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ARAYNA Apr 2021
I don't really know what the hardest part was
What made me so anxious
Was falling in love with you
Finally getting over you
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I am either
missing my childhood
longing for future
ARAYNA Apr 2021
A little advice for every little girl:
Never possess a
damage prone heart
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You were the waves
and I was the beach.
You loved me
but weren't willing
to stay
ARAYNA Jul 2021
Scary that we can't see
When we think someone's
Fixing our heart
we don't know that
They're just shaping it
as they want just so they
can break it easily
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Now my idea of love can only be fulfilled by fictional characters
ARAYNA Apr 2021
My soul is like
a thousand Story books
you made fun of
ARAYNA Apr 2021
How does it feel to be a boy in this wrong generation?
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That day,
the whole day
I danced on
the tune of his breath
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Those street lights
The posters, the telephone booth
All make this city so brighter than ever
The way cars honk and the way people fall in love
The restaurants and the theaters
Always with a beautiful crowd
The flashlights staring at you
The way this place shines
And the signs over the hills
Brighter and brighter as we grow old
the happiness here is souled
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I never knew that
the cloud of love
I thought you had
was nothing more
than a bubble
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I found my calm in his chaos
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Such a curse to possess
a heart made of glass
How at one moment we were fine
And now we're collecting the broken pieces
ARAYNA Apr 2021
The shadow behind me has vanished
The light in my heart has darkened
The isle of happiness is now a cave of unfinished thoughts
This is the path where I often lose myself
This is the path where I stop looking for love
This is the time after being broke
After this I don't know where will I go
Whom should I trust
The faith has disappeared
That little ray of light is fading
The shadow behind me has vanished
The lights in my heart has darkened
ARAYNA Sep 2021
Dear beloved,
I knew you thought of me sometimes
I knew we had something
Something you couldn't explain
You wrote poems about how I hurt you
You told your mom that I made you happy
When it was the distance
that made you realise
That I wasn't the one
you would want.
You told me that I had the prettiest eyes
But were it mine that made yours cry?
I don't have an excuse not a reason.
But I can say that you deserve the world.
Dear beloved,
I am sorry that you weren't loved
ARAYNA Apr 2021
At my funeral bring me lilies
Let the lights be all over the city
And don't let those teardrops roll down your cheeks
I'll be sorry for leaving you this way
But i think I'll have to go
I know you'll be happy without me
Cause I'll still be protecting your soul
Every night look at the stars and you'll see me there waving at you and replay those moments
Where you had me too
When I die close all your doors after me
Cause I don't want to hurt you further
Just remember
I will be there forever yes I will be there forever
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Was growing up a girl hard for y'all?
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Sometimes I pray and it reaches to krishna
Sometimes it reaches to laxmi
Sometimes I pray and it reaches to Allah
Or sometimes it even reaches to the father, the son and the holy Spirit
When our gods don't discriminate then why should we?
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He loved her
but he was just another boy trapped in people
ARAYNA Apr 2021
It's the love that they fake
that makes our hearts ache
ARAYNA Apr 2021
His eyes shined brighter
than any galaxy ever will
ARAYNA Apr 2021
In all these years
when I tried to make
a better home for you in me
all you did was
remind me that
I was nothing more than a guesthouse
for you
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Love is like a game
We are the ones who get tossed
between selection and rejection
by the people we try to love
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You never forget
the one you truly loved
even if they made your heart grow sore
somewhere in your heart
the feeling for them will never die

Love has a rule of splitting
a heart into two
Sometimes the splits happen by breaking
Or sometimes the person accepts the other half of your heart
but once in love you heart will never be whole one in yourself again.

This is the reason we can never forget what they did to us.
ARAYNA Feb 2022
I saw you in the ballroom waiting at the door
Maybe she was running late
You were with your mates
How will I compete with beauty like hers

Sipping wine at the bar all alone
I was hoping you would notice me
Then you come with your head down low
She broke your heart,
she has done it before

I said can I make you a drink?
Then you smile and say yes I need it
Dances and dramas
Laugh through the trauma

Tell me will you fall in love again?
Tell me will you risk it all?
With a heart stuck in a knife
Tell me will you love me that way?

