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My Thoughts are so heavy-
too heavy for real sleep to take me-
thoughts boggled-
trapped without rest.
I try to sleep,
but can't seem to achieve it.
I lay awake-
I think I fall asleep,
distracted by the radio,
but then that hour is up
and my thoughts over take me.
And yet, once again;
or still yet, I lay there-
thoughts, dreams, hopes, and fears-
all dancing, with angels
in my head.
always there; constant thoughts.
need time to shut down-
always feelings trapped
by lack of sleep-
Wanting to be alive again.
needing to feel a part
of something whole.
too many thoughts-
not enough sleep.
missing a piece-
can't find it?
am I whole?
or torn apart?
is it in my dreams?
or do I have to yet find you?
are you lost in my thoughts?
trapped by dreams?
longing to be set free?
feeling empty inside-
thoughts over take my sanity-
always feeling lost-
where do I truely belong?
do I have a 'belonging place'
for me?
show me, in my dreams-
the key is misplaced?
or in someones' dreams?
hey come to me, in my dreams-
I will hold you; if only for a while-
but only til I awaken
by thoughts-
too many thoughts;
where is my place?


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Man and woman,
two becoming as one...
Their prayers were answered,
their search was done...

Kneeling down on one knee,
right there in the sand...
He asked her to marry him,
as he held her by the hand...
It seemed to him, as if,
time stood still...
He waited for her answer,
of coarse, she said I will...

Man and woman,
two becoming as one...
Their prayers were answered,
their search was done...
Man and woman,
two becoming as one...
Their prayers were answered,
their search was done...

As he looked up to her,
they both knew this feeling...
This passionate love,
their hearts had been stealing...
She had never known,
her love could feel this strong...
She hadn't felt something like this,
if ever, in so long...

Man and woman,
two becoming as one...
Their prayers were answered,
their search was done...

His heart so full of love for her,
so pure and true...
It must have been sent from the Heaven's above,
so bright and blue...
One sunny day,
he took her as his wife...
They turned into the crowd smiling,
knowing this is the best day of their life...

Man and woman,
two becoming as one...
Their prayers were answered,
their search was done...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
In the past-
I thought my dreams were coming true,
but every time-
I was let down once again...
I had just about gave up
on meeting my one true someone special-
until I'd met you...
As we were becoming friends,
I decided I'd give it
just one more chance-
You've been giving me all my once upon a time
and happily ever after dreams, wants, and hopes back...
One's I had thought
weren't meant for me...
Nights alone-
I use to lay in bed,
daydreaming away-
of how I'd want my life to be;
but I'd always see myself lost and lonely-
until I'd met you...
Now I see you by my side...
As I look back- I know each lonely tear, each lost hope,
each empty heartache, and each shattered dream-
had to happen-
until I'd met you...
I'd never thought I'd meet
someone who could capture my heart,
I'd never thought I'd be
swept off my feet,
I'd never thought I'd fall
so in love like this,
I'd never thought I'd find
something this special-
Until I'd met you...
Even with all the hurts I've been through
and caused over the years-
I never could quite
let go of my childhood dreams-
I always knew there had to be
my one true someone special
waiting and searching for me...
But I didn't know it,
until I'd met you...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
It seems to me
there isn't a
right or wrong time
for when two people
fall in love...
Or a rule guide as to how many times
one can actually
fall in love...
I'm in love
with this special man I know-
He tells me he loves me
and cares for me, too,
but his timing
isn't quite right
for the two of us
to be together-
So I'm going to hold on
to what we share and
Wait Til It's My Time
to be, for always,
as his!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Oh Baby, was I ever wrong,
to think I was over you...
I thought I had you
out of my system...
I thought it wouldn't
make my heart skip a beat,
to see you once again...
I thought I had let you go...

Oh Baby, was I ever wrong...
I should have had a clue
I wasn't over you...
I thought I would be just fine,
not havin' you as mine...
I didn't realize all I had missed...

I thought I wouldn't
want to hold you anymore...
I thought I wouldn't
want to kiss you again...
I couldn't stop listenin' to you...
I thought I could go back to
bein' just friends...

Oh Baby, was I ever wrong...
I should have had a clue
I wasn't over you...
I thought I would be just fine,
not havin' you as mine...
I didn't realize all I had missed...

I thought I was over you-
but then, I seen you...
Oh Baby, you don't know what it did to my heart...
I couldn't keep my eyes off you...
I couldn't stop rememberin' how
it felt to be in your arms...
I couldn't stop thinkin' of
wantin' to taste your kiss...
You looked so good
just standin' there...

As I walked up to you,
I almost lost my nerve-
with everyone bein' there...
All of a sudden,
it didn't matter to me
what they thought or what they'd say...
All that mattered, then and there,
in that moment-
was seein' you up close...

