being cold to the touch and inside sets you free from heartbreak. The heartbreak that empowers you to defy gravity, to let you soar through the sky like a bird of the night.
Do we stay cold or do we love, love till our hearts give out, love till we soar and never fall, love till we defy gravity.
Defying gravity was never impossible it was the easiest thing ever known to mankind, it was different rather than hard, stranger rather than strong, weirder rather than powerful....

unnamed Jun 2018
Why are we different?
Why do we hurt?
Why do we feel immense pain brought on by insignificant remarks and offensive comments?
Why is there judgement crippling the most brilliant of minds with unforeseen depression?
How do we let ourselves accept the love we think we deserve when we have a guardian angel tells us we could do better?
How does the heart heal after a heartbreak?
How does ones heart mend when someone dies?
What do we do when we can’t escape from our harsh reality?
Where do we go when we are struck in the heart by eternal pain? When the final arrow in the apple balanced on our heads sending it tumbling?
When the scales tipping and teetering agonisingly fall?
It’s a mystery.

Life, the unanswered question.
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