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Aug 2023 · 152
last night
Andie Lately Aug 2023
we sat next to each other
anxiety high

                                     hands almost close

smiles exchanged
little glances here and there

                                                          there for another
                                                          to celebrate
                                                          drinks, food
                                                          tables abuzz

                         but i couldn't take you from my gaze

your brown eyes
your gentle smile
the way you held your hands
               close to your chest

                                       the drive home
i kindly asked you to
                                            "i suppose"
was enough for me

the lights of the town blurred
as we reminisced
passing cars as we stopped for gas
laughs as we indulged in candy and ice cream

didnt anticipate to be home soon
we sat in the car for what seemed like hours
i was happy to just be there
with you in silence

last night
i wish i would have said more
"i suppose"
was enough for me
Nov 2022 · 186
You Gave My Heart A Home
Andie Lately Nov 2022
I thought myself in limbo
Until you gave my heart a home
Shelter from wandering in the rain
The fire you provided
Warmth, comfort
The smile you shared, inviting
The love you whispered
May 2020 · 178
Adore You
Andie Lately May 2020
A laugh
The minute you struck up a conversation
A shy kiss
Till the minute it ended
I adored you

Time passed by
Having spent my youth
On memories
I still adore

The waves lapping
The gulls crying
A false memory
I adored when you suggested a faux rendezvous

Neon lights, sugary kisses
The late night heat sweltering
A false memory
I adored when I pretended you were there
Seaside with me

In the present
But still the same
The same old stir in my heart
That made me adore you

For when your heart is full
With someone else's love
I will still
Adore you
With tender eyes
And a soft smile
Jan 2015 · 886
Love With You
Andie Lately Jan 2015
It scares me
Because I have grown accustomed to your manners
The way you talk
How you break into a big grin
When your passion heats up
It scares me
Because you tell me good morning
And good night
And breaking out of that habit would **** me
I scare myself
Because I keep falling in love with you
Day after day, night after night
Apr 2014 · 701
Don't Become A Writer
Andie Lately Apr 2014
Don’t become a writer
You will write down how their eyes twinkled
Or the way they said your name
You will describe how their touch felt upon your bare skin
You will write down the details of your first kiss
How the sky was painted pink and purple
How the wind danced through trees
How the world faded from view
Don’t become a writer
Because their memory will live on through words you write
And when they’re gone
They’re still telling you how to write
Apr 2014 · 529
This Way
Andie Lately Apr 2014
I could wrap you in my arms
I could whisper sweet nothings
I could love you gently
If you promise to stay

The kisses you leave
On my bare skin
Make me fall to my knees

The glimmer in your eye
When you say my name
Sends a shiver down my spine

I could love you from far away
I could smile with you near
If you promised to stay
I could love you this way
Mar 2014 · 776
That Kind of Day
Andie Lately Mar 2014
Your name refuses to leave my head
It is bittersweet on my tongue
I sigh your name all night long
Your laugh still lingers in my dream
Your smile makes my heart flutter
Your kindness makes me weep
Your love warms me
The way you say my name
Makes me stumble
No one says it like you do
It has been that kind of day
Where you haunt me
From far away
Jan 2014 · 619
What Would You Say
Andie Lately Jan 2014
What would you say
if you caught sight of me
What would you say
to long hair that refuses to be cropped
to the protruding belly
and a weak smile
I hope you could say
"I miss you" or "hi"
What would you say
when you caught wind of me
afraid and scared to move on
yet hesitant to embrace you
What would you say
if I told you
Jan 2014 · 590
Let It Be One Day
Andie Lately Jan 2014
One day
You will someone to hold you in a tight hug
Their embrace
Will make you smile and laugh
On a cold winter day
They will wrap their jacket around you
And when summertime comes around
Someone will push you into the water
You will get mad
Until they jump in with you
When Valentine's Day comes
And you dreaded it with fear
Someone will have dinner ready
And your favorite candy
And when holidays are here
You can take them home to meet your family
And watch them embarrass you
One day
This will happen to you
And when that happens
Let it be
Nov 2013 · 3.3k
Run Away
Andie Lately Nov 2013
Everything leads back to you
No matter which path I take
I always find you
When I'm not looking
In time
I will surely find my escape
And run away
Oct 2013 · 3.2k
My Life Is An Indie Movie
Andie Lately Oct 2013
I like to sit down and watch indie films
Just to see how others view someone like me
The star that tends to be a loner
But eventually comes out of their shell
Due to love and support from people around them
I realise now that
I came out of my shell
A long time ago
With a wild woman at my side
A best friend who is quiet but strong
The attention seekers who have a lot of love to give
The wallflowers that are too shy to speak up
I knew them all
I was the star of my movie
I may not have a love interest at this point of the film
Or even in the end
But it is nice
My life is an indie film
Oct 2013 · 725
Andie Lately Oct 2013
I met a dumb boy a year ago today
And it feels me with memories that are bad and good
It is now that I find myself alone
With anger and sadness and bittersweet happiness
Because a lot can change in a short amount of time
You can lose track of the other
And not bother to call or text or leave a message
You can hope that one day
He will appear at your door
But he won't
You will find no one knocking
Because he did not come
The three knocks were in your head
The sound of him was your imagination
I listened to the revival of a holy ghost
Imagining you dancing around
Silly now, how I love the folk sound
Because you loved it
There was no we
It was only you and I
We dance alone
I met a boy a year ago today
And he left a long time ago
Sep 2013 · 631
Origin of a Happy Heart
Andie Lately Sep 2013
I forgot how to smile
The joyous feeling lost
Beneath time
I have been numb for so long
It is strange to make my heart happy
The laugh heard now
Is not the one you heard then
The smile you saw
Is not the same today
Nearly a year has passed
The origin of love is no longer relevant
I am finding objects in life to fill the void
Nothing has worked so far
Letters from the past should be burned
But I refuse
I was happy then
I will be happy again
Even if you will not make me happy again
Aug 2013 · 778
Love Me Gentle
Andie Lately Aug 2013
Love me gentle
Be careful of what you say
Love me delicately
I break easily
Whisper innocently
All through the night
Keep close
As long as you can
Love me
Aug 2013 · 491
Dance In The Shadows
Andie Lately Aug 2013
I am dancing in the shadows
Weak smile, weak knees
I bump into a stranger
How much longer do I dance?
When blood pools around my foot?
When my ankle finally gives in?
When the music stops playing?

