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Oct 2014 · 748
Call it a Dream
I see it Fulfilled
As yet, may not seem
Believe or not its real

Amid zero and decimal
I'm a lonely integer
Craving for another number
Love to cross a border

I'm so single like 1
Hoping for a turn
To my left is Zero
To my right is a point

Far beyond point is you
A step beyond Zero is 2
To my heart u are 1
To my sight you are 8

Swiftly, i crossed the border
Neither the eyes nor the heart are wrong
A pretty Figure 8 encapsulated in 1
Her eyes beseech love, her lips so tender.

Added up like addition
Ignoring the law of substraction
Mathematically, we are 2
Realistically, we are 1

So take my hands lets flow
Like d water in a hose
The bible directs my vision
You are my dream.

— The End —