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Green 2d
and if words could dream
they would spend each night
yearning for a way
to justify how deeply
I love you
33 · 2d
never look back
Green 2d
i wanted to delete
every single trace of us
so that i had nothing to look back to
our past serve like bells
with the power to
awaken a passion so deep
no other love could ever meet
So when your name consumed my mind
there would be no rewind
cause when the past turns to ashes
i have no choice but to light the matches
Green 2d
She puts me in a box made of glass
good morals and comfortable clouds
My freedom lies in the shadow
and every time i try to break out
a piece falls on the ground
she opens the door forcefully
claims an explanation to the doubt
she cuts herself on the glass
and starts to shout
with tearfully eyes she asks
how could you do this to your own flesh and bones
Your broken and your heart is cold like stone
where will you end up when i turn into ash
your a lost soul that needs guidance longer than time could ever count
29 · 2d
Green 2d
Maybe I shouldn’t  
Consciously dream about you
when i close my eyes
Or listen to songs that match the vibe
its a miserably hopeful way
of keeping you alive
Green 2d
She was in everything i did
it was almost like
she was secretly
vibrating within my skin
not a day went by
when she didn’t consume my mind
i envied
the two birds flying
towards the blue night sky
and maybe it was
the summer breeze
or the empty streets
but for a moment or two
i let myself live vicariously
through the memories of you
Silently losing myself
in the shadow of your
Green 2d
I should envy
your invisible ability
to move on

So for a moment i did
i flew down memory lane
regretting each second
spent on your name
and anger flourished
through my veins
tears they fell down
with shame

but then i remembered
theres something incredibly
poetic about pain
healing craves
the absence of blame
25 · 2d
what ifs
Green 2d
now every couple i see
walking on the street
is a painful reminder
of what we could be
24 · 2d
time heals
Green 2d
and when the aching in my heart
slowly but surely began to fade
i clinged to the memories of us
holding them tightly
like hugging an old friend
Green 2d
I wrote you a letter
that will never reach you
i bought gifts
that will never be sent
slowly collecting dust
underneath my bed
23 · 15h
Green 15h
talking to you
feels like a chess board
i gotta overthink and analyse
before i hit reply
Green 2d
cause i wanted to stay
I would
cause somehow in all the chaos
i felt safe
cause i would have told you all my
if they did not dry in your
Green 2d
and the grass doesn’t stop growing
even though it continuously
is being cut down
Green 2d
believe in yourself
and fate shall follow
Green 2d
i left the door unlocked
hoping you would walk
straight into my heart
20 · 15h
Green 15h
You want to hangout
But you dont crave my presence

You want to call
But only when the silence is unbearable

You want to talk
But you disappear when your done talking about yourself

You want me
But only when everybody else is busy

You say you care
But you never ******* ask

You say I’m your favourite person in the world
But yet it seems you would pick everyone else

You say you miss me
and i hate that I believe you for a second
the way butterflies consume me
and the pain no longer matters
Only to be punched in the gut
by the truth of your actions
Green 2d
there was a coldness
that lingered
hidden behind your words
like a bittersweet aftershave
telling me the truth
you never dared
Green 2d
not many things
can be spoken
with absolute certainty
but with every atom
in my bones
i do know this
every since the day that i met her
not a day has passed by
that she was not on my mind

it was almost like
a piece of my heart
forgot that she was gone
and in every sunrise
it looked for her
Green 4h
what terrifies me
is that i would wake up
far too early in the morning
spend nearly all the hours
on someone else’s dream
then dare pursue my
i wrote this on my way to work today. I wonder where i would be today, if i took all the hours and
efforts in my past and put them into my own visions and dreams. I gusss it’s never to late to find out is it?
18 · 2d
the city of rain
Green 2d
they lived in the city of rain
and ****** the Gods
for each drop that fell
and when people asked
the answer was always
never well
cause they ****** the Gods
for each drop that fell
17 · 4h
the villain
Green 4h
the anger switched places with pain
and the screaming switched places with shame
cause i am to blame

thats what i deserve from you
thats what i get for breaking your heart in two

empty promises
thats all i gave to you

you left me no choice
thats what i shouted at the stars
knowing i would make scars
Green 2d
The words taste so
familiar in my mouth
but its been so long
that its full with doubt
16 · 4h
Green 4h
the volume
you put on the individual
determines how loud
you can hear
the screams from their soul
and how much
of them
you truly see
16 · 2d
a loveless love
Green 2d
i have been lucky
to have experienced love
although sometimes all i feel is regret
I’ve felt love, touched it, cherished it
but i have yet truly experienced
how it is to be loved

our love was beautifully suffocating
I justified you not caring
by me not being worthy of it
i made myself so small
that i spent the nights wondering
If you knew me at all
15 · 15h
Green 15h
I lack obsession
to be completely and utterly consumed by my heart’s desires
15 · 2d
perfect is a lie
Green 2d
i visited all the places
I said i would take you
i bathed in the summer breeze
and it would have been perfect
had you been here with me
9 · 4h
Green 4h
i yearned for you
I crave you
like a sunflower bathing
in the rain

— The End —