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1.2k · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
When I looked into your eyes I realized that sometimes forever can just be for one second
1.1k · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He taught me everything except how to move on
1.0k · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She was like
a sunflower
who looked
for the sun
even on a
rainy day
981 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She carried the sky
in her mind
the ocean in her eyes
and the golden in her hands
679 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
You say I am not good enough for you
when you are the one who's not enough to see who I truly am
504 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
They tell us about
the stars that shine
But never about the
scars and the scary times
496 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He loved her
but he was just another boy trapped in people
468 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
My perfection would never be able to write these poems the way my flaws do

We have lost so much in order win over perfection when it doesn't even exist
People write about perfection just because it's to hard to face what's really in front of them.
Perfection doesn't exist. Don't go astray in order to achieve it
459 · May 2021
ARAYNA May 2021
Sometimes giving up
needs more hard work
than holding on
440 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
You saw how hard I was falling in love
but you didn't catch me even then
430 · May 2021
ARAYNA May 2021
I hate to be the one
to tell you
that I'm not the one
395 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
They call is weak
and then fear to give us the power
313 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
The wind rushes
And the bells chime
My hairs softly wave
I know that my heart is brave
But they call me weak and shattered
Just because they were the people that mattered
I lost my brave heart
To the chaos of falling apart
289 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
Broken heart is
like a scratch
when you are stuck
with a broken mind
which is like knife stab
260 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
the rainfall on my mind
waters the flowers in my heart
253 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Your memories don't burn in my eyes now
cause his love is putting the fire in my heart out
249 · May 2021
ARAYNA May 2021
You filled the