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Green 2d
She puts me in a box made of glass
good morals and comfortable clouds
My freedom lies in the shadow
and every time i try to break out
a piece falls on the ground
she opens the door forcefully
claims an explanation to the doubt
she cuts herself on the glass
and starts to shout
with tearfully eyes she asks
how could you do this to your own flesh and bones
Your broken and your heart is cold like stone
where will you end up when i turn into ash
your a lost soul that needs guidance longer than time could ever count
Green 2d
Maybe I shouldn’t  
Consciously dream about you
when i close my eyes
Or listen to songs that match the vibe
its a miserably hopeful way
of keeping you alive
Green 2d
i wanted to delete
every single trace of us
so that i had nothing to look back to
our past serve like bells
with the power to
awaken a passion so deep
no other love could ever meet
So when your name consumed my mind
there would be no rewind
cause when the past turns to ashes
i have no choice but to light the matches
Green 2d
and if words could dream
they would spend each night
yearning for a way
to justify how deeply
I love you
Green 2d
She was in everything i did
it was almost like
she was secretly
vibrating within my skin
not a day went by
when she didn’t consume my mind
i envied
the two birds flying
towards the blue night sky
and maybe it was
the summer breeze
or the empty streets
but for a moment or two
i let myself live vicariously
through the memories of you
Silently losing myself
in the shadow of your
Green 2d
I should envy
your invisible ability
to move on

So for a moment i did
i flew down memory lane
regretting each second
spent on your name
and anger flourished
through my veins
tears they fell down
with shame

but then i remembered
theres something incredibly
poetic about pain
healing craves
the absence of blame
Green 2d
now every couple i see
walking on the street
is a painful reminder
of what we could be
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