Now my mind will be in that room
Hoping I’ll be there with
I just wish that you knew
I was on my knees falling for you
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You held me close
when I was scared
You guided me
when I was lost
A love like yours has no cost
You taught me dignity and self respect
Thanks for all my flaws that you accept
Maybe in some years I'll be like you
until then and always mumma I love you too
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I'll live better
when I die
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I sat down with my mother
she asked me for a cup of coffee
we sat in the balcony
talking about life
She asked me if I was okay
I had no answer so i said yeah
she said it's mysterious
that you don't look like my flower
I finally told her
that all that's left of me
are my thorns
they tore my petals
to burn them
She said it will be okay
she said that she believed
in me more than she believed in God
I thanked her for her unconditional love
She held me close to her heart
and said that
I was enough to make my way
out of this fight
and into a lovely life
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That day when
I was attacked by my devil lovers
My own crown
Weighed me down
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She smiles
revealing a mystery
which will remain unsaid
ARAYNA Apr 2021
My wild roars
my demons fall asleep
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Meet me beyond the stream
Look at the glittery waves
Look at the 90s world
So calm and beautiful
Look at you with me
Look at the smiles all 'round
I want it that way now
I'm hit by 90s nostalgia
Look at the aesthetics
Turquoise and diamonds in the streets
Look at the 90s world
So calm and beautiful
ARAYNA Apr 2021
The hope in her
heart that
helps her
is destroyed by
the people she loves
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I am looking for the
people who poisoned
my heart
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Love is just like another riddle
All poets try to solve
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He threw light on the world
through the window in his every scar
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She is walking through the grass
All on her own
She knows that nobody
Is going to come
She just wants a happy life
But who hopes for that
After being stabbed by a knife
They made her weak
As skin and bone
Now she is walking through the grass
All on her own
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She is mysterious but full
with love revealing scars
she wrapped her arms around the moon
the night she gazed at the stars
ARAYNA Apr 2021
The way you touched my soul
You made me fall in love with you
But the way you touched my body
You took away all my sanity
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I tried my hardest to forget you
but you know, that's not how it works
somehow the stars in your eyes will always be shooting in the sky of my heart
ARAYNA Jul 2021
What happened to that sweet heart of yours
Why did became so bitter and numb
Like yesterday you were so bright
And today your so dull
I know you have risked everything
I know every second your mind is screaming
I know it's killing you
And that it's not what it could be
Just give it a thought
And know that it's worth
Do it before your world starts falling apart
I know it's still there, that sweet heart
-those sweet hearts
are often played on
ARAYNA Apr 2021
They all taught us to be perfect and beautiful
What they never really taught us was self love, sorry "selfish" as they call it.
They never taught us to be confident about ourselves
Or words like dignity and imperfection
Everyone wanted us to be perfect
When they were the only one looking for faults in us
They all wanted me to be presentable by
applying layers of foundation
Just to hide my real face, which by the way was filled with tears.
Tell me how is it ever going to help us
How will I be confident in myself when I was taught to erase my faults
ARAYNA Apr 2021
It's like a fire or just another flame
Burning so weak inside me
Trying to live
But the hope after being gone so low
I do not know
When will I be able to
Steady myself again
There's so much ado in
Looking at the mirror
And being the best you can
Saying this too shall pass
Without having the courage to accept it
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You remind me of
Blooming daisies,
Forest fires,
Running water
all just in one touch
ARAYNA Apr 2021
The princess
knowing she could fly
was scared to jump
off the tower
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Look at her as she walks down the aisle
Happiness filled in her eyes and hearts filled with trust
The way she looks at you standing at the altar
The way she gracefully hands you her life
Look how she is ready to leave everything just to be with you
Console her when she cries because she'll be leaving her mother
Show her how much she means to you when she takes her vows
And love her till she takes her last breaths
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He hugged her in a way she felt alive
He knew she was just stabbed by a knife
Her body was bleeding
His world was crumbling
Holding it all together they made it till the end
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She was like
a sunflower
who looked
for the sun
even on a
rainy day
ARAYNA Apr 2021
But we're all
fighting a
heartbroken war
ARAYNA Jun 2021
The wind rushes
And the bells chime
My hairs softly wave
I know that my heart is brave
But they call me weak and shattered
Just because they were the people that mattered
I lost my brave heart
To the chaos of falling apart
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