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It's either you hurt me
Or i hurt you
Or one of us gonna die too soon

But either way, i'll take a good care of memories we make together
I don't wanna be constrained by what's gonna make it trendy
But i do wanna set my trend
I just wanna be the top
not followers
And i just wanna express it
Is it really that good to be up there?
Be the one who's winning the end game
What's after that?
Confidence or bitter over the new comers?
What does it feel like?
Everybody's chasing your position
Do you ever feel distressed
Cause you're gonna be self deprecating like us once the throne is taken?
What is it to be in charge but fearing something you can't control in the future
Well at least we know tomorrow's gonna be **** so there's nothing bugging us about tomorrow
Now there's                                  distance
                          between us

But we're still on the same page
Have yet to move on to the next one
Albamaine Feb 4
Smells like cheese
But i like it when there's something cheesy between us ;p
Albamaine Jan 21
If you're not the fighting type
Don't put our hearts in the line
Albamaine Jan 14
I love the QWERTY key adjacency.
When mistakes happen by proximity.

I mean to take you for a RIDE not put you the SIDE. By the way it's new YEARS not new TEARS so let's find the ROOT of our problems and not FOOT the pedal too much. I don't mean to get COLD i just wanna be BOLD for my statement. And i am not FOLDINg on you, in fact i always FIND us FONDLy attached.

But unlike the typos, with you i mean what i mean when i say i LOVE you and there's no typo for LOVE except for us to LIVE happily together. :))
Give me ideas for other qwerty proximity mishaps that still actually a word!!
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