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Mar 2021 · 189
Like night, it settles upon me,
Around dawn i begin to chew my thoughts,
I put the sauce of time in this platter,
I fry memories with minced and chopped culture.
There's so much to write about you,
about me, about so many rivers, stars
towns, cities, sorrow, joy, laughter-
as they share miserable,
poorly dressed stories.
There's no one to understand this,
there's nothing assured in meaning,
They call God Dieu in french,
Maybe the aboriginals call God something else,
Why should you name someone and attach stories?
We begin to originate from this point,
And we end.
A soft melody begins to die at the end of the road,
The tambourine man has left you,
He has taken away your tattered coat
You/I begin to question, these things at dawn,
while an old physicist feels afraid of death, at night.
A poet feels afraid of time, burning bright.
A city feels afraid of cafes, at noon,
A society feels afraid of stories, and ideas.
They come and go,
Breaking and assuring again,
your status quo.
I understand i cannot hold water in my palms,
I understand I cannot hold burning coal in my hands,
I do not mean.. symbols can be frightening.
I just want to add a little mystery to my life.
Like night it settles upon me,
And I begin to chew my thoughts,
I mince and chop memories,
At dawn, it stops.
Apr 2020 · 144
শুনেছিলাম তুমি কবিতা ভালোবাসো,
তাই তোমার জন্যে একটা কবিতা থাক
আমি দু এক কলম লিখি,
পাঁচিলে কাক, পাখির ডাক, রোমান্টিসিজম থাক

বরং তোমাকে ওদের গল্প বলি,
যারা অনেক দূরএর পাহাড়ে থাকে,
ওদের ঘর নেই, আমারি মতন,
আমি যন্ত্রনা আর কালো মেঘ এর দরজা বন্ধ করেছি,
আমি বন্ধ করেছি পুরোনো ফ্রেম এর ছবির বই,
আমি বন্ধ করেছি স্বপ্ন দেখা,

তুমি এসেছিলে, থেমে বলেছিলে,
সিগারেট পুড়ে ছাই হয়,
তবু আমি নাকি ধোয়ার মতন.

আগুন পাহাড়ে নিভে যায়,
গোটা আকাশ এর কালো মেঘ এ বজ্র বিদ্যুৎ খেলে,
সাপ এর ফনা তুলে তারারা ঝিকমিক করে এগোয়,
আমি ভাবি, আরো ভাবি
তুমি এসেছিলে , থেমে বলেছিলে,
এতো ভেবে হবে কি ?
আমি ঘুম থেকে উঠেছিলাম সবে,
আমি পাঁচিলে বসে পাহাড় বানাই,
আমি কাক এর ডাকে উত্তর দি,
ওরা সব পাহাড়ে থাকে, অনেক দূর
আমি শব্দ শিশির বোতলে বানাই সুর.

আমি ভালো আছি, তুমি আছো কেমন?
বলেছিলে ভালো..

অনেকদিন পাহাড়ে যায়নি,
আজ যাবো,
শুনেছিলাম তুমি কবিতা ভালোবাসো,
আমায় কবিতা দাও, আমি কবি হবো.
Jan 2020 · 142
Tsheb Tuam.
I have a car,
I have a pet,
I have a carpet.

She had a home
She gave me some work,
I did my homework.

I had a dream,
I wanted to be like...
It was all dreamlike.

Well, Life is short,
And, We had lived,
This poem is short-lived.
Jan 2020 · 153
Seems Madam?
I'll close my eyes,
I'll walk a mile,
I'll close my eyes,
I'll not be found.

It is true, and it is false,
And again later,
I won't find my voice.
I'll close my eyes,
To my Heart's rejoice.

I have not seen, neither
Do i want,
I want what is not nothing.
I bother not, i would close my arms,
For a long time.

Long, longer time.
Take your time.
I gazed a stare,
A gazeless stare.

I think I had seen,
A box, a lot of thoughts,
To be boxed.
To be thrown out, into,
What is pretty, much for this.
I seem to endure all of them,
I think I thought,
No it is not.
I walked a mile,
For what is not,
And it was to be sought.

