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67 · Jul 2020
The One Beneath You
Astounding Jul 2020
I’m a rodent scrounging through the desert that the eagle see’s
I watch you circling me a little pleased
For I love the Eagle for all he sees
He picks me up and carried me
I want to fly with the Eagle so he can be my spirit and set it free
We are reborn in a upheaval
Put on a glad face and stomp your boots on your feet
Cause I flew with the eagle
His Heart’s desires dug into me
Still I stand here before you having flown higher than meant for me
I was a rodent scrounging through the desert that the Eagle could see
He swooped down from the heavens and gave me wings
I flew with the Eagle
He set me free
65 · Jul 2020
Welcome To My Throne
Astounding Jul 2020
I walked through fields of skulls and sit and watch rose petals fall
Darkness consumed it all
and me
I was the dominant
Your mischievous mistress
Now black smokes bellows off of my dress
I’m your ghostly Elfin beauty

I dreamt of tender kisses and your boyish wishes
But you dreamt up something vicious
And unleashed my inner monstrous  
Now there is no way for you to escape this

Welcome to my throne
The crime you committed has made it now my home
Have an apple now
Come one, come on
Take one
Come on, come on
Welcome to my thrown
You thought there’d be nothing left of me but bones
Cackle with me now  
Come one, come on
Fine, run
Come on, come on
The chase is fun

Out in the woods you fled
Branches trying to knock you dead
Their turning to limbs inside your head
Don’t touch me! You scream
Now I’m not far behind
I can see your spirits light
It’s guiding me through the night
But it’s dimming
I won’t say it doesn’t hurt me to see you fear me
It’s okay cause when you fear me is when you feed me

Welcome to my throne
The crows and candles make it home
I’ve almost got you now
Come on, come on
So close
Come on, come on
Don’t mistreat your host

I’ve caught you by the hand
You dig your fingers in the the fallen ashes, it’s not sand
My force to pull you try to withstand
You can’t be freed
Gliding across the ground
Leaving a trail toward the Hell-bound
So scared you don’t make a sound
Now you belong to thee
I’m sorry I don’t mean to hurt you
It’s just my virtue
Welcome to my throne
The crows and candles make it home
Time to say goodbye
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Gone with an whoosh
I’m a very happy person now, I just like to write such dark poems. Might edit later cause I lost the words toward the end.
64 · Jul 2020
Cutting Ties
Astounding Jul 2020
We used to stand side by side
You put your hand gently into mine
We twirl and things were fine but now you’re gone
Grown apart over the years
I watched you fade away
It’s strange cause I feel like I should have more to say
Knowing we were tight but we don’t belong together
Letting go of a friendship and watching it float away like a feather

Just a piece of something that when whole made up something of pure beauty
But alone is nothing but a trophy truly

It’s hard cutting ties but when I see the the happiness in your eyes
I know it was for the best
Just have been able to once know you shows I’m blessed
We got mad love for each other, just from a distance I guess
63 · Jul 2020
Stranger Danger
Astounding Jul 2020
You think I don’t know
Sitting here looking cold
That you think that I can’t beat us both
You move in such a way that matches what you think I want you to say
We both know body language well enough that way
A wish in the Well is worth more to Hell cause the material things are always wanted more
If you gave Him a promise would you tell me and be honest?  
What would you say if I told you every way I can feel what you don’t have to say?

There’s a mystery to you
There’s a mystery to you
There’s a mystery to you
Is it pure?

I don’t wanna say anything you don’t wanna hear
I think I love you either way and sometimes love conquers fear
I think you know me so well
Maybe you do because most of the time myself I can hardly tell
You make me laugh with **** near every punchline
When your hands touch my chest when you kiss me goodbye
I get in an unrest cause I’m not sure your true intentions why

A wish in the Well is worth more to Hell cause the material things are always wanted more
If you gave Him a promise would you tell me and be honest?
Still I think that you just might know what I know

There’s a mystery to you
There’s a mystery to you
There’s a mystery to you
Is it pure?

