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Apr 2016 · 411
Amy Aslesen Apr 2016
Work, work, work
I work just like clock work
All the money I make
Is not for my sake
My family left a lot to be desired
I guess helping them backfired

One day when I woke from a holler
My room seem so much smaller
My legs moved awkwardly around
There were six all big and brown
I skittered along the floor
As I tried to get out the door

When I finally got out
I heard a shout
My family was petrified
You would think they died
They looked like an explorer
Looking at a bear in horror

I think we can agree
That my parents let me be
Even though she was scared
My sister still cared
She feed me garbage
But she soon departed

As time went on
I became a demon spawn
They through apples at me
I liked them better when they let me be
One of them got stuck in my back
Causing a large crack

I am slowly dying
From this apple rotting
As I sit and cry
I think of all the good that went by
As I lay down my head
I hear them say, "Hurrah, It's dead."
Summary of the story Metamorphosis.
Mar 2016 · 203
All That is Left
Amy Aslesen Mar 2016
Your first breath,
came with her death.
It was supposed to be a happy day,
but that was all swept away.

I think she knew that she would die
and for that I will not cry.
You are that is left
of my dear friend Beth.

You remind me of her everyday,
even though she couldn't stay.
For her I will try,
for her I will cry.

Soon after her death
your father took his last breath.
With all the grief
it all seemed so brief.

He forgot about you
didn't want to start a new.
He took his life
with that blasted knife.

A family of three,
never meant to be.
Left to me,
my child to be.
Mar 2016 · 185
No One Knows
Amy Aslesen Mar 2016
No one knows I were this mask
For they never see and never ask
No one listens to the sound of my heart breaking
For they can't see the shaking
No one sees the tears falling
For they are all squalling
No one sees me flinch away
For my movements never gave it away

I sit right there in front of you
and what do you do?
You look at me the same as always
Expecting me to abide by your ways
You expect me to trust you
When I don't know what to do

My soul is breaking I hope you know
but that seems so long ago
In reality it was just yesterday
So I'll wait another day
And see what you have to say

— The End —