The sound of flesh,
The song of flowers,
A pinch of sun,
The flow of fun.
O! Blissful blogs. Time wanding.
I am wanting, walking, building.

What?  Shut the door!

I closed again,
My eyes, my heart.
I walked a mile,
To set me apart.
Dec 2019 · 207
আমার খুব কাছের এক বন্ধু প্রায় সব সময়ই বলে- এই যে ছোট্ট জীবন টি তে, ওত সব কিছু গভীরে গিয়ে ভাবলে কোনো কাজই আর ঠিকঠাক হয়ে উঠবে না. নিতে থাকো, হজম করো, চিবিয়ে খাও--টেক লাইফ এস ইট কামস. রান ফরেস্ট রান. ব্যাপারটা সত্যিই অসাধারণ. ধরুন আপনাকে কেউ হটাৎ জিজ্ঞেস করলো-"কি মশাই? খবর কি?" আপনাকে কি কখনো অতোটা ভেবেই উত্তর দেন? সিম্পল একটা "ভালো আছি"...অথচ আপনার এই যে মাপকাঠি তে বাঁধা জীবন যুদ্ধে, আপনি এগোচ্ছেন, পিছোচ্ছেন, দৌড়াচ্ছেন, হাঁপাচ্ছেন, কাঁদছেন, ভাবছেন, এবং তার খানিকটা সমানুপাতে, অনেক কিছু অজানা, অচেনা জিনিস শিখছেন, বা হয়তো বা-- আরেকবার নতুন করে শেখবার অন্তত, আগ্রহ দেখাচ্ছেন, তাই একটা সিম্পল "ভালো আছি", তার যে সত্যিই  খাঁটি মতলবটি বাঁকা হবে তা ঠিক নয় . কিন্তু এই প্রায়োরিটি'র মিস্টিক্যাল মিস্টিরিইউস মিছিল-এ আপনার ছোট্ট এই ধুলোমাখা চেতনা টি স্থির ভাবেই চাপা পরে যায়, প্লাষ্টিক গোলাপ আর অনন্তের গল্পের মাঝখানে. কিন্তু আমি বলি এতে দুঃখিত হবার কোনো কারণ নেই. আচ্ছা একবার ভেবেই দেখুন না, এই যে পৃথিবীর গোলকধাঁধা, এই যেই এতো বড় একটা সভ্যতা, আপনি তো হাজার হাজার কারণেই তারই একটা অত্যন্ত জরুরি অংশ. বলবেন তাতে আমার কি যায় হে? সভ্যতা চলছে তার মতন, আর আমি কি এমন আর মহান কোনো কাজ পালন করছি? তার সদুত্তর এখানেই খুঁজে পাবেন. কারণ আপনি নিজেই একটা দুর্দান্ত বিশাল বিস্তার ছড়াচ্ছেন ওই আপনার একটা সিম্পল "ভালো আছি"র মধ্যে দিয়ে. আপনি জানাচ্ছেন এই গোটা পৃথিবী কে- আপনি মেনে নেন, আপনি জানাচ্ছেন গোটা পৃথিবী কে যে আপনি লড়াই করেন, প্রত্যেক ভালো থাকার মধ্যে দিয়ে, আপনি জানাচ্ছেন ভালো থাকবার উপায় খুঁজে নিতে হয়, নোকিয়া 1130 আপনার পকেটএ আর হয়তো নেই, তবে আপনার হৃদয় জুড়ে একটা বিশাল বড় "ভালো আছি" জায়গা করে নিয়েছে, সত্যিই বলছি, ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প আর মোদী রোজ রাত এ হয়তো ঠিকঠাক ঘুমাতে পারে না. আপনি পারেন. আপনি ভালো ভাবেই ঘুমান. বিরিয়ানি'র দোকানে সময় পেলে আর টাকা থাকলে লাইন দেন. আপনি সত্যিই তাহলে, কি দারুন একবারও ভেবে দেখেছেন? আপনি তো সত্যিই অসাধারণ! আপনি তো ভালোই আছেন মশাই..
Dec 2019 · 167
How's Miss Maudie?
A light, a light.
One for us,
And one for the night.

We walk, we stop,
Through these woods,
Throughout the land.

