Since today , I hardly think or write about you. Present,all I do is think about you. Totally crazy about you lately. My love for you is inevitable. It feels dramatic but it's true. I can give away whole myself to you. I always seek for your presence and I'm in need of it. I don't wanna get a thought of you, ignoring me and I'm scared of it. Reuniting all our memories back from our past ,I want another version of me,so that we can spend those moments again. At the intial phase of our acquaintance,I began to feel you with my writings,I never expected to this long-lasting my feelings for someone could be and this is the first time I had ever loved someone in my life. I wish I could be all the time with you likewise you know,it can't be like we supposed to hope of. I don't have any idea about how you feel for me. It's hard to realize that you aren't much expressive. Basically, as an introvert, I can't express much. But the love towards you,forces me to do so. So my feelings for you can be transparent without any dark spot. I don't want some third person to involve in our relationship. I just want 'You and Me'. I didn't realize myself that I will be this much sensible towards my loved ones,until I found you. I'm totally scared of,that one day I'll definitely break myself uncontrollably into tears leaving you and I also believe in myself and could rush into the present after all. I just want you in my shoes and see the atmost love for you,which I have been treasuring since our acquaintance. Initially, I was so selfish and desperate. Altogether being with you,puts me in the faith that our friendship lasts forever and ever. I'm sorry for being overprotective . I still doesn't blame myself for my possessiveness towards you because it's natural to a person towards their loved ones and I lately realized faith is also one of the most crucial element of a relationship.