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101 · May 2020
We fight
AK May 2020
Tick, tick, tick, goes the ticking time bomb in your heart
Just waiting for the right time to tear me all apart
I try to tell you of all your wrongs,
But you just block me out like your least favorite songs
I try to run away, run away from this very day
Though you’ll soon catch up to me and I’ll soon have to pay
I’ll have to pay the price of ignoring you
And once I do you’ll just leave me there, feeling sad and blue
I scream and yell at the top of my lungs to scare you away
But you don’t even flinch, just laugh and smile then add, “I think I’ll stay for awhile.”
So I cry, “Dear dark shadows in my head, again I say
I will not let you take over my soul any day.”

Yay! My first poem is finished! I’m so proud of it.

— The End —