If women are just objects
Because you payed for the date so you bought it
Don’t wanna give you the satisfaction of more
Though this isn’t the first time we’ve been out I feel it’s not time
Within you I know you’re hide something more
A wish in the Well is worth more to Hell cause the material things are always wanted more
If you gave Him a promise would you tell me and be honest?
What would you say if I told you every way I can feel what you don’t have to say?

There’s a mystery to you
There’s a mystery to you
There’s a mystery to you
Is it pure?
57 · Jul 2020
Alien Lifestyle
Astounding Jul 2020
Am I that predictable?
Is this question even applicable
What is this feeling that is churning inside?
What am I trying to hide?
I’m an open book so the is a nasty equation to the reality I’m in
Try to cut it like a wire to a bomb but I’m a blind man
So I sit here lost in my mind and explode over here all alone
I think you’re all in on it but the sad thing no one really knows
So I play this sick game between my flesh and my soul
If you feel me you understand they go toe to toe
Trying to see the world through only spirit
So many people around me can’t adhere to it
Making me think I’m loosing my mind just cause aren’t sure they can foresee what’s within mine
Only way I can express myself is through paper and pin
I guess I’ll just wake up tomorrow and start over again

Space Cadet won’t you come down
Keep your chin up girl and put on your crown
You know you’ll wrinkle your face if you continue to frown
Hit another blunt girl and let it all out

I have a family and a life I love
Can’t seem to shake the stress of being a woman in a world so ****** up
Want people to think I’m pretty
Never want anyone’s pity
Been through **** you’d think was too gritty but here I am smiling
Smoking cigarettes everyday but my teeth still shining
You like my word play and the way that I am
But live in me for a day and you’ll see how empty this being can be
You know my face but you don’t know me
Only see what I want you to see
Open book but still it happens subconsciously
Working on my glow up and just being me

Space Cadet won’t you come down
Keep your chin up girl and put on your crown
You know you’ll wrinkle your face if you continue to frown
Hit another blunt girl and let it all out

Deep breathing and a namaste are not enough sometimes to get me through my days
I pass it off like I’m okay and I will be
I have a better future coming than you or I could see
Separate myself from my mind and body
And float away but not too far so I can still find me

Space Cadet won’t you come down
Keep your chin up girl and put on your crown
You know you’ll wrinkle your face if you continue to frown
Hit another blunt girl and let it all out
52 · Dec 2020
Astounding Dec 2020
She’s a Vandal to her happiness
Her mighty weapon brings defeat
Her mind is an Claymore Of Daggers
Tears stream down as she feels a sudden click at her feet
Suddenly her World’s blown up
It just couldn’t take the heat
She decides to hide it with make up that she aggressively smears on her cheeks

Waterproof mascara and three squirts of make-up setter and then she puts her game face on and pretends she’s all better
She goes to the store
She walks the dog
She blows her husband
And pretends that there is no shrapnel fog inside of her brain
Digging and etching in deeper the pain
Of knowing she is the blame from her own self destruction
Letting her troubles build up until she’s a walking Volcanic Eruption

She looks in the mirror
Who are you?
Who is the woman I see?
She’s smirking with her plaster mask and customer service voice on high permanently

Could she still withstand a storm
Or has it swallowed her whole
Or maybe she swallowed it and it bellows down in her soul
51 · Sep 2020
Innocence Lost
Astounding Sep 2020
Pin me up against the wall like a butterfly on a pin
Spin me in circles so I twirl with your grin
You only ever wanted to get under my skin
I’ll be the face of innocence that smiles at your demons
I’ve never felt more studied than in your gaze
Your caged love is just an taste of your rage within

You won’t ever let me go
Won’t run away because I know
Your heart is dark and unfair
I can’t expect you to care
I guess this was just my fate
If you can love you can hate
Did you find me a treasure?
You opened my chest long ago
Deep down down inside if I could change it, I wouldn’t wish it so  