A song, a day,
Your children would play.
A thing, amiss.
Hidden away...

Going down, a garden,
A block, some memories,
A reader, an author,
A pen.

A photo, a mask,
A light, a light.

Little flowers, little time,
An Autumn comes,
The flowers die,
The laughter again,
Bids goodbye.

Imagine- a light,
A color for a night,
A light, a light.
Let it, reside.
Nov 2019 · 209
foo rii
If you miss the train,
I'm on.

Buy the next ticket,
I won't be gone.
Sep 2019 · 152
Fire lies before you, while water lies behind-
A gentle air would help you, in case you do not find
the flame of poison, the ghost of grass
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, All are made of brass

Move ahead, wait hidden in line,
Three of us are kind,
But fire lies before you and water lies behind.

Choose unless you wish to know the unknown,
forever and forever more,
The tune and time and the ticking clock
would give you a minute four.

Did you find what's left inside?
You mustn't the hide show,
You can stand at either end,
And stare as the fluids flow.

I am not your friend, not your right,
Not even your first sight,
But as fire lies before you, and a little water
Clears the light.
Jul 2019 · 201
Where do the birds fly?
After the last sky?

Where do the feelings go?
When there's so much to show.

What do the colors mean?
As if it never begins.

What does a limit seek?
A bird, a feeling, a colored stick?

Where do the women go?
After the evening show?

What does a man need?
A limit, a feeling an evening deed?

Where do the birds fly?
After the evening sky?
May 2019 · 216
23Days of Summe₹
Why do you remember?
Something which is sad?

Why do you think about,
Your evenings with your dad?

Why should the music speak of a song?
Why does it feel so good to belong?

Why do you have faith in God and in ghosts?
Why does your government tend to be your host?

What is the reason for Love and for hate?
Why do you check the clock and it's date?

What is hunger and what is thirst?
What is the physical state of fire and lust?

When should you die and decide to begin?
Does it really matter to be always able within?

Take care and live your life,
The wind is whistling by,

The crashing waves of time and age,
Makes a memory dry.
May 2019 · 189
This land is mine.
I stay here, started my career.
I have seen wanderers, on this land.
I assumed they were sugar in the milk.

But if there is a brighter tomorrow,
A colour for them and us
A line to be drawn between you and me,
I assume the land would have eyes to see.

This land is mine, you're waiting for yours,
Memories are made of a political force,
The milk should be warm, and the sugar brown,
I assume you can stay in this town.

Thinking of you, I remember things,
Such as religious beliefs and suspicious inklings,
The pattern of your beard, the bleeding men in the park.
I don't know what you think,
I assume you were not sure.

This land is between an object and
An-other tryst
You're the first to comment on its beauty and on its sleeping beast,
My land depends upon the issuance of a game,
Don't worry about the troubling nature of your shame.

This land is mine, linked to many souls,
The source of warmth and of heat,
The fire resembles the state of pride,
I assume the conflict of interests would subside.

This land is mine, welcome hither,
Posters and flyers bubbling thither.
May 2019 · 143
Since useful tends to be useless,
And the worth of it seems to be dead,
A message comes from the weather,
All things are counter, original and strange.

Light is fast, the mind is faster yet,
A cheetah seems to be the wind, but the wind
Pretends to soar.

A statue is tall, a giraffe pretends, to seek,
What's the use of a relative difference?
As the coordination repeats?

The sun is brighter, the camera records, the fact,
The Colors seem to call,
And keep all resplendence intact.

A healthy diet helps to grow, a blessing,
Does the same.
A rolling truck kills a shadow, the darkness kills a man.
The music of Mozart and the sound of rain,
Generates a good gorging delight,
The pattern of silk, and the warmth of fire,
Gives the direction to the night.

All things counter original spare strange,
Since useful tends to be useless.
May 2019 · 135
Check your friend.
A shadow is my friend.
As flowers never bend,
From the kitchen, I bring-
Lots of honey and wine.
I have been to the station,
In the park, in the mansion.
Like flowers without a fragrance,
My shadow never resembles, a layer.

See the desert, the snow, the rain.
See, go on to see some more.
Seeking to see the shelf of shells, alone.
Flowers and shadows do not have souls.

