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Andy Hunter Dec 2021
I've really enjoyed our evening
Think we drank too much wine
I would love to share our secrets,
If we only had more time”.

He asks, “must this be goodnight
Are you happy on your own?
Why go our separate ways tonight
We've spent too much time alone”

I feel the same, there's fire in his eyes
I need his flame, I guess he realised
So, to spark our new union
And ignite our inner fires
We decide to share our dreams
And explore our deep desires

Now my eyes are open
And I can finally see
He’s released my emotion
And cast a spell on me
Both fired with excitement
We extinguish our fears
But flames of desire will not disappear

Many years later
And I am still spellbound
He is my one true love
Whose turned my life around
We have created new memories.
Both shared our hopes and dreams
True happiness is simply contentment
The joy of life it seems
Andy Hunter Dec 2021
She's kissing mirrors and plucking hairs.
Wants to be with someone who cares.
She's running late - puts on a spurt.
She brushes her hair, slips on her new skirt.

She's hoping to meet a new someone.
Who won't just break her heart for fun.
She needs a friend, not just a flirt.
To end her loneliness and past hurt.

Is she too early or is he late?
With trepidation she sits and waits.
And plays it cool, it's just a game.
Thinks nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Now staring through an empty glass.
Her solitude is about to pass.
He calls her name, looks into her eyes.
They share their stories and realise.

They make the same journey every day.
Both strangers heading a different way.
Together they sit and share their wine.
He makes her laugh - it's been a long time.
Andy Hunter Dec 2021
Well old friend the time has come
Is this by choice or by shotgun
You said for you she is the one
You can’t back out the deed is done

Like the proverbial sitting duck
Love hits you like a ten-ton truck
We sincerely wish you lots of luck
At least tonight you’re guaranteed a good time

We’ve known you since we were at school
And you’re the one who played it cool
But now you’ve got a chain and ball
I guess it happens to us all

Try not to commit the ultimate crime
By not arriving home on time
Expect it all to work out fine
With flowers, chocs, and a bottle of wine

All she’ll do is expect the worst
Your good intentions are now cursed
She’ll ask why you didn’t text or phone
You’ll end up on the couch alone

To achieve a long and happy marriage
You’re the horse – she’s the carriage
She’s in charge but you’re in control
Just take her where she wants to go

Now you’ve said the words “I do”
What’s yours is hers – what’s hers is too
Steer clear of trouble, avoid the strife
We wish you both a happy life
Andy Hunter Dec 2021
Must always be seen – forever on show
You often say yes – when you really mean no
You’ve got an ego the size of a whale
Your act is fake – the rhetoric’s stale

Don’t need the truth – why tell the lies
Whatever you say – it’s no surprise
Sweet smell of success for you is rancid
The question “what if” remains unanswered

You say it’s OK – but I read your eyes
Deep down inside you try to disguise
So, you laugh and bite – paint on a face
And leave no room for thinking space

The simulated mock demise
Of all those feelings you despise
Why spin a line in platitudes
When all you need is attitude

Give them attitude, make it sell
Summon all to share your hell
Remove the mask and give a yell
It’ time to leave your padded cell

Just be yourself – don’t try and fake it
Who knows, one day you could just make it?
Why fight to lose? – you may just win
True self belief is not a sin
Andy Hunter Dec 2021
Bought this old boat, had nothing to lose
And proudly set off on my maiden cruise.
But my mobile signal started to fail.
Shortly after I began to set sail.

Then the crying sun whispers to a cloud
And the north wind hears and howls out loud
"We'll make them wish they'd never been born"
"Let's stir things up and cause a storm"

Salt spray stings my eyes, as the wind grips my soul
So, I look for shelter below in the hull.
Soaked battered and bruised I hope things get better
This tub wasn’t built for stormy weather.

I knew this was a crazy thought
Now wishing I was back in port.
This beat up old boat is beginning to creak
And the storm's now almost at its peak.

Praying and hoping I'll somehow survive,
The turmoil’s now passing, and I'm still alive.
My hand grips the tiller as I head for home,
I think, never again will I sail alone.
Andy Hunter Dec 2021
In a darkened room deep in the crowd
A familiar tune, the music’s loud
Spotlights dance around the stage
With knowing glance, I turn the page

I see her and she’s dressed in black
Not in person – in paperback
Will she pose for me tonight?
I hold my breath, follow the light

Through the haze all I can see
Are models strutting purposefully.
Then I spot her walking proud
The clothes she wears delight the crowds

Her sultry eyes and jet-black hair
All I can do is sit and stare
If I can get my timing right
Who knows, she could be mine tonight?

Out of reach, a designer’s dream
She is a peach, the catwalk queen
We all desire but cannot touch
My hearts on fire she means so much

Her picture in the magazines
Leaps from the page into my dreams
Maybe one day she’ll be mine
Then we can leave this pantomime.
Andy Hunter Dec 2021
Unable to stand up to their self-righteous accusers
Who often become their torturers and abusers?
They feel demoralised so blame themselves
And will never seek or ask for help

Always told they’re in the wrong
They’re forced to believe they don’t belong
With no more self-respect or hope
They feel they’ve reached the end of the rope

Self-preservation is their only escape
No longer wanting to communicate
Now riddled with fear, guilt, and self-doubt
For them there is no easy way out

To avoid the gaze of people they know
They hide away and try to lie low
With no-one to tell and nowhere to hide
They try not to think of suicide

Eventually alone, living on the street
Frightened, tired, and dead on their feet
People walk by, while others just stare
But the victim’s too weak and hungry to care

Others just try to move them on
They look unsightly so want them gone
Morons set out to offend them for fun
By attacking them and calling them ****

They accept the crap that’s thrown their way
Just trying to make it through another long day
Being cold and homeless was never their crime
They were just in a bad place at the wrong time
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