I still think of our first kiss
when I see your face emotionless
I could never live in your spotlight
Like the sun it’s heat was harsh and it was  too **** bright
You can’t take it back and you don’t care
Loving you was my greatest dare
You lured me in just to pin me up
Strangely somehow I feel that it’s enough
I only wish you could see the fire burning inside of me
I never said I was pure
I was broken long before your reached in and shattered me some more

Push the pin in nice and deep
Your secrets I will keep
I’m here with you in hell
I won’t leave you by yourself
Never beat you at your own game
Cause I’m the end we’re both the same
You opened my chest long ago
Deep down down inside if I could change it, I wouldn’t wish it so
51 · Dec 2020
Party Foul
Astounding Dec 2020
Sitting pretty in a corner
Right next to a heater to get warmer
Waiting for the Sweet Absorber of Myself
I am my own Torturer
Counting each grain of Sand that passes through the inside of the HourGlass Land I’m living in and I’m chewing my tongue just waiting for a line
I check it off on my list as just killing time to get through this Mundane Life
I couldn’t have been more ready than when he walked into the room
He shut down, prepped the table, then pursued to crush his Crystal Cube
He made a line in the fine white powder on the tray right in front of my view
Smiled at me and said “take it, ****!”
My eyes started to tear, my nose got very tingly and then, and then..
Off of the tray and half of the table the ******* blew
In a snow-like cloud it drifted around as everybody gasped and out back into the air with the carbon monoxide they exhaled
They were surprisingly relaxed
I look up, still in tears, but this time they’re of sorrow
Because my blast got everyone high but me and I’ll have no money until tomorrow
I wouldn’t dare ask anyone to borrow for more due to the impression of the amount on the floor
Outstandingly, my Mate was cool
He said “I’ve got bags of this ****!”
But still sent me to the door
Kicking my own *** because I don’t think I’ll be getting more
50 · Jul 2020
The Bonnie to Your Clyde
Astounding Jul 2020
I’m trying to get you in the right mood
Bending over just to excite you
Yeah I look like I won’t bite you
I’ve always had strong teeth
Smiling until my cheeks hurt
Making gestures just to make you look at the hem of my skirt
Walking everywhere I go in nature with bare feet
Tell you take me to the sunset
******* until I’m sure you’ll never forget
You always buy us something to eat
Go home wait for the phone call
Realize you don’t really care at all
Cause we both feel alive when we’d meet

Dont worry about me boy I’m not ashamed
One day I probably forget your name
You know we both liked the false fame
Know I never came

What can I say?
I’m a Rebellious Woman
Everyday people look at me like they know everything about me
Cause they think these eyes only know the Auburn Sunshine Brown they seep
It’s sort of a funny role to play
***** I’m a Queen don’t you ever forget it
It’s not about you so just sit and listen
Might find out I thought something completely different
I can guarantee it every time in some type of way

Dont worry about me girl I’m not ashamed
One day I’ll probably forget your name
You know you just really like the taste of my name
Know zero ***** were ever gave
Got me wanting to show you my inner beast
Seems everyone keeps trying to tamper with my inner peace
I ain’t trying to taint my femininity
But you never know with me

What can I say?
I’m a Rebellious Woman

Don’t got to let a girl have it
Know that I’ve probably already given it to myself
Sip, yup had it
Trying to figure out why I was such a sad *****
Should just let them all ******* have it
Now I’m figuring how to get people to see what clay is made of me
Don’t want go down as the stereotype
You made of Me
******* watch and you’ll see
Got two kids and a man I love
Brush my shoulders off and get right back up

Don’t worry about me y’all I’m not ashamed
One day you’ll sit and ponder my name
Know that I was a warrior and I overcame a lot more than the credit you gave

What can I say?
I’m a Rebellious Woman
49 · Jul 2020
The Whore’s Anthem
Astounding Jul 2020
Girl the Worlds your Toy
Scheming big ploys
Living in Daydreams
A real big bad *** you think
You got mascara on your face
Your name disgraced
Somebody better put you back into you place