I am working, be patient with me,
Jingle the bell, words will fall.
The wires seem to call,
I eat and drink and sleep.

What leaves do they read?
What on earth does it mean?
Even now they all seem to have shadows,
Purchasing sugar.

Go on, go ahead, dance the antic hay,
A shadow is your friend,
As flowers never bend with what they say.
Apr 2019 · 134
From the canon of thought,
The mind moves like a twirling body of smoke.
The leaves rustle, the breath of a cloud,
gets mixed with all his heroic deeds.

As the flow of a river continues like time
flowing, it tends to engulf the sufferer.
His bed of rocks shiver.

Balancing the proportionate use of memory,
He begins his speech.

Destruction is sustained, in motion.
Smoother is the course of action.
From the language supreme- it emanates-
The principal way.

He understands the resemblance, he presumes,
the family, the king, the extensions.
As the witnesses question-Who are you?

The irony of life kills the man,
It is the realization which remains.
His dignity is torn into pieces.

The shivering bed of rocks followed the pattern,
of an unconquerable host.
The way towards death, dusty death.

The moment recedes into the past.
The present records the past.
He was one of us.
Apr 2019 · 224
An Ulcer.
I am close to comfort-
My lights shine.
I see the screen of words,
they seem to die, each minute.

What if the words are not sounds?
but a vision locked in my mind?
Silly questions.

I understand.
Time and more  Time
for days and works of hands.
Crescent bays, megapixels.

Feb 2019 · 227
Mira is like the color of dusk,
Life without rhythm is no life,
Today she is leaving,
The dark clouds would burst.


Mira is like my drawing book,
The pages are clad with steams of life,
She would be leaving, like a crying
I would pretend to sing a song.


Mira is my room of mirrors and signs,
Life without meaning is no life,
I'm born a weaver, My chance of birth-
My mind is like her heart, made of sticks.

Feb 2019 · 195
Here and There.
Hope is deaf.
Thought is blind.
Afternoons pass away,
Watching clouds.

A feeling is cold,
A maddening delight-
Syrupy evenings,
Watching eyes.

Two eyes, Two,
To the days before,
The Sun is old, kind,
But fraught with noise.

Cheer up, go along,
I don't care,
I never did wrong,
Silver nights.
Jan 2019 · 243
Amal was a friend of mine,
We were together at school-
He used to fly kites, And-
I used to stare at the sky like a fool.

Amal was a friend of mine,
We were two good friends,
He used to get the highest in Chemistry,
And teach me the relative velocity,
of trains.

I was a little slow in math,
Always had been the fool-
But Amal was a friend of mine,
And, we were together at school.

During Summer, the evenings were long-
We used to play cricket till our bodies glowed.
I was a spinner, like the soft dying cloud,
And, Amal was a friend of mine,
I used to get him out.

He first taught me that girls fall in love,
And watching **** was wrong,
As Amal was a friend of mine,
And the summer evenings were long.

We were together at school,
Amal was my friend,
Recently we are getting old,
And we don't talk about the velocity of trains.

He now keeps a goatee-
His soul demands for a job,
I start blaming the government-
While he makes me stop.

Amal was a friend of mine,
we don't meet like before,
He took a a train to go away,
And I don't understand velocity anymore.
Jan 2019 · 353
Jam pam
Dream Like an idiot,
Dance like a goat.
Deep like a wound,
The future's present ghost.
Jan 2019 · 204
Destiny, Good Morning.
When you would be dead,
There would be new flowers at your door,
Time would not stop, The soul would
stop begging.

No one would speak, Pity would bathe,
like troubled twin babies.

You would be dead, the message from lights,
stills from photos, so many things.
Dying Young, wrapped and covered, boxed,
and released.

You would be dying,
Like the slow soft treble of leaves,
at a summer's night. The Forests, The clouds,
The half eyed moon, would stop begging.

You would be dying, dying like the river,
traveling again in a realm of strange colors.

Where is the music of The sunsets? The glowing flowing-
The delicacy, The purple hazed yellow sky?

Trust me, someday you would die.
Time would stop, souls would stop begging-
wrapped, boxed, released.
Dec 2018 · 201
The world is a missing music box,
Where the voices are lost.
All spirits are dancing, in spaces, between-
Madness and laughter, A child's tale.

