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Jun 2014 · 470
Ara Jun 2014
The azure-blue sky caught my eyes
It resembles the colour of your eyes
The eyes which once had been impeccable for me
Alas those eyes are treacherous

Ignore the quaint blue eyes
Focus on the make shift love it gave
Careful with its impish eye smile
Cause those eyes are feigned and ambiguous
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
I used to be a zygote
Ara Jan 2014
I used to be a zygote
A small little thing
Which known as cell

I used to be a zygote
Living in the host body
Which I never knew before

I used to be a zygote
Having a lot of friends
And yet to dissapear
In a blink of an eye

I used to be a zygote
And when I was an adolescence
I called myself

I used to be a zygote
As I grew older
I changed my identity
With the one called
This is just for fun. Since my friends and i were a bit bored during biology, one of my friend came out with this idea.. Lol

P.s mind my grammatical error or spelling error
Jan 2014 · 524
You spent your time
Ara Jan 2014
You spent your time
Over the things
You were blame before
And think how
Can it be you

You spent your time
Counting your flaws
And envy those
Who you thought
Of their nice flaws

You spent your time
Fighting over your on battle
With your one
And only thoughts

And with compassion

You spent your time
Preparing and dreaming
For a moment that is
Yet to come

Well this is just a poem tht i created when i was in the middle of a school session, so it sounds kinda weird tho.. :-))
Jan 2014 · 697
My obscure realm
Ara Jan 2014
I am not any of those poets
Am not  a writer
And never really wanted to be one
But i keep forcing the voices in my head
To be written onto this paper

Trying to evade from all the pains
I set my thoughts across the paper
Freely, deliberately taking its time
To conquer every single page

Under my realm
I can breathe the fresh crisp air
And let my thoughts away
In the frigid cold night

Jan 2014 · 642
Untold Goodbye
Ara Jan 2014
Been thinking about you since the first day we met
Been  trying to grab your attention since my heart felt for you
Been into a  gazzilion of griveness over you
Been your most favourite ones when you noticed me
Been your inspiration when i'm yours
Been with you throughout the lovely months
Been crying over you when our relationship started to shake
Been missing you since we broke up
And now
I've been keeping my good bye in my deepest thoughts and hearts
Cause it's hard for me to good bye you


— The End —