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Dec 2024 · 33
A Rose Dec 2024
As I watch the world turn around me I feel the ground move under my feet.
It moves as if to drag me along
But I am comfortable where I stand.

Those who know me don’t,
Strangers aren’t all that strange though.
I sit and watch as my peers chase stars
While I watch for the rare rainbows.

As life moves on I am stuck in place,
I find comfort in solitude and find peace in the quiet.
Please grant me the freedom to live in peace forever — this is who I am.
From the archives
Jul 2023 · 299
A Rose Jul 2023
The smell of cigarettes surrounds me
As I climb the steps towards the doors
Of your home away from home.
My mother meets me at the door
And I sign the visitors register
Struggling to remember your room number.


As I walk down the corridor
I am warned that you look tired.
I know how it's going to end and I’m somewhat prepared.
I see you, and my heart breaks.
I can’t stay for long for fear of exposing my emotions to Grandad
So I leave the room and escape the building tears streaming down my face.

The smell of cigarettes surrounds me
As I realise this could be our last meet
As I realise that I didn’t tell you, I loved you.
Jul 2023 · 539
A Rose Jul 2023
The scavengers are watching.
They wait for my anguish to end
or make me weak
So they can steal you from my arms.
For you, I will always mourn,
I will protect you until my end.

In my weakest moment, I find the strength to protect you once more,
From the beady eyes which watch — waiting.

I will not let go of you, not again.
I will not let the scavengers take the last of you from me.
May 2019 · 204
A Rose May 2019
Dreams are torture.
The only way to escape
is to wake and face the day.

There is no winning or losing -
Only living
May 2019 · 245
A Rose May 2019
The days that are the hardest are the days that I’m the highest
For these are the days that I have farthest to fall
And as I plummet
I grab your hand
And at the bottom
We both
Dec 2018 · 393
To my dearest
A Rose Dec 2018
I can’t write something that can’t be put into words.
My love for you would require miles and miles
Of ink and paper to capture even half of what I feel for you.
You found me when I lost myself
And now we are one.

Can you describe euphoria found
In the breeze on a damp summer morning?
Can a person truly describe what it means to love?
I know that I cannot,
Therefore I won’t try as words could never do you justice.

My love, you are perfect in more ways than imaginable.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for letting me love you.
Oct 2018 · 410
A Rose Oct 2018
I see bubbles
I see them rise from my hands as I stand surrounded by the sun's warm embrace.
I hear my brothers call to me from the garden.
As they play I am in awe of the beauty of their innocence
Or rather, what’s left of it.
Both have pulled through hell to find a place where, as children, they can truly belong.
A home.
My home.

A home is not physical
Yet you can break it.
It is something you can build
Yet you can’t destroy it.
My home is open to all
And by all I mean anyone willing to open their own to me.
A home can be broken, but never destroyed
Because a home is the bond you hold with those who need you
And that, is the strongest thing known.
Sep 2017 · 320
A Word
A Rose Sep 2017
Our goodnights never change,
Or so I thought.
Just as I give up hope you always remind me of why I started trying,
Just one word from you can send my heart a flutter.
I float above all the trouble in my mind and see us.
Only you don’t see me.

A word so simple, can change so much.
Sep 2017 · 1.1k
A Rose Sep 2017
“You do this to yourself”
“Just stop thinking about it”
“It’s all in your head”

I wish I did
I wish I could
I wish it was

I come to you not because I want to
But because I have to.
I come to you after hours of sitting and thinking,
Thinking and sitting,
Wondering and worrying if what I am about to tell you
Will alter your view on me.
No, not what I’m about to tell you,
What I am about to trust you with.

I feel naked as I stand before you with
Words on my tongue, laying my mind piece by piece between us.
Piece by piece, word by word, thought by thought.
I trust you enough to recall my darkest days and my brightest moments.
I give you a piece of me and all I ask is that you accept it.
I don’t want you to nurse me back to health
I just want you to understand.

“You made all of this up”
“What’re you going to do? **** yourself?”
“This is just you looking for attention”

I wish I did
I wish I could
I wish I was

You look at me with pity in your eyes.
Not because I’m hurting, oh no,
Because I am a fool
How could I, the happy, smiley, outgoing child
Be unable to look at my own reflection and say
“I am proud to be me”
You mock me.
You mock my words.
I feel tears ***** my eyes but I am too ashamed to let you
See me break down under you.
I am ashamed.

I scramble to pick up the pieces of shattered glass that lay between us
But my shaky hands and glassy eyes betray me.
I retreat and begin to wonder how I could be such an idiot.
With a racing heart and shallow breath I reflect.

“You always have someone to talk to”
“You can always talk to me”
“It’s all going to be okay”

I wish I did
I wish I could
I wish it was.

— The End —