Narrate the stories and ingest the thoughts,
The world is a missing music box,
And You are not what you rather seem to be-
Your religion, Your place, Your position in between,
A lost truth and and a crooked meaning.
A child's tale.
Nov 2018 · 238
Glow Worms.
First as love, then as hate.
Burning coal in my hands, I understand.
First as a river flowing,
then as a dawn mist glowing.
I Cannot but think of you, our souls,
like lost little clones, swimming in a pond,
With dreams to fly, I am learning that I've pride.

First as a cold winter day, I love the
gift of light.
I understand that you hate the mode,
of fright. It is easy to float, like bubbles
of wine in my throat.
I am not trending as a goat, And you are loved,
Therefore we are dreaming to fly,
I am learning that I've gorged with delight.

O! Happy days, Happy Happy days.
There was an age of suns and glory,
And heroic similes.
Fortunes favor the brave, I have been dancing,
over the grave, the gravest of thoughts,  
As an ashcan, Like a patient on a table, etherized.

First as love, then as hate.
Burning coal in my hands, I understand.
Nov 2018 · 360
Haiku Sutra 007.
A body needs a soul.
The flower blooms at dawn.
The motion hides a force,
A jumbled overdose.
Aug 2018 · 311
"I am an addict.''

"What do you take?"

"Not ****** or marijuana.
Or even alcohol or acid."

" O that's awkward..."

"No I mean, I am addicted to Reality."

"As in?..."

"I expect. I dare to communicate."
Aug 2018 · 255
I do not comprehend you my love
You do not comprehend me.
  Distance grows, correspondences cease.  
  As a sunflower inhales the bars behind which,  
  Her brown bud blooms in the longing for the Sun.
I do not know you my love,
You do not know me.  
And winter like a cat emerges
in the shadows of the green.  
   Her eyes glow like emeralds  
     Made from frozen teardrops,
   brought by these cold words.  

I do not call for you my love,
you do not call for me

  While the waterfall dazzles
  in its own silvery glee  
    My metaphors fail to touch you,
  though this water  
    Flowing through my fingertips,
  reminds me the touch of your hair.
Aug 2018 · 775
A man must die.
Every evening at eight.
When he sips the coffee with,
Hot chocolate cake.

Whatever is begotten,
      Born and dies.

But A woman is not,
And I'll show you why.

A woman must be,
A picturesque deity,
Giving and taking all the
Evening in her.

The harmony, the health,
The warmest of thoughts.
A woman's a farmer
Every evening at eight.

Watching the steam,
And taking within,
The fetish of hate,
Every evening at eight.

Makes her a woman,
Who isn't born to be great.
But kind and mild,
And As timid as a cow.

A woman never dies,
For she is never loved.

Since she is born to witness
A death.
And, A man is a member of a community,
Of men.

Practising a composition,
To produce hatred.

   Every evening at eight,
With hot chocolate cake.
Aug 2018 · 978
What else can I write, when the evening sets in?
The wintry old road, whispers to my soul-
Gather round the fire, there are
Stories to be told.

What else can I think, if the sky shouldn't sing?
I think I am getting old,
Like the wintry old road.

Like pebbles and mud and water and rust,
There would be time for-
Rebirth and trust,
And hope, I guess...
    But, What else can I think when the evening sets in?
I  think I am old,
    Like an anthem for a sin.

The days and the places,
Are numbered my friend.
The grass, the green
The gorging delight...

All like a bubble might vanish one day-
And What else can I feel and write what may...

I must treat the night with care,
With love, with patience and
With delight if I dare.

Since the pain would recede to the grounds, you see-
   And What else can I think when I am contained to be free?

I wouldn't be proud, and deaf to the
Tones of gloom and of death,
   But what else can I write if the evening rejects?
Aug 2018 · 219
A pursuit.
I hate the rising sun,
The gift of light.
I hate waking up and watching
The limbs.

Time moves on tired feet.

And, I have watched and I found
A picture of a thought.