*******! In More Ways Than One


Honey your bad girl
An enough had girl
Cause they don’t understand the pain in the words they say
You’re a total nut case and their getting in you face
Somebody better get you out of this place  


Fight or flight
If fight you could end up caged
A woman that can’t be tamed


Astounding Jul 2020
Looking back at it all now
I feel somethings I must get off my chest
I guess some may not understand why misery I wanted so badly to posses
I guess you could say that I was possessed
I cas so badly compelled to **** the world back
I wanted to prove I could do whatever the **** I wanted and that I wasn’t going to hold back
I wanted to prove these things because of abuse that I had held within in the dark caverns of my mind
The core from at times I speak and leave those who loved me slack jawed and blind
I spoke a lot, unlike these current days, about myself and opinions
Now the impulse to just comes in waves
I had the body of an ******* devilish angelic perky priestess
I guarantee myself one day again I’ll be that way again
I took my revenge at a wicked cost of my everything
I enjoyed most every minute of it
I will never be that young again
I hope to never influence any man, woman, nor child to not speak their mind when peace will be their solemn  outcome
I do not want others to fear me
Unless they **** with my cubs, my Wolf Hearted Soulmate, or Whatever The ******* Have The Audacity To Take Without My Will From My Life Within My Constitutional Rights

Within the Wicked Edge, their is a drive within you that will take you wherever you want it to lead
Whether you know it or subconsciously
Remember to fill your head with joy and not everything you get wrong or what secret you decide to keep that your future holds more than the heartaches you hold so deep
Last Poem to Close the Book On My Past
48 · Aug 2020
Astounding Aug 2020
Imagine if I left you high and dry
****** that ***** and watched you cry
While you sit there begging and asking me why
Imagine that I was the one lying to you all along
That I was deleting messages as soon as they’d come
Then when you ask about it I bat my eyelids and play dumb

You want so bad for me to be numb
Pretend that being married is just a piece of paper and in my heart the commitment doesn’t mean nothing
But ******* let me tell you something
You ever bore a child and gave you’re all for a man?
Felt like you were on a cloud when he would hold your hand?
Then realize that holding onto him would be like trying to net fine sand

You call my crazy cause I’m bipolar
I’m only crazy cause I’m the ***** you can’t control, huh?
You forget I used to be the beast, the dragon, the one who went to Hell and came back then spit the venom in my hater eyes
Think you’re better but I’m too good of liar to get caught in your lies

Sick of seeing girls treat each other like their inferior cause they don’t carry the Name Brand
Wanna uppercut the ******* that don’t respect the boundaries of a married man
Wonder why painting your face didn’t just stick to clowns
So the ordinary girls can stop ******* around like they’re a bombshell and sit the **** down
Lift their eyes from the bridge of their noses and take a minute to look around at what really matters in this world
and stop looking down at the less fortunate girls who have souls like diamonds but are so ****** in their minds an cut themselves in the middle of the night and cry to the moonlight skies

Need a girl who likes to smoke **** and chill
A ***** who won’t lie to me and always keeps it real
Talk about our mean together but it never leaves feeling toward them ill
Listen to Jhene Aiko and drink the wine until we get our fill

Trying to figure out how to raise my kids up right in this world of police brutality and crime
Want them to know they can conquer anything and that their lights like stars when they’re gone will still shine
They mean everything to me
They’re well being is my peace of mind
Hard to know one day, hopefully, I first will leave them behind
Just the thought of their beauty brings tears to my eyes
The picture is too big to frame must be the size
Sit and ponder what I’m feeling and always be real with my vibes
46 · Dec 2020
Astounding Dec 2020
It’s like she came out of nowhere
Electric and fast
She had a huge dazzle and a smile that would flash
Almost like an X-(wom)Men
It was like she has powers
When I saw her she lit up my life
She could awe me for hours