The lights dim
The energy pulses
The music vibrates
The crowd blurs
I dance in the shadows of strangers
Moving in rhythm to seem normal

I want to give up
Jul 2013 · 527
Feel Like I Do
Andie Lately Jul 2013
I am looking for someone I quite do not know
I walk past a million faces
And stare into each one
I am looking for someone to enjoy silence with
The days go by, night skies are companions of mine
Still standing around the busy street
Watching a stranger carry on
No one has captured me
I walk the busy road
Standing still for a moment
To see if someone feels like I do
Jul 2013 · 766
Winter Days
Andie Lately Jul 2013
Nostalgic for winter days
The chic look of a well dressed man
The coldness that made one long for a hot coffee
The dreary birthday
Where the prized gift
Was a winter scarf
To keep the neck you loved to kiss warm
Jul 2013 · 737
Summertime Sadness
Andie Lately Jul 2013
A wallflower
Hears the cries of others
Responds accordingly
An act he knows how to play

And when he gets home
He fills the wine glass
To the brim

The lonely bed beckons
The soft red blanket
Feeling like a second skin
Underneath it all

Hiding from friends
Quite and desolate
Wave of sadness crashes
I float in the sea
Jul 2013 · 742
Five Minutes Underwater
Andie Lately Jul 2013
I hear the sound of your heart
Falling apart
I'm the cause
That makes it break
Your tears
Are endless
And I cannot apologize enough

I hear the sound of my heart
Breaking through
To somewhere new
Where you cannot see
And I can be free

Crying after these years
Love floats away
Over the edge
Knowing we could never swim back to shore
I hear the sound of our hearts
Into someone new
Jun 2013 · 390
Dear God
Andie Lately Jun 2013
I know You not in churches
But in the stillness of time
People say You are imaginary
It is okay
I feel imaginary too
A prayer uttered is not always heard
That is okay too
Because You and I know
It is for me to listen to my plea
And for me to answer myself
It is okay
For me to believe in You
And for You to simply exist
As the wind, the sun, the grass
It is okay
Because I feel love
Wherever I go
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Andie Lately Jun 2013
Don't judge a book by its cover
Hard not to when it's torn off
The nakedness of you
Telling your tale
Deeper into the story
Barely a ******
That ends in disappointment
Apr 2013 · 431
Your Love
Andie Lately Apr 2013
Your love keeps me going
For too long I've been so strong
Unwavering faith held me straight
Now it's time for me to break
And fall out of love with you
And into someone new
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Cowboy Waltz
Andie Lately Apr 2013
Lovesick for the sound of you
Scuffing up the floor
Waiting for your return
The candles burning out
The rich scent of food dissipating
Into the darkest night
Loneliness creeping back on home
Keeping me up all night
Wind howling beside me
Keeping me company
Foolishly knowing
You left for good
Mar 2013 · 483
Andie Lately Mar 2013
Forget the pain
Runaway with me
Your tears are temporary
They will dry another day
Open up your mind's eye
To see a brighter future
Without the hurt
Feb 2013 · 554
Andie Lately Feb 2013
Reality killed me tonight
Concluded I will never be your valentine
Just a blurry face
With an unusual name
You tried me on once
And threw me in the dirt
Stared at me
And said 'never yours'
Jan 2013 · 682
Andie Lately Jan 2013
I sink in to quicksand
Your words force me down under
To a place where I surrender
Give up all free will
To wander aimlessly
In a desert land
With a mirage
Jan 2013 · 609
Haunt Me Still
Andie Lately Jan 2013
Bittersweet memories
Happier days, happier times
Lingering scents, familiar smiles
The ghost of you
Haunting me still
Following like a shadow
Disappearing from sight when night comes
Only to end up inside my mind
Taking over thoughts
Jan 2013 · 528
Inner Monologue, Part Two
Andie Lately Jan 2013
I won attention
Not by my family, but by friends
I chose words carefully
So as not to hurt others
I arranged them neatly
To please perfectionists
I sang low
So as not to disturb a sleeping bird
Sang high
When I was alone and no one could hear
I gave my heart to many
But never received one
Jan 2013 · 828
Liquor Lips, Whiskey Mouth
Andie Lately Jan 2013
Liquor lips
With a caustic tongue
Kiss a whiskey mouth
Till the sadness leaves
Indulge in finishing bottles
Leaving only a faint whiff
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Those Were The Days
Andie Lately Jan 2013
The faint smell of whiskey
The taste of you
Even though you left a long time ago

