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70 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He asked, how far can healing go?
I replied, until the horizon vanishes.
69 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
But we're all
fighting a
heartbroken war
69 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
They all taught us to be perfect and beautiful
What they never really taught us was self love, sorry "selfish" as they call it.
They never taught us to be confident about ourselves
Or words like dignity and imperfection
Everyone wanted us to be perfect
When they were the only one looking for faults in us
They all wanted me to be presentable by
applying layers of foundation
Just to hide my real face, which by the way was filled with tears.
Tell me how is it ever going to help us
How will I be confident in myself when I was taught to erase my faults
69 · Apr 2021
Love fears oblivion
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You never forget
the one you truly loved
even if they made your heart grow sore
somewhere in your heart
the feeling for them will never die

Love has a rule of splitting
a heart into two
Sometimes the splits happen by breaking
Or sometimes the person accepts the other half of your heart
but once in love you heart will never be whole one in yourself again.

This is the reason we can never forget what they did to us.
68 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Those street lights
The posters, the telephone booth
All make this city so brighter than ever
The way cars honk and the way people fall in love
The restaurants and the theaters
Always with a beautiful crowd
The flashlights staring at you
The way this place shines
And the signs over the hills
Brighter and brighter as we grow old
the happiness here is souled
68 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
A poet looks for words when there are no words to say
68 · Apr 2021
The flames
ARAYNA Apr 2021
It's like a fire or just another flame
Burning so weak inside me
Trying to live
But the hope after being gone so low
I do not know
When will I be able to
Steady myself again
There's so much ado in
Looking at the mirror
And being the best you can
Saying this too shall pass
Without having the courage to accept it
66 · Apr 2021
My wild
ARAYNA Apr 2021
My wild roars
my demons fall asleep
66 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That's it!
Nothing is wrong with him if he cries freely
Nothing is wrong with her if she laughs freely
64 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
At my funeral bring me lilies
Let the lights be all over the city
And don't let those teardrops roll down your cheeks
I'll be sorry for leaving you this way
But i think I'll have to go
I know you'll be happy without me
Cause I'll still be protecting your soul
Every night look at the stars and you'll see me there waving at you and replay those moments
Where you had me too
When I die close all your doors after me
Cause I don't want to hurt you further
Just remember
I will be there forever yes I will be there forever
63 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I feel pity for myself
that i lost myself
and could not even have you
58 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
There's chaos in everything
In losing
In loving
In letting go
In gaining back
58 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
One of the things
you wanted me to
experience was the
peace of solitude
58 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Every girl should remember
that her body is not an
amusement park
for unwilling guest
55 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I feel blue
like I'm a crayon
you do nothing but
play with
54 · Apr 2021
True love
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He hugged her in a way she felt alive
He knew she was just stabbed by a knife
Her body was bleeding
His world was crumbling
Holding it all together they made it till the end
52 · Apr 2021
Will you?
ARAYNA Apr 2021
In some years what will happen
Will you cry when I die of loving you
Will you ever regret what you did to us
Or will you ever talk about me like something you miss
Will you tell her how much I loved you and how you let me down
Will you apologize to the stars every night after she's fast asleep
Will you tell your best friend that you should have given me a chance
Will you try to call my mother and apologize for hurting her only daughter every single time she tried to love you
Will you call my dad and tell him that you made his daughter's life a living grave
tell me what will you do
When I die of loving you
52 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You've hurt me so much
I felt sorry for being there
for you
48 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
How we loose people
Will always be a mystery
How we let them
tear us is crystal clear

— The End —