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Green 4h
the volume
you put on the individual
determines how loud
you can hear
the screams from their soul
and how much
of them
you truly see
Green 4h
i yearned for you
I crave you
like a sunflower bathing
in the rain
Green 4h
the anger switched places with pain
and the screaming switched places with shame
cause i am to blame

thats what i deserve from you
thats what i get for breaking your heart in two

empty promises
thats all i gave to you

you left me no choice
thats what i shouted at the stars
knowing i would make scars
Green 4h
what terrifies me
is that i would wake up
far too early in the morning
spend nearly all the hours
on someone else’s dream
then dare pursue my
i wrote this on my way to work today. I wonder where i would be today, if i took all the hours and
efforts in my past and put them into my own visions and dreams. I gusss it’s never to late to find out is it?
Green 15h
I lack obsession
to be completely and utterly consumed by my heart’s desires
Green 15h
You want to hangout
But you dont crave my presence

You want to call
But only when the silence is unbearable

You want to talk
But you disappear when your done talking about yourself

You want me
But only when everybody else is busy

You say you care
But you never ******* ask

You say I’m your favourite person in the world
But yet it seems you would pick everyone else

You say you miss me
and i hate that I believe you for a second
the way butterflies consume me
and the pain no longer matters
Only to be punched in the gut
by the truth of your actions
Green 15h
talking to you
feels like a chess board
i gotta overthink and analyse
before i hit reply
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