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As the year 2018 faded away.
Memories arranged themselves in an array.
I had new resolutions to make anyway.
Burry the sadness and let it decay.
Make room for happiness to stay.
Reach out to your goals everyday.
Keep stress and worries at bay.
Stick onto whatever you say.
Happy new year everyone.
Involuntarily I scribble thoughts on paper.
I want this habit to taper.
It works like a mirror.
Acts like a curtain raiser.
When thoughts are best, everyone is in favour.
When worst, they can't vanish like a vapour.
During my childhood I had many queries.
As to what constitutes these angels and fairies.
Where do they live and dwell?
How can they cast a magic spell?
I am among the supernatural lovers.
I love the mystic, extramundane powers.
As my conscious attained maturity.
I realized this fact's depth and purity.
Carbon can form a diamond or a coal.
Likewise evil and goodness are a part of soul.
Within us lie these heroic powers.
We can be good or wrong doers.
When the goodness is catapuled beyond its threshold.
There comes in the making the heart of gold.
Happiness is overloaded  without any jam.
You are all smiles, so I am.
Blow out the candles, cut the cake.
For fun should continue without a break.
Papa, mumma and everyone is so thrilled.
Wish you a very happy birthday dear muzammil.
Placed amongst the special few.
Cant imagine life sans you.
You are young,  energetic and a talents galore.
I pray that you be blessed with lots more.
You are my perfect partner in crime.
You come to my rescue each time.
Our interests are like and we strike a chord.
You too say yes, when I give a nod.
Enjoyable and amusing is your company.
You are my stressbuster for free.
In every season of  life  may you blossom.
Be it summer, winter, spring or autumn.
Secrets untold behold my eyes.
They are very expressive otherwise.
My screams and cries have been locked in a dungeon.
Iam a mute spectator, eventhough with a vision.
The world seeks the lies and not honesty.
There is room for evil and none for piety.
My grief gets capsized in the teary storm.
In the long run, nightmares they form.
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