She was great to look at but lethal to touch
Man, I tell you I loved this girl too much
The impact of our first kiss **** near knocked me off my feet
And the pain I felt after the fact when she hurt me it cut way too deep
As if her electrical current gave me the shock that allowed my heart to beat

Though with her she brought a storm
She started spontaneous fires
Her danger was often pre warned
Her beauty was appreciated but always by afar
Here today, gone tomorrow just like a falling star
The damage she could do was a force no man could control
So one day the storm was too rough and I had to let Lightning go

It rained from her eyes
Clouds of mascara added grey to the storm
She struck three times leaving thunder behind before the last of the clap that came from the door
She’ll be in another town in just a matter of time
I hope she finds a man who can Insulate her blow
Apparently lightning never strikes the same place three times but you never know
45 · Dec 2020
Astounding Dec 2020
I found my pen dead in a pool full of ink
In a scrupulous world his mark sank too deep
An non-erasable makes secrets hard to keep
I found my pen dead in pen full of ink

Can you blame my pen for fleeting out all he had left onto the blank page
When he wrote in his own rhythm’s you often got enraged
So he backtracks his writing, scribbling deeper into the page
Wasting more of his life on a mistake that’s he’s made
So he figures what’s the point
Busts his cap and falls over into the the spot where you found that Unicorn shaped Inkblot
You begin to see something about the pen that you once could not
You want to start over with him again but you cannot
Through the lesson learned by the suicide of my pen
I think instead of words I’ll draw pictures again
Perhaps this time in Crayon
41 · Aug 2020
Save Our Children
Astounding Aug 2020
Politicians and movie stars are playing ring a round the Rosie
Except their pockets aren’t full of Posey’s but the little nosey’s they’d steal from innocent minors
Every time One gets taken it’s like we set another timer and twiddle our thumbs until the next one goes off
Never really taking arms and saying enough is enough
The Good Fight will just have to be tough
Think I’m joking?
Try to call my bluff
Cause I’m about to huff and puff and blow all the ****’s away
Sorry ******* but none of the kiddies can come out to play today
If you put your hands on any of em’ I promise The Peacemaker will blow you away
I’ve had enough and there is nothing more needed to say
But I guess I’ll go in anyway

I mean look at the consequence
Molestation in children like a disease spreads because they give it to one another
Not understanding that what they are doing is sacred and not to be shared so young nor with a friend or an brother
Children should never be a lover
Sniff out all the predators whom are undercover

It’s time for a fire fight and it isn’t gonna be pretty
I’m going to avenge the spirits of the children you’ve harmed and their purity
I’m okay with being your victim so come and get a piece of me
I can take all the dark **** you think and see 10X that darkness radiating from me as I come at you with a mother ******* machete when I run out of ammo
I’ll put you six feet below and laugh while the worms eat you
Smile at the thought of your body being hollow and see-through
Why can’t you just be normal or get some help or off yourself so my life I don’t need to sacrifice
But the thought of a world without your existence is just too nice to pass up
This post has got me gassed up
Ship me today *******’s and I’ll tear their perverted ***** up

Astounding Jun 2020
If you know someone who has been hurt far beyond repair
If you’ve seen them mend that hurt a way that you’d never dare
Then behold that person rise again like phoenix from their ashes
You better know that they themselves are more grateful than you for their seconds chances
Neither you nor they should judge themselves or the other for what was willing of their actions
Please don’t think that they are weak for in reality they are vigorous and chosen
To lead the ones in the fleet to live their lives out open
To help understand and mend the broken
The ones to say I am one whose felt the demons creep deep with in my mind
To say I have listened to them, spirit fully broken and wished to be left behind
To say I have believed that if the cell of my heart was to be opened bats and cobwebs you would find
To say everyday I would have done anything to sabotage myself
Because my soul a demon had in his firm grip and was twisting it himself
If you stand here today proud you made it through that atrocious time
And you’re wiling to a friend say without being ashamed the story about how you once put your life on the line
So they can feel camaraderie
So you could help guide them to their glory
Than please know these people should never be afraid to tell the world their story
Astounding Jun 2020
One day my beloved children
A mountain you will climb
Walk it with firm footsteps and always use the purest of mind
You may be bloodied in battle as you go along your way
If a harmful road you do travel
Know I cherish being your mother and will be with you everyday
I know it’s not too far away

