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Andie Lately Dec 2010
I believe your words
Your charm and seductive glares
Your angelic voice
And your devilish grin
I believe that you are not evil
Lamenting you are far away
Yet your lullabies travel in light years
An eruption
Acoustic hearts played upon
Shattering the boundaries in between
Light and dark colliding
Darkened skies, bright moon
Waiting for dawn
I believe stars will implode
And black holes fade
Dreaming a reality
Reality a dream
I believe you are imaginary
But physical
A vessel that floats in midair
Lowering an anchor in my heart
A pirate stealing my heart
I believe my world has been enlightened
With the presence of you
I believe white diamonds shimmer
With your rainbow colored eyes
I believe in you
I believe in love
I believe in places never visited
I believe in eternal memories
Andie Lately Dec 2010
To find love in the darkest of times
And conquer a wicked heart
To find happiness in a far away land
And realize love was there all along
Andie Lately Dec 2010
A soft touch
Diamonds in your eyes
Shining with love
Near and far
Holding hands in space
Feeling nothing and everything
Knowing love is there
Without physical contact
Hearing your voice
Without speaking
Listening to your actions
To be in your arms
Asking how it feels
Remembering a time smiles were true
Tears were nonexistent
All around the world
I felt you
And your love
Andie Lately Nov 2010
Walk slowly across the dance floor
Feeling the rhythm of music pulsing
Dancing to the sound of music
Adrenaline driven
Until exhaustion
Peering at those around
Those who have a partner
Slowly dragging lead legs in circles
To show the courage of not being afraid
Watching the soldier kiss his girl
Watch the performers captivate their audience
Watching the gowns sway
Watching as the lights dim
And the music halts
I dance alone
To the sound of music
Playing in my head
Andie Lately Nov 2010
Diving deeper into you
Feeling the roughness of your skin
Pressed against mine
A look, a touch
Sends me to my knees
Crashing against the cold dirt
Sinking beneath the surface
Slipping into darkness
Burning with passion
Fleeing from advances of creatures I know not of
Whispering hush hush
To silence the sounds of my heart
For love is a dangerous game
Be still my blackened heart
For you do not need to change
Just place barbed wire across the fences you built
Hush hush I say to my brain
Because logic sees the reasoning
Yet I do not need to listen to the voices in my head
As I can plunge farther into myself
Causing no more pain
No love to give or receive
Hush hush I say to myself
As I let go of all reason to stay afloat
Andie Lately Nov 2010
The touch of you
Still lingering across my skin
The thought of you
Fresh in my mind
An angelic voice
Whispering softly in my ear
A sure embrace I once knew
Love so pure
Fading into the distance
Traveling the universe
To free the stars of themselves
To eat the sun and darken the worlds
To give the cosmos a reason to exist
Floating in space as high energy
Passing time by counting the stars
Waiting for a supernova to save us
Andie Lately Nov 2010
Flying through the sky
Traveling in light years
Racing past the stars

Close your eyes
Feel the sensation of being high
Forget the lonely nights this once

Good times
Flashing through my once fragile mind
Now a wasteland

The garden once in bloom
Now withered
Dead and wilted

Lost and drowning
In your eyes
Sinking under your skin
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