Since, we are never loved.
And, Therefore we are.
Jul 2018 · 369
I have eyes. Two eyes.
I have thoughts.
Thoughts, many thoughts.

I sleep, I repeat.
I begin to shine.

I add sweetness in my days.
Jul 2018 · 188
The sea had been mine,
The Sun was all yours.
The land had been lost,
Since all Time will fly.

How would you still then deny?

The growth is a law.
The choice was my slave,
The Time will all fly,
Since they try to be loved.

How do you manage to listen about...?

The courage was all yours,
The seas had been old,
Moved like a ghost,
With a powerful voice.

How do you still manage to rejoice without food?
How do you even think when the times are not good?

And all days are but told,
The numbers are alone-
The body was my slave,
My soul is my king.

How would you manage to ever possibly begin?

Since there would be leaves,
A released reverie,
We would be there-
Perhaps a witness to this game?

How would you then manage to whisper your claims?

And all Time will all fly,
Like I said they would do-
There would be Time yet for more...
And you would look at the gates.

Would you still play this game of a battle between states?

Too Dearly, it'll be gone.
Casually alone.
Jun 2018 · 409
The body is my slave,
My soul is my king.
My mind is my labor,
I think I am existing.

The words are my speech,
I express pleasure and pain,
I am an animal to be tamed,
At the beginning of dawn.

The whitest night glows,
The foundation mellows,
Like light.

The principles of partnership,
softens the fright, of life.

The conditions are given,
I harbor my axe,
I breathe to produce,
I exhale to relax.

The whitest night glows,
The foundation mellows,
Like light.
Jun 2018 · 211
Where all things were out of bounds,
There resided a king of clowns,
He sang and danced and leaped in mirth,
He moved along the lines of hate.

Where all things were out of bounds,
There resided a king of clowns.

The pranks of hate and love resolved,
The pawns and workers were there to ride,
The canvas of winged and fried consciousness,
A deference to capabilities, to ignore.

But there's a little place,
where Beulah sleeps,
Dances and leaps in Sunshine and rain,
Pure as a concept and whole as a grain,
There are such things but without a strain.

Where all things were out of sight,
There resided a mode of fright.
They sang and danced and gorged with pride,
There resided a frame-less light.

But there's a little place,
where desires are kept,
Prances and plunges in a Pinkish Paradise,
Pure as a conceit and whole as a root,
These are all things that the king had to loot.

But The pawns and workers were there to ride,
The canvas of winged and fried delight,
A deference to a foundation, to demystify,
Where all things were alibis?

Of Mice and Men and an out of bounds,
There resided a king of clowns,
The pawns and workers were there to ride,
The mode of fright from out of sight!
Jun 2018 · 195
The Cutest Knitting.
Fantastical ******, I give you shape.
I shake my single state of man,
that function now, is smothered in surmise.

All Blood, reeking wounds and I'm
bathing more in red.

Fantastical ******, you I see,
are withering on the ****** thorn,
I gave you lease, a proper pride,
a vault to brag of,
This wine of life is drawn,
and a pleasure do I seek.


Morning, O-******, Withered ******,
Time elapses in units and,
what fools these mortals be!

These imaginations has now given forth,
to such bleeding forces of-
an Ecstasy.

That I run behind curtains and cadence,
To witness a grinding gorilla,
gorging in glimmering blood.

I dream to see a translated thought-
as If, ****** is reincarnated as meaning,
As truly ambiguous- like trails of secrets.

Such Islets?
May 2018 · 174
I have understood understanding yesterday,
It was as ambiguous as ambiguity can be,
A box should have been opened to sequence this phrase,
I understood that understanding is difficult to relegate.

I thought that maybe thinking should have been better,
It was as imperfect as any perfection can be,
The forest of glass was like a mirror burning bright,
I was hoping again to think again, alright?

And the sausage of chicken was too meaty and fried,
I was ready to digest my chimed and beaten body ghost-
I have understood to develop my thoughts yesterday,
It was as meaningless as all meaning must aid.

I explained the process to my friend who explained some in return,
I was hoping I might think a bit alright,
But it was Summer and we had no leisure at all,
He went back to work as all meanings must go.