As of now ‘tis my duty to make sure no matter what you endure when I’m not around
No matter what I understand you and in ways ,if wrong, you’ll to me always be right
I’ll never speak ill of you or speak to you out of anger or spite
I will never harm you or throw daggers into your mind
You will always be mine
I vow to always protect you and give you whatever it is that I can
Your creation was made from love and you gifted me the purest love that I could ever have
I’ll walk beside as long as you let me stay then drift slowly behind you on that faithful day when you choose to change pace
I’ll have the look of twenty emotions on my face
I love you my darlings
I’m smarter than you think
Listen while I guide you
You’ll be there in a blink
I love my kids more than words and beyond. ❤️
34 · Aug 2020
Astounding Aug 2020
Come on baby, let’s have fun tonight
I wanna take the Devil’s hand in the Pale Moon Light
Then drift off into the Heaven that like a lush mountain range resides in your eyes
You’re the only man I want between my thighs
Cigarettes and love produced euphoria
highs are all I ever prayed for in this aching life
Come on baby, let’s have fun tonight

I bought you a Whiskey on the Rocks and myself a Martini Dry
I put $5 in the Jukebox and got dolled up, looking fly
Eyeing you up like you’re the Fourth of July the entire time
We chuckle because Vermouth we say in our oddest Tone
Living like kids who don’t have to worry about what time we’ve got to head home
Just for one night, you and I in our world alone
That’s all I ever want

Come on baby, let’s have fun tonight
I wanna take the Devil’s hand in the Pale Moon Light
Than drift off into the Heavenly mountain range in your eyes
You’re the only man I want between my thighs
Cigarettes and love produced euphoria
highs are all I ever prayed for in this aching life
Come on baby, let’s have fun tonight  

Darling, when you know you know
I love you longer than the end of time
Your soul is my soul
I promise you I feel they’re entwined
I’m sorry I hurt you so
I’ll mend this hurt with everything I can
Please know I mean what I show
Come in baby, let’s have fun tonight

I’m really glad you came out tonight
You make me laugh when you pass the J on the sly
I’m riding the shooting star twinkle in your eye
Love hard before we die
I lean over and kiss you
And you kiss me right back
We lean there embraced unable to comeback from impact

Remember how we used to stay up and talk all night
Take tequila shots and laugh about life
Jumping on the couch and having pillow fights
Living wild and free on the Summer Nights

Caught skinny dipping so we had to run
Getting tattooed and hiding from the sun
Staying at the parties until the clean up is done
People used to tell us we had too much fun

We used to smoke hydroponic **** and stay in
Wrestle and play around until one of us got pinned then we’d make love all night and wake up and do it again