Those were the days
When we got high off prescription medication
Feeling good
Hoping for a new fix

The fragrant smell of gardenia
Wafting through the neighborhood
Leaving a familiar you
With a mind in tact

Those were the days
Asking if I could pluck a flower or two
So the smell would last forever
Even if you did not

Hold on
To these memories
Let them take you back
To a happier time

Those were the days
When I played until dusk
Smiling and laughing
Being a child if only in my mind
Jan 2013 · 582
The Boy Who Waited
Andie Lately Jan 2013
You were the doctor
And I was the boy who waited
Days passed by
Nights crept in
Loneliness settled
And happiness went
I waited by the telephone
Hoping you would ring
I waited outside a mysterious blue box
Wishing you would pop out
And whisk me away
To a foreign land
That we would call home
Jan 2013 · 998
Andie Lately Jan 2013
A funny feeling stirs inside
A memory of you
That intoxicates me
With a sense of dread
And a warm sensation spreads throughout my body
A funny feeling
Where I remember who you were
And how I was smitten with you
By a million words you said
Andie Lately Jan 2013
Love in bad weather
Storms halting me from seeing you
Parting lands kept me from running to you
Words were the only thing keeping us together

Love in bad times
When your heart was taken by another
I can never call you mine
So I shine a little less

Will never come another
Who compares to you
So I die a little inside

I can never love another
So I will choose be alone
Is it any wonder
That I fell in love with you
Jan 2013 · 580
Fairytale (2013)
Andie Lately Jan 2013
It was nice living in a make believe land
But now I’ve come down
From a fairy tale high
Where I believed you to be a prince in shining armor
And I just a helpless stranger
The bittersweet romance
That ended in tragedy
With you becoming a king
With a queen to match
And I a beggar
With no home to go to
Jan 2013 · 641
Andie Lately Jan 2013
I hate you I shout
You leave in a hurry
Slamming the door
Taking the easy exit

You leave, dragging yourself
Slamming the door as you carry your luggage
Making haste to the exit
I hate you I murmur
Jan 2013 · 655
Inner Monologue
Andie Lately Jan 2013
I will never grace the stage
Or sing opera
I will never attend a red carpet event
Or be published in magazines
I will fight demons inside my head
But you will never know of the struggles
You will never pick up a novel
With my name gracing the cover
I will never see the smile upon your face
If I never tell you
I will die
With people peacefully ignoring my demise
Dec 2012 · 488
Andie Lately Dec 2012
Rain heals the wounds
The loneliness filled with bottles
Awakened to the sound of light taps
Asking if I am ready
To stop drowning myself in liquid sorrow
To stop avoiding social interaction
To seek a new adventure outside a glass of poison