Oh, the willpower it took, to not want to
pull you in my arms...
Oh, the strength it took, to not want to
kiss you ******* the lips...

Oh Baby, the desire- I felt buildin' in me...
Oh Baby, the passion- I felt consumin' me...
Oh Baby, the urgency- I felt over-takin' me...
And I had thought,
I was over you...

Oh Baby, was I ever wrong...
I should have had a clue
I wasn't over you...
I thought I would be just fine,
not havin' you as mine...
I didn't realize all I had missed...
Oh Baby, I didn't realize all I had missed...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
What else could I do,
but to fall in love with you!
Even though, it is new,
my love is true!

When we first met in May
I tried to hold my love- at bay.
You soon- stole my heart away.
Already... I'm wanting you to stay!

I kept you near
whenever you were here!
This spring, will be a year.
This love of ours; I sometimes fear.

Never tell me what I feel is wrong!
I haven't felt this strong
in so long!
I wanna hear our love song-


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I've been wantin' it so much-
When and if,
it's meant for me...
it'll find me!

Until then; I'm gonna
hide my heart...
too much achin' and wantin',
tired of hurtin'-
close my eyes...
too much dreamin' and hopin',
tired of lookin'-
stop my searchin'...
too much fallin' and missin',
tired of losin'-
shut my doors...
too much wishin' and wonderin',
tired of driftin'-

I'll leave a 'window of hope' open,
just incase;
when and if,
Somebody is out there
somewhere waitin'
for someone like me...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
When you first
caressed my back,
it sent tingles down my spine...
When you first
took me in your arms,
my heart skipped a beat...
When you first
kissed me,
the pool of desire was over-flowing...
When you first
said I love you,
my heart swelled with happiness...
When you first
took me as yours,
I knew you were the one for me...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Why Can't I Just
stop lovin' you...
I've fallen too hard!
Why Can't I Just
let you go...
I'm holdin' on too tight!
Why Can't I Just
set you free...
I'm hidin' the magical key!
Why Can't I Just
tell my heart no...
It's not listenin' to me!
Why Can't I Just
turn it all off...
I wasn't made with a switch!
Why Can't I Just
stop all these dreams...
I'm still awake!
Why Can't I Just
come to my senses...
I'm not ready to!
Why Can't I Just
see the truth...
Sometimes, love is blind!
Why Can't I Just
close my eyes and walk away...
I can't give up yet!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I could have laid there
and spent...
that moment
this forever-
Within Your Arms!
A leap of faith,
A leap of hope,
A leap into pure contentment,
and a leap into your waiting embrace-
I wanted to jump in
with both feet-
I didn't want to let this
chance pass me by-
Caught up
in the heat of passion
and the moment of time;
the moment lasting
through the evening!
If I would have been
on the highest of all mountains-
I don't think it could have began
to compare to the high
you took me into
Within Your Arms!
Am I just going insane,
or are you just
as crazy as I?
I wanna know
were you feeling
that moment
this forever, too...
I hope it isn't too soon
or completely wrong
for me to say
I could have laid there
and spent...
that moment
this forever-
Within Your Arms!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Your Friendship
means a lot to me...
hearing your voice,
hearing your smile,
whitens my gloominess-
seeing your face,
seeing your smile,
brightens my emptiness-
feeling your hugs,
feeling your smile,
lightens my loneliness-
Your Friendship
means a lot to me!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You're 'that' child-within...
I wanna play with!
You're 'that' smile...
I wanna see!
You're 'that' laughter...
I Wanna hear!
You're 'that' voice...
I wanna listen to!
You're 'that' conversation...
I wanna talk!
You're 'that' hand...
I wanna hold!
You're 'that' arm...
I wanna be snuggling against!
You're 'that' scent...
I wanna breathe!
You're 'that' face...
I wanna caress!
You're 'that' hug...
I wanna fall into!
You're 'that' kiss...
I wanna taste!
You're 'that' neck...
I wanna bite!
You're 'that' body...
I wanna feel!
You're 'that' walk...
I wanna stroll!
You're 'that' dream...
I wanna dream up!
You're 'that' wish...
I wanna wish for!
You're 'that' poem...
I wanna write!
You're 'that' story...
I wanna be telling!
You're 'that' someone...
I wanna be his somebody!
You're 'that' heart...
I wanna make mine!
You're 'that' man...
I wanna be beside!
You're 'that' love...
I wanna be in!
You're 'that' never...
I wanna make it last forever!
You're 'that' for always...
I wanna have!