I was tired for the day, thus I came back home,
There were things that I actually had to complete,
I understood of things of being at primes,
I was merely seeking a knowledge to understand these lines.

The curtains were pulled, The sun went home,
The bombs were fired, the birds were alone,
I was afraid and so was my friend,
I was thinking to understand ambiguity again.
May 2018 · 342
Three Mistakes.
The wind had a name,
History for an age.
An attempt to be red,
A singing liquid overflows.

The flowers were all bricks,
And, all petals were like stones,
The pride of ecstasy-
Jumped on the ashes of time.

The memory of reason is dead,
The liver can turn milk into wine,
The seriousness of a conception is a lie,
A butter is nothing but disdain.

The neglect of mobility is fresh,
A team spirit, no more, no less.

The concern for such a-
stupidity is predicted to burn,
A method, as good as this,
can a turn a word into a gun.

An obtuse flash---------
Mar 2018 · 333
A Constitution.
Life is pretty short.

It is a crime to solve this amorphous riddle.

The dear, dear sun-
moves like an aged old ghost,
jovially, with histories and stories on its hunchback.

Feeble teeny lights of flying dreams,
drift over the cities of civilization of roots and roses,
like a thick sloppy smoke.

Life is pretty short,

intricately designed to wipe out-
all the songs of sparrows and nightingales,
and nothing else can be exciting after death.

Or is it the saliva of some slimy poison-
which inducts the motif of grief,
and a body without a mind,
or a hope beyond a trace?

You see,
it is just about a day or a night,
the dawn or the dusk,
a winter or a spring.

And somehow,
In this grand play of time,
Life is what ebbs away,
Only desires and a fountain of a foundation...

And I therefore, may ask-
O Me? O Life-
what Good amid these?

Since you see,
These walls were unusually dry,
They slept like milk, on Saturdays.

And, life is pretty short,
It is an industry of cowards,
manufacturing vision.
Mar 2018 · 296
Again A Day, and Again a Night,
Dawn And Dusk, A winter A spring-

In the Play of Time, Life ebbs Away...

Only Desires Remain.
Mar 2018 · 162
The Youth Parliament.
The head which today proudly flaunts a crown,
Will tomorrow, right here, in lamentation drown.
Mar 2018 · 180
The Tall Girl.
I love a tall girl.

When she sits on my knee,
She with nothing on,
And I with nothing on-
I can just take her ****** in my lips-
And stroke it with my tongue...

She is my pretty princess,
my ***** sober *****,
When She begs for mercy-
There I scream for more.

I love a tall girl.
Who traverse through my skin,
Gets me dripping wet,
until I soak the pleasant sheets.

The mind's wandering eye,
inflamed by the promise,
desires the inevitable.

The scale of rationale tipped beyond reason,
overflows in an endless ecstasy.

She is my pretty wanting,
my ***** sober thighs,
When She begs for mercy-
There I scream for fights!
Mar 2018 · 200
The Policies.
Is it true that you can stab your memories, thrice-
to rescue the ashen laden priorities,
of all fueled desires?

Is it hard to understand that the motion of an extension
point towards a dot?
An Eternal bathing, under the shower of a movement.

Some flimsy verses stringed and sung-
With feigning voices for a black body moon?

There and here,
A universe cannot be constructed, For...
Death is pardoned-
As the land is never tilled for bread and belongings,
But for death, itself!

But true to that,
The splendor of birth is conserved within time-
Reason, Romance and Vigor,
lacks the pace to forfeit the game.

Give tending, to the decorations of all sorrow,
A False face must hide form all defining tomorrows.

A false heart-
knows how to be a serpent underneath,
Thus, They apply this motion to the process of-
an extensive defeat!
Mar 2018 · 224
Uncertain Conclusions.
"The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind.
The answer is blowing in the wind."

-- ****? You mean?
Feb 2018 · 412
Toil And Trouble.
Magic is my name, I can play some pranks,
Fearing is my fright, I can cheat my self.
Shining shimmering trees, I can feel the breeze.
Cloudy sunny rays, fills my shelf of souls.

Who but you? But I can cause the move of games,
Who but they? But they would dance in antic hays,
And I would do, what is true, and what else does a pinky promise need?
Joyful truth and a sweet melody?