Come on, baby, let’s have fun tonight
32 · Jun 2020
We Didn’t Say Goodbye
Astounding Jun 2020
There was a night I spent in a room alone with a woman whom poured gasoline over her head and set herself on fire
All through the night she cried and moaned
Making the fact that she was forced to keep her life more bitter
Bandages pulled at her wounds and scissors were needed to remove them
I could not point her out today for she to me now would be unrecognizable
Laying in a bed next to this woman for making the same attempt but with a bathtub and a toaster
Somehow us wanting to be apart strangely made us closer
The nurse came in to change the sticking bandages every few hours
Every time and for minutes later this poor woman would scream
I had a book of cowboy poems that they had provided for us to read
For when the nurses left the room and her groans of sorrow quieted down
I read this beautiful woman a poem to help her lay her head down
I sat reading to her all night
For I had nothing better to do
That’s when I realized that in this life all sorrows are the same
Her name or the place I can’t recall
And I’m not sure I can legally say
I will never forget that night that poetry gave me back my purpose in my life
And lifted someone’s spirt when we were both in hell
I will write forever so others can hear and feel poets story’s
I promise you it’s worth the while for those who think it’s boring
Pinky swear or take my life true. P.s I haven’t been suicidal in years and I meant I’m promising you so that means you could take my life is I was lying. Yeah, this poem gave that comment mixed signals.
30 · Jun 2020
At Least I Make Me Laugh
Astounding Jun 2020
I was there sitting in front of you
You and your buddy cracking jokes from behind
You think you’re so funny
But in my head so far I’ve already correctly predicted every line
I listen in with more focus as you laugh at the possibility of “tumbleweaves.”
I thought it was a little funny because I used to say those types of things.
I’m intrigued now, I wanna know what is coming next
Hoping it’s something that I haven’t heard before for that I could add to my index  
As he continued to talk I felt I entered his hora and became him
I was disappointed
He said something so stupid that I don’t even remember what he said
And you’ll never guess next what I did
As the words flowed out of his mouth my mouth mimicked every syllable silently and I moved as if I had strings  
When this joker laughed at the pun of his joke
An identical laugh came out of me
My finger automatically went down my throat because the lack of amusement literally gagged me
Opening my eyes and sitting up after he made my stomach curl
I remembered I was sitting in a courtroom with two cops watching me and sitting in between two girls
The man behind automatically shut up when he realized that I had duplicated his laugh and mannerisms prior verbatim
I looked ahead giggling in my head about the out of this world that experience I had
I never knew having a long **** weave would not just give confidence but provide me with unpredictable fun
The cops are laughing because they saw the ordeal and could tell I was not upset but disappointed about being unamused
The girl next to me, whom had turned her body language complete closed off to me after my outburst
Had her name called to the stand and had to go up first
I got slightly salty because her head was half shaved
My hair was made fun of for apparently trying to make my hair “look white” and this girl had half of head shaved & her skin pearly white
Looking like an African American woman’s hairstyle that I have seen since the beginning of my days
One cop walks over by me as if to intimidate me or check things out
He looks over at me trying to read my face
In deep thought and serious, no doubt
But he saw my glance to the girl and the podium and after seeing what happened I believe he put two and two together
I feel he would have agreed that the double standard is ******* and that on that day on me my hair looked better
I want long hair and she wants her short
So shut the **** up and who cares what you think you know inspired its source
But truly the moral of the story is if your going to talk **** you have to at least be funny of course
30 · Jun 2020
Astounding Jun 2020
Remember how we used to stay up and talk all night
Take tequila shots and laugh about life
Jumping on the couch and having pillow fights
Living wild and free on the Summer Nights

Caught skinny dipping so we had to run
Getting tattooed and hiding from the sun
Staying at the parties until the clean up is done
People used to tell us we had too much fun

We used to smoke hydroponic **** and stay in
Wrestle and play around until one of us got pinned then we’d make love all night and wake up and do it again
27 · Jul 2020
The Life Of The Matter
Astounding Jul 2020
For those of you whom can stand in battle
Without the disease of fear on their person
For those who can say **** it
If I don’t do this I don’t think my life to me will have been worth it

If you are free from yourself to battle for those who no longer can
I, dear person,  would like to shake your hand

If you can do it peacefully and be still as if a monk
If you can do it with respect for the belief that you entrust
Do it without breaking a single thing
Without reaching your hand in someone’s life and taking something you don’t merit
Than walk away feeling like yourself you have not left behind; know you my respect  you will inherit

Know that I wish that I could join in that battle you where you stand
I believe that no man’s life should ever be taken wrongfully by any other man
I cannot congregate with for I am at home still
Protecting the Love and Life I made to withstand life’s hell
If to my doorstep they come demanding to burst in and kick me and my children out
For the color my skin or the color that with them resides within, their will me plenty a bloodshed without a doubt
Until this day I’m with my family
Raising them to love and and be coherent
You are not alone without me for I am there in spirit

— The End —