You're 'That' To Me!
And so much more...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You're the more, I'm loving!
You're the more, I'm needing!
I'm remembering how it felt
for you to hold me,
in my dreams...
the warmth of your embrace-
the endless love that you gave me-
the never-ending strength you shared-
the longing to belong as yours-
You're the more, I'm desiring...
You're the more, I'm wanting...
I'm remembering how it felt
for you to kiss me,
in my dreams...
the hunger of our need-
the continuous passion-
the taste of desire-
the want you brought out in me-
You're the more, I've been searching for!
You're the more, I've been waiting for!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You're the more, I'm loving!
You're the more, I'm needing!
I'm remembering how it felt
for you to hold me,
in my dreams...
the warmth of your embrace-
the endless love that you gave me-
the never-ending strength you shared-
the longing to belong as yours-
You're the more, I'm desiring...
You're the more, I'm wanting...
I'm remembering how it felt
for you to kiss me,
in my dreams...
the hunger of our need-
the continuous passion-
the taste of desire-
the want you brought out in me-
You're the more, I've been searching for!
You're the more, I've been waiting for!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
Oh , to have you tell me you love me,
I just feel so complete...
The ways you have always expressed
your love for me, just amazes me...
Even when I wasn't quite sure
of how I was yet, feeling for you,
you hung onto your growing love for me...
And now look where that has taken us...
We're wanting to be together, for always...
Oh, the love and friendship, we will always share...
I'm falling, so deeply, in love with you!!!
I desperately want to meet you, fall into your arms,
feel your lips upon mine, be wrapped in your arms,
for always, and never let me go....
I want to be by your side...
I have dreams, wants, desires, needs, and hopes
of our life together, too…
I want to look into your eyes, and know I'm with My Soulmate~
I want us to feel as if we can express
our new-growing love, for one another, openly...
I want to breeze over the land with you
in a hot-air balloon one day, just for two...
draw our names in sand....
climb a tree...
take a walk with you in the rain...
kiss you in the full sunshine...
make love to you outside- during a thunderstorm...
walk through a forest with you...
run through a field of daisy's...
stroll through a rose garden,
stopping to smell each and every rose...
hold your hand as we grow old together...
and all this with you by my side!!!
My arms ache to hold you;
your chest against my , full body to body, toe to toe....
I already feel so close to you,
but I want you to physically hold me in your arms,
feel your ****** hair tickle my cheek,
run my hand through the back of your hair
and pull you even yet closer to me,
as we devour each and every kiss we experience…
I believe, too, that I've never
truly had one in my heart... As I do now with you!!!
I can't remember ever feeling this
complete of a bond with someone...
I'm glad I have been able to make you smile,
bring you happiness, warm your heart with my love,
create a stir within your tummy of desire...
I want to see how much our love blooms,
and blossoms, throughout the rest of our lives together...
And grows into such a deep bonding love,
that we'll never part...
I'm so filled with happiness knowing how much you love me,
want me, need me, care for me...
You truly are the love of my life...
My Prince Charming, My Knight in Shining Armor,
The One who has captured my heart,
My Prince who will take me off to our castle
where we'll live for always,
just as in the fairy tales, but with us,
Baby, this is real life dreams of mine...
I wait for the day, I can become your wife...


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I don't know how I can
go another day
not knowing
if I'll be
Your Someone
in your tomorrows!
I don't know how I can
go another day
not knowing
just what and who
I am to you!
I don't know if I can
go another day
just being
Your Sometimes Somoene Other!
Especially when I have
so many dreams
of being
Your Only Someone,
Your Day and Night Someone,
Your Someone beyond tomorrow,
Your Someone to hold
and cuddle through the night,
Your Someone
you can count on
through the tears,
Your Someone
you'd be coming home to!
I know right now
there is no way I could be-
I also know right now
you can't or couldn't even begin
to offer me as such-
I just need to know if
what we have together
is something
you'd want in your tomorrows!
If I'm someone
you'd want as
Your Someone!
I'm not demanding
for your forever;
I'm only asking
for your
for always!


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
You've always been
my dream...
but too young,
still just a boy-
in the beginning;
so I'll just
tuck you

You've always been
my dream...
but I was
so I kinda
let the dream
of you and I

You've always been
my dream...
but now
a dream already
so I'll just
dream up another


COPYRIGHT; Sabrina Denise Healey,
I didn't think,
after so many times
of having my heart broken,
I'd possibly be
feeling anything close
to this again...
Since meeting you-
my shield has melted away...
You've Got A Hold On My Heart!
I don't fully know
what it is yet
that I'm feeling for you...
but I know
it's gotta be
'something special'...
It's so much more
than what I can control...
You've Got A Hold On My Heart!
I'm not going to
fight it...
This feeling is more than
I remember having before...
It's seems like it
had always been a
losing battle anyhow...
But this time;
I'm in- for a WIN!
You've Got A Hold On My Heart!!


Copyright; Sabrina Denise Healey,

— The End —