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1.0k · Nov 2015
Alyssah Cuachin Nov 2015
O My Anthurium! Sweet red Anthurium!
Came to my life, gorgeous and adorable
Thou give me a new direction
For a future we’ll share on.

O My Anthurium! Sweet red anthurium!
Taught me not to count the time left
But the treasured moments
Of happiness thy spent together.

O My Anthurium! Sweet red Anthurium!
Without thee what life would be?
Thy heart is sober
Thy life is over.
960 · May 2017
Alyssah Cuachin May 2017
Hahawakan pa ba ang iyong mga kamay
Kung sabi nila’y di tayo bagay
Hahalik pa ba sa iyong mga labi
Kung isusukli mo ay ang mapagpanggap **** ngiti
Sarili ko’y di na ipipilit
Kung iba naman ang iyong ginigiit

Pwede bang magtanong?
Kase ako’y nagsasawa na din

Nagmumukang-tanga, Nagmumukang gago
sa harap ng madaming tao
Bawat patak ng ulan, bawat agos ng tubig
Hanggang kelan kita’y mahahagkan muli
Kahit anong gawing kasalanan
Ika’y aking pagbibigyan
Huwag ka ng umalis
Please, huwag ka lang umalis

Sapagkat sa puso ko,
Kailan ma’y hindi ka maalis
Barb Ero
437 · Dec 2015
Alyssah Cuachin Dec 2015
You brought me sunshine
When I only saw rain
You brought me laughter
When I only felt pain

When I fell in love my heart was on fire
To be with you is my only desire
I want to hold your hand and walk a mile
Don't want to be apart from you even for a while

I wish you could know
What I'm too scared to show
I hope you could see
Just what you means to me

You have given me hope for better tomorrow
Like an angel guiding my sorrow
I ask you this as you have my heart
Will you be there so we never apart
324 · Dec 2015
Alyssah Cuachin Dec 2015
Yesterday was the past
Time have flown so very fast
I dreamt of you every night
That you're holding me so tight

Thanks for the things that I have learned
To the memories we've shared
Thanks for the every night we talked so long
And every time that you sang me a song

You came into my life
And tell me the words that stabs like a knife
You tells me that you adores me
And you always ignores me

I will treat you right and you will be the threat for my life.
312 · May 2016
I can't get over.
Alyssah Cuachin May 2016
How may I look in the eye?
Without holding out a single cry
When I think of you in my mind
Remembering all the memories we left behind
We were inseparable two at one point in time
Telling people that I was yours and you'd be mine
I should have broken our relationship from the start
When i knew you, you were playing with my heart
Then one day I said it, I told you it was over
And your heart was broken you sat crying on my shoulder
People still think that you're my man
They don't even understand
What a waste of time I've wasted on you
Boy I should have known that your love wasn't true
You're close to being gone now and forever out of my life
You and I both hoped one day that i would be your wife
My foolish heart remembers your smile, your words, and your touch
I loved you so much
I wish I could runaway and hide
Of all of this pain I have inside
Love is blind how they all say
But you see I loved you in so many ways
Freedom wall since 1998
288 · May 2017
For u, Weh R weh
Alyssah Cuachin May 2017
In the city of dreams
Where my life is gloomy
You called my name so loudly
And walked towards me

I hold your hands so tightly
Like how you did to me
You’re so cute that I don’t know what to do

I’m too scared that you’re too showy
And also afraid that you might leave me

I love the way you look at me
But hate the way you stare
I love how you’re always around
And hate the fact that you’re never there
Barb Ero
266 · Oct 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Oct 2016
In the sea of gig stages there was talk of drums and guitars
and noises from the crowded places
with the strike of a bass
And there's a loudness of whisper i hear
whisper shouldn't be that loud,
should they?
There's a boy over there who everybody knows
and every time i see him there's a song that
always pop in my head called
"A beginning of something wonderful"
By Orange and Lemons
In that wide stages there's a loud speaker, stand vocals,
shinning armor
253 · Dec 2015
Alyssah Cuachin Dec 2015
We have been friends for not so long
We've learned to trust and shared a song

Those sweet memories we both have shared
I will always treasure, I will always care

I wish no hardships will arrived
That blocks this feeling and forever deprived

With all my heart, I do sincerely pray
That this precious friendship forever stay
250 · Apr 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Apr 2016
Everytime you stood on the stage holding your guitar, putting your lips on the mic and singing on the crowded place where the lights are on and off, Just like how i treated you before, loving you today, giving you a cold shoulder tomorrow. Just want to remind you everyday, every hour, every minute, every seconds that I am your number one fan! And i always will.
249 · Apr 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Apr 2016
I’m back here again, Sunk in the gray.I wear it well,
This cloak, this shell, Draped beneath a Shroud of midnight cloth
I used to lie awake And count the stars, But even they–burning,
Luminous–blink out, the eye only catches an Echo, a whisper;
It burned out years ago, before we even knew it was there
I’m back here again, Sunk deep in the gray, This kingdom of the dead
It is what I most dread, waking up and knowing i have no place to go.
243 · Nov 2015
Alyssah Cuachin Nov 2015
On a crowded place
I saw a band
I watch their performance
As I hold my hand
This band takes away my loneliness.
228 · Nov 2015
Alyssah Cuachin Nov 2015
You are my everything
So how can you be nothing?
217 · Apr 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Apr 2016
That cold street I walked
Was once a place full of memory
Your smile and glimpse that could light up the world
Now are just pictures I dearly treasure in my mind

Since you’ve been gone
Nothing seems to matter
Nothing seems to care
Now I can bargain everything just to see your face again

I dreamt last night
I was granted of a wish,just one
Hell I didn’t wish for luxury
I didn't wish for immortality
I simply wished for another moment with you..

For I just want to say I love you
That I really missed you
And most of all
Im sorry for not being there when you’re about to go

But I know I have to wake up
And face the day and the day after
That you are not here with me
And I am all alone
209 · Apr 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Apr 2016
You made me feel interested to you, made me adore you and made me feel that i like you. And maybe i mistaken them like i was deeply in love with you like how you did with me. Loving you from behind had taught me that i never exist.
200 · Apr 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Apr 2016
Blank faces, Crowded minds, Tired hearts
Unwanted thoughts, Meaningless words
Warm smiles only meant for the publics sake
Avoided issues, More give and take
All the while looking for someone to lose myself in and trying to find who I use to be
198 · Apr 2016
Alyssah Cuachin Apr 2016
Thanks to you. You taught me how to be a dreamer. Maybe i’m not that successful yet, but atleast i’m not the same person year ago. You made me a worthy person. It’s funny how i want to remind the times i’m with you. like how you fell in love with me, and i did with you too.

— The End —