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1d · 118
The machines paint pictures of utopia
As mankind
Wages war on its own human mind

Illness in the name of profit
A facade of wellness and wealth
Crystal windchimes, Lambskin underwear
All under ownership of an IOU

We are a pity, and the joke
And nature knows it
I seem caught in a crux
Between my humble reality
and a mass delusion...

I am afraid we'll see the takers
Pick up the last of our crumbs
And draw legal documents to declare it

Rent, intangible for the exhausted
Food, a luxury for the hungry

As stars make preparations to blast off
Leaving the husk they cremated behind

I, too, hope I don't have to come back here
Feb 12 · 103
Song For The Banshee
I'll sit as still as stone
while in your running, you miss -
you're a modern day Medusa,
kissing the screen which sells you bliss.

And though you hope to know me,
I could never tell a soul...
About the depth and cost
Of all the loss
Which your sorrow and money stole.

If you ask me for the truth,
I'll give it to you for free.
You're a walking corpse
who sold her youth for a horse
that can only crawl a mile of three.

We meet in the dollhouse at teatime
your presence is like a disease -
emitting odors most foul
as you flap your saggy jowls
******* at your wig for fleas.

Among all of the talk I breathe,
from the rancid to the divine,
I inquire of God with half a smile
and ask, "who will arrive on time?"

Pardon me, if you could, madam
I simply find it hard to fathom
That a fortune was rigged for the infantile -
the rotten, the greedy,
I could go on for a while...

You are a nightmare which offends my dreams
Dressed in cat ***** rags, yet you act like a queen
"This will be my year! Just you wait and see!
My bag-a-bones mother holds her fortune for me!"

Yet I do have a humble suggestion of my own...

If you could remove your rose colored glasses, you'd see
Your own wolf cries haunt the halls for eternity
I can see right through you, already a ghost
Doing the least, and grifting the most...

You were sold a lie, and bought all in.
Your garbage collection is not your friend;
for little could save you from this cruel fate -
the love tokens were counterfeit,
your screams buried beneath the weight of your hate.

There is no more room for you to draw another breath;
for your freedom bearer is whom you fear the most - death.
Consumed by your ego, you must pay the toll.
Pray you may request a refund for your very soul.
Nov 2024 · 231
Adaire Pointer Nov 2024
We could keep going down,
but I'd rather ascend.
The solitary sight could be maddening...
The numbers are up.
The shadows are set.
My form graced this surface to grow.
Not to play pretend in the kiddie show...
the only way my soul may know.

— The End —