Now, The time is ripe for breakfast now,
I would cut all ropes in four, or eight-
Chime and chew and spit some soy,
Gaslight anthems on abroad!

Fish fish fish fish, fish-fishy dreams,
Black, pepper garlic doomed dark nights,
Magical magazines and meatballs,
Think of offbeat opposite kicks.

Lock and trick your fearing doubts,
Double your strokes of sightless strings,
Harp your body and spring your files,
Bark at zips of melancholies!
Feb 2018 · 614
We'll begin with a box, the plural is boxes.
But the plural of ox is oxen, not oxes!
One fowl is a goose, and two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose is never called meese.

You may find a lone mouse, or a house full of mice-
But the plural of house is houses, not hice!
The plural of man is always men,
But the plural of pan is never pen-

If I speak of a foot and you show me two feet,
And I give you a book, would a pair be a beek?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
Why shouldn't two booths be called beeth?

If the singular's this and the plural is these-
Should the plural of kiss be ever called keese?

We speak of a brother and also of brethren-
But though we say mother, we never say methren;
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his, and him-
Now imagine the feminine- She- Shis and-Shim>

~ Anonymous.
Jan 2018 · 458
I scream to have *** with time,
A morning brings a contradiction in terms,
In between the other and all forces of allusive virtues,
The style awaits for an arrogance to bloom!
Jan 2018 · 604
A sweaty toothed madman, looks into my eyes-
With hunger, power, pride, and thirst,
insolence and disguise.

The sweaty toothed madman, begins to bite my nails,
With bloated bulgy human nature,
Expecting a recurrence.

A mighty mixture of anger, base and immobile,
The ring of magic, a realm of life,
Churns the paste of light.

Not so much on a wintry night, I expect so much more,
The sweaty toothed madman, wears a coat of holes.

He looks upon an eternity, the landscape of all parodies,
For I couldn't sing a melody to feather a community.
Jan 2018 · 276
Where is the center of the sea?
Why do waves never go there?

Is it true that sadness is thick
and melancholy thin?

Are you a bird or a fish
in those nets of moonlight?

Are you the reason?
That a man might question?

And, like a train,

-you lost the motif of time.

Why don't they train helicopters
to **** honey from sunlight?

Where did the full moon leave
its sack of flour tonight?

Tell me, is the rose naked
or is that her only dress?

Why do men conceal
the splendor of death,
in their graves?

I know not how-
the smoke of a ******,
talk with those clouds,

But Such desires-
must be watered with dew!

The windows must be open,
To watch buried time.

Isn't the smell of gravity,
made of both iron and peace?
Jan 2018 · 188
Enter Hamlet.

   O ****-
                 Exit Hamlet.
Dec 2017 · 331
The Travelogue.
Your hair is short,
And, You've beautiful eyes.
I am a lonely street,
Listening to the evening wind.

But, The wind would come to
spoil the moon,
And, I would fit in this noisy truth.

A natural flower being too dead,
to mock the
sleeping sequence of-
a buzzing hope.

The scraggy anger would get absorbed,
like salty waters among the gravels,
deep below, and all down below,
The foam of disguise.

But I would rise again, to make it sure,
The Eclipsed Moon,
to eat your Rose,
And I would toil my Greeky hands,
All hunger, but an image fails.

And, I would capture an orange light-
For, I would burn my fear with an asymmetrical fright.
And, I would intoxicate the absence of all links,
upon the suspended mechanics of all-
suspicious inklings.
Dec 2017 · 206
Hide And Seek.
Mangoes are sweet, a fire is too hot,
Flowers are nice, a raining device.

Two eyes are as cold, as tales too thick,
To be told.

And shotguns are quick, like an aged old memory of rings.

A sickening joy, and all colors of a toy,
She's Counting the breeze, as my curtains release,
the breath.

And a history, who hosted, the castle of prunes,
Sang to the tune, of all spirited debates,
Now, Fritters like a meek and mildly innate,

But, Partly, in parts, of all particles, in flux, starts along with statute of laws,
Of loss, and all locks-
As, Innate.
Dec 2017 · 193
Your life is ending one minute,
At a time.
So, Beware!
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