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194 · Jan 26
Wolves in your eyes
All Promete Jan 26
There are a bunch of wolves
in your eyes and sight
That howl and bite

But in no eye or heart
There is the will or might
to flee or fight.
175 · Jan 21
All Promete Jan 21
Don't care if even a fly
does sometimes a nasty fly
Be like eagle on a fly
just do fly, never mind the fly
158 · Jan 19
Pouring tears
All Promete Jan 19
In your presence
I was like the sun,
a blazing ace
And now I'm pallid
like the moon
Pouring tears
on my face
138 · Jan 23
O love!
All Promete Jan 23
O love O impatience of the heart
Oh dreamy vortex
Spend a moment on my lips
O sweet poison of God

O love , O world's intoxication
O soul of a bartender, wine and intoxication
O cause of human creation
O the cause of glorification and degradation

O love, O dream of drunkards
O king of the hearts of the perplexed
Open your arms to me
You are the language of silent's eyes

Fly to me tonight, O love
Tonight that I dreamed of you
One day you will come to me
One day that I slept in the grave
77 · Jan 21
Glass of miracle
All Promete Jan 21
How despicable and rabble;
those who cannot endure love
even in the void
and to this glass of miracle,
they throw rubble
All Promete Jan 23
Dearer than my soul, I have been without you for months,
I mean craze,
I mean selfless,
I mean no heart,in my chest ,
I mean in vain from all sides to vastness,
I am rootless , derelictus, astonished,
the trace of the demise in universe . I mean the separation of us.
71 · Jan 25
Be kind
All Promete Jan 25
Be kind
do love
and you will find
in order to be seen
no need to cut the jungle around
and **** the birds above
69 · Jan 25
All Promete Jan 25
When you left me alone,
the light of my life had gone
just like an eclipse
when the Moon covers the sun
67 · Jan 20
Water Lilies
All Promete Jan 20
We are water lilies
It is thousands of years
We are either hand-picked
or buried in the mud
And alas, never
We have risen;
Give leaf to leaf
At least,
Even a seed
may live in a clear life
62 · Jan 20
Leaves and tears
All Promete Jan 20
The leaves are falling from the tree branches like tears,
maybe the wind has whispered something sad as death in their ears.
62 · Jan 25
Christmas tree
All Promete Jan 25
Love and truth grew by the arrival of thee
Like the moon and stars grow on the Christmas tree
Oh lord!
Thanks for bringing us
Peace and glory!
61 · Jan 19
Nothing without you
All Promete Jan 19
My heart, just parrots your heart beats
I'm nothing but your repeats
58 · Jan 22
Another opportunity?
All Promete Jan 22
Thousands upon thousands years ago
The planet "x"
Was brought to its ultimate corruption;
Spiritually and invironmentaly
by humanity
Then they were forced to leave it
God has given them "Earth and Another
opportunity "
And now
Man is repeating his bad deeds again
Will he get another opportunity?
56 · Jan 21
All Promete Jan 21




56 · Jan 28
All Promete Jan 28
A house, built on the foundation of blood and terror,
will collapse with the formation of flood and error.
56 · Jan 22
Forgotten light
All Promete Jan 22
As the first feat
You should try
with your main and might
To light a fire under the people's thought
and make them bright
Nobody will fight for a forgotten light
55 · Jan 22
Break up
All Promete Jan 22
Right at the point of breakup
heal your soul with green peace and balms of light

The wandering around you should interrupt
Because the smell of your bleeding heart
will attract manlike wolves toward
54 · Jan 28
All Promete Jan 28
Life is not so far away
it's a spark
That flows from the eyes
The Cosmorama is our hearts
That we are unable to realize
So we resort to suicide.

If we don't see the raging river of life that flows through
our presence
The Death angel, sweeps us from the universe
"We reap what we sow"
54 · Jan 23
Poem ll
All Promete Jan 23
My heart ,in every moment is like a dune of broken mirror fragments that is transformed by every breeze
54 · Jan 22
Freedom of utterance
All Promete Jan 22
You have license
to irradiate
place of darkness
that we recognize
- to say nonsense
while lying on the grass
- to speak only when
you are with us
- otherwise
-we will ban your mouth
- and that is
the meaning of
freedom of utterance
52 · Jan 23
Twinge of pain
All Promete Jan 23
For years, I enjoyed so foolish,
keeping the lawn tidy as per my wish

It took decades before I could twig
this is not the scent of cut grass and stylish trees

It is a twinge of pain rising from the grass and twigs
51 · Jan 26
All Promete Jan 26
Do not let the longing for the white radiance
of the lotus,
captivate you in the swamps
Behold, canoe's eyes
are crying,
Needing your steps
51 · Jan 23
Lilac Flower
All Promete Jan 23
M y lilac flower,
O trembling blue rose
on the rope of
winter's plunder