Puddles forming underneath my bare feet
Rinsing off the dirt
Gloomy forecast
With a chance of sunshine for an hour, maybe two
Rain filling my empty bottles
Rain washing away who I was and who I am and who I will be
Dec 2012 · 449
Crime of Passion
Andie Lately Dec 2012
It was too late
I rode off into the distance
Only to find nothing remained
Ruins of your love
A crater remained where you should be
Broken buildings, crashed cars
No sign of you
You tried to tell me
But it fell upon deaf ears
I was late
I loved you too late
Dec 2012 · 878
Lonely Hearts
Andie Lately Dec 2012
Follow me into the unknown
Join in the underground society
Where the lonely hearts dwell
We drink until love is real
And whenever our love potion dwindles
It will be replenished with generosity
We have no need to surface above
To mingle with cloud nine lovers
We like to sleep in the darkness
Where are own lonely hearts can never be hurt by sunlight
Dec 2012 · 672
Andie Lately Dec 2012
Try a little harder
Maybe I will forgive
Love a little more
And I will open up to you
Say something meaningful
To make me stop talking
Kiss a little rougher
Take my breath away
Dec 2012 · 409
Je suis américain
Andie Lately Dec 2012
Money makes me greedy
I do not like to give
But do it anyway
I lust after luxurious items
Knowing I can never attain them
I am not loving
But I crave romance from Paris
I am American
And I take my freedom for granted
And when I lose it
I fight for it
I work hard
Only for dollars to slip through my fingers
Dec 2012 · 481
Something Special
Andie Lately Dec 2012
You grab me by my shoulders
Wanting to shake me
But instead
You have a smile across your face
‘Thank you’
I smile
I could tell you a million things
Your devilish good looks
Your sweet natured charm
You are perfection

I could shake you too
A funny feeling stirring inside
One I have never felt
One that makes my heart race and stop
Butterflies fluttering around
You speak of admiration for me
I blush at the mere thought of being thought of
You pretend like you are not special
When in fact you are something special to me
Dec 2012 · 2.7k
Long Distance Love Affair
Andie Lately Dec 2012
I could fall in love with anyone
I fell into you
Down into something unknown
I was far gone
Playing out scenarios in my head
A love affair
Long distance
Dates through blurry cameras
Can never be clear
I can wish you good morning
And you bid me good night
A love affair
With its destination unknown
Dec 2012 · 433
Cold Comfort
Andie Lately Dec 2012
Dragging across the concrete
Wondering when I would finally stop running
Tired from a hellish nightmare
Living among a dead you
Fighting to stay alive
Fighting to try to stay alive
Moving in the dead of night
To find shelter from the winter madness
To find a temporary home
Away from you
I took cold comfort in knowing distance
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Andie Lately Dec 2012
I remember the way you held me
In such a tight embrace
Your piercing blue eyes that were full of love
Whenever I fell upon your gaze

You were the wolf
And I was a cub
We were different
But so much in love

You howled at the moon
So everyone could hear
How I was only yours
And no one should dare

You wrestled away others that wanted chaos
Put your paw upon my heart
Uttering sweet vows
That forever would start

Every growl, every whimper
Every encounter
Left you wanting me
And nothing more
Dec 2012 · 554
Andie Lately Dec 2012
I could picture you
Strumming your guitar
Singing a tune you wrote
Especially for me

Your voice
Giving me chills
The way your words
Left a haunting impression

The echo resonating
The sound of you
A lullaby
Leading into euphoric slumber
Dec 2012 · 450
Caught Up
Andie Lately Dec 2012
Caught up in a moment that was never real
I was fascinated by your design
The way you could weave a story
And make me believe
In a fairy tale
That I wished true
Dec 2012 · 524
Andie Lately Dec 2012
You say so much
But I barely listen
Because your words are windy
I can tell myself
To just be a little halcyon
But no, I scream I want to leave
And I feel
Just a little naked
Exposed to the cold night air
I could see
How fully clothed I am
But the honesty from me
Leaves me vulnerable

I could say so much
Yell, scream
Berate you for leaving
But I know I do the same
But we both feel
Unprotected from the elements of love

You are not surprised by my departure
And I do not regret a single moment spent with or without you
And now I feel
Whisking away to find a new skin
Dec 2012 · 859
Hero Worship
Andie Lately Dec 2012
I can finally say
How much I love you
It has been many years
Since I have known you

You have rescued me from drowning
Drowning, in my sorrow
You have saved me
Saved me from a life of emptiness

I can think of the days
Where we fought
And I won by default
But I won your friendship

How I cherish that more than life
I could admire you
For your many talents
And your passion, your strength

I can tell you
I have always felt safe
With you nearby
Knowing you could protect me from dangers

You held my hand
My God, I could feel how warm and strong you were
Love, rushing through your veins
But you stayed silent

You smiled from afar
But I could tell how you wanted to be so close
Fighting in the distance
But still, you wrote me when the opportunity arrived

I love you
My God, how I loved you being my hero
You never had to fight for my love
It was always there

I know now I love you
And I am sorry
For how long I have waited
But know that
I love you
Nov 2012 · 343
Only You
Andie Lately Nov 2012
If only I had known
You were leaving for an eternity
What would I do
To keep myself from thinking about you

Only you could break me down
Wear me out
Take apart a fragile heart
And piece me together
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