H igh on the peak of
glory and honor

S cattered of pharisaic

E ndore for a while

N o time maybe left
until spring's trigger
50 · Jan 21
All Promete Jan 21
Maybe we'll see
The re-emergence
of our frolics someday
under the shadow of a Stone in wilderness

And all the future's passengers,
above it
will have a deep yearning for that happiness...
50 · Jan 28
The Friend
All Promete Jan 28
It's the life that flows within you
It's the love that flows within you
It is a red feeling that makes you think of Him
To God
To the eternal spark of existence
To the Friend who only
Seeks man in his heart
In Persian " The Friend "
حضرت دوست
Means God
50 · Jan 23
Hello spring
All Promete Jan 23
To draw scenes full of color and life
on a brown and orange canvas,
you must first cover the entire canvas with white paint, just like nature,
and then sing the song "Hello Spring".
50 · Jan 21
Gathering gloom
All Promete Jan 21
Sunk in gathering gloom
at dawn of a holiday
All along the sad way
in hurry to reach the cay
and meet her under the first sun ray
Stone vestige may
50 · Jan 22
All Promete Jan 22
There is just one choice and suppose:
To believe in God and bliss
But be conscious!
Just one God;
our deep inner God
Not,God of -or in the- skies
my country,
My religion
49 · Jan 23
Superior turn
All Promete Jan 23
Tear your trivial thoughts and
throw them in the trash
and turn your sympathetic sense into seeds and sow them in the soil of spirits.
48 · Jan 23
All Promete Jan 23
like a piece of gold
Like a film that is sold

Fine, like a rainy day
Like smiling every day

O', my shadeless one
Cause you are like a sun
Our love will carry on
Carry on
Carry on

My eyes are crying
Over the mountains
and steppes

Then, I close my eyes
when the dandelions
are flying

Cause none of them
are about you

like a piece of gold
Like a film that is sold

Fine, like a rainy day
Like smiling every day

Beautiful babe
Our love will carry on
Carry on
Carry on
48 · Jan 21
The army of light
All Promete Jan 21
Maybe from the cloudy sky of our eyes
The sun has travelled forever

I call him: O sun, O
shining  dream of the world
The world became dark, day became continuous nights

In this intense cold  which is so desperate and deadly, you are the only hope, O silent and tired lantern

He said, my heart wants to fly to the land of light
But the lasso of darkness ties my wings

If you are searching for a solution, listen to me to reveal the secret
A hundred sayings are equal to one deed

One lighted candle is better than hundreds of murmurs
Go light the candle of your soul, O silent  heartbroken one

If your hearts forget to get used to darkness
The army of light will rise little by little
48 · Jan 23
Color of illusion
All Promete Jan 23
Illusion, if it ever has a color; is like you,
A remained white lotus, on the bank of a burnt and black lagoon
48 · Jan 20
Pure love
All Promete Jan 20
Today in this tight and dark house,
under this short roof; 

The most  terrifying pain is your sadness, cause there is no way to relieve my madness of seeing your tears. 

Today, my skeletal hands are no longer able to write, no eyes to cry, 
no fist to beat on the forehead when I am sad, the bird of my heart is dead in my chest cage, 

I have nothing, the void of not having anything, collapses with the smallest impression.  

Oh, dear of my happy days, 
Don't let the sorrows bother your happiness, so that whenever you come to visit my grave, you will feel the satisfied vibration of my bones.
46 · Jan 20
Meteor shower
All Promete Jan 20
What a meteor shower
In these extremely dark nights
Maybe Gods
Didn't have anymore
The calamity stones tolerance
46 · Jan 22
Artistic bomb
All Promete Jan 22
Using a Neutron bomb
by a superpower
As a great clever painter
That paints an artistic
lifeless picture
Can do the same thing
as background unwanted
things remover
And massacre
The mankind
46 · Jan 20
Eternal sorrow
All Promete Jan 20
Are you a faded scent bottle
Or a hanging teardrop on black eyelashes

which one

That the waves of ​​your fragrance is shoreless
And the rain of my tears is timeless

O' eternal sorrow
44 · Jan 21
All Promete Jan 21
O, red anemone!
Love message of May  celebration and happiness
Deprivation of heart, in September
See how I am buried under the avalanche of your flooding memories
My last wish is the February of grave darkness
my only hope is March of your meeting lightness
43 · Jan 23
Longing for a strike
All Promete Jan 23
Sad dawn of Friday, putting my head between my knees, I was in a monolog conversation with you.

Through the thick cigarette smoke , like the exhalation of a steamship that drives on the river of nothingness and takes the living from the shores of the world to the parallel world in which you live -
Your smiling face was staring at me

: Do you remember the duets? I asked.
I would hug the guitar and play as if you were in my arms, and you would play the piano so delicately, as if you were stroking my hair?

And you are not here to see in these sad years that have passed; my guitar sheds tears in longing for a hug, and your piano sighs in longing for a strike.
43 · Jan 24
All Promete Jan 24
You are a kite and the earth gives the kite a feeling of helplessness and heaviness and the sky; a feeling of infinite power and light.

How can a kite, which always dreams of blue and white, live in a palace black and tight?
So fly and always be at the top and from that height
you will see that the earth is not as pleasant as you thought.
Based on this verse of Hafez

" O illustrious eagle of Lote Tree of the Farthest Boundary of heavens
Your nest is not this full of woes corner of soil"
42 · Jan 28
Gone with the wind
All Promete Jan 28
Where the rope is the answer to the shout,
A hundred hands to the sky are from this hurt,

A hundred nation, if you libertize, are deceit,
A hundred shrine, if you build, will be gone with the wind
42 · Jan 22
All Promete Jan 22
Living in the forest and in a wooden hut,
Impossible to ignite neighbors and remain unhurt

one day the fire will reach you
to teach so
The kindled fire does not know friend from foe
41 · Jan 23
God and love
All Promete Jan 23
In hurry to meet you
I'm a centipede
And then
I put a thousand of centipede flowers in my haver sack
and a pen of your light brown eyes.
I have two holes of ink - my eyes -
filled with my melted pupils ; made by the separation sadness
and a thousand of worries in my heart.
Once again I'm late,
the chalk of your sclera ;
Wrote the translation of
God and Love
Sun and Heaven
on the board of stone
The ink in my eye holes had gone by flood of tears.
I hurt my fingertips by the sickle of the morning moon
Now my eyes hole is full of ****** tears - absolutely red
: «o dear!
Would you please translate
God and Love
Sun and Heaven
And I write this quadruple with the pen of your
Light brown eyes
and the ink of ****** tears
on a thousand of centipede flowers.
41 · Jan 22
All Promete Jan 22
Like the trees
That sleep whole fall and winter,
from the grief of their lost leaves
To find them in dreams
And when they wake up in spring
They find the leaves' resurgence ;
In your grief, I also have been sleeping on your empty nest for two seasons
Oh ! My white nightingale,
Will you sing to me in the spring?
40 · Jan 27
Eagles of hopes
All Promete Jan 27
The sharp - clad eagles
of my hopes

That through my whole life,
The only food available to them was
my heart desires - little swallows

In the hope of death of even one of my sorrows
- Now each of them has become an Allosaurus-

had turned into vultures,
and it is a pity that in this hope they will soon die.
All Promete Jan 22
What a pain
Stand up for the support of someone in front of the whole world and then
Your whole being
Be crucified on this cross
What a pain
Be grounded at all times
And become dust at the command of the heavens
What a pain it is to inherit all this pain from the beginning of history without any sympathy
And this is the trust that the heavens and the earth could not carry and inevitably "the lot fell to the craze of my name"
"the lot fell to the craze of my name"
Is the translation of a verse by HAFEZ

آسمان بار امانت نتوانست کشید
" قرعه فال به نام من دیوانه زدند"
40 · Jan 23
Happy New Year!
All Promete Jan 23
Have you ever thought about the reason for snowfall which covers the darkness in your heart of a year by a white glittering paper and saves you from the everlasting nightmare

Try to appreciate this fair;
to get out of the snow like a lily and resume life like a red rose with renewed vigour.

To hide sorrow like an anemone in your heart forever and to bear like a tulip, the martyrdom's suffer

So think about the reason for snowing there,
My friend
Happy New Year!
39 · Jan 23
All Promete Jan 23
I am that rocky shore, the shoulder where the sad waves can cry on
Although call me just a stone, books and poems and myths

I am sad because of the sad blue eyes of every wave
The sadness of the sea is like the wine of tears, and my eyes are like a wine cup

If there is no wave for a moment. I pray and ask God
Will there be a wave again in my arms?

If I slept for a moment, I had a nightmare of salt [of a dried up sea]
Which destroyed all the intoxication and dreams of the waves
39 · Jan 26
All Promete Jan 26
M adness of mine
I n the desert of your mourn
S ea of confusion
H eaven and earth could be seen
     - none-
A nd God and love; both hidden
N o way to see you again
E ven for a moment to get rid of
38 · Jan 23
The decree of fate
All Promete Jan 23
Poetry and translating in a world of horror and panic
Is like simulating the music on drowning Titanic

Arisen flame of love;
the decree of fate
over the darkness of hate.
White doves of peace flying over the kingdom of ease
37 · Jan 23
All Promete Jan 23
World of pleasure

Chest of treasure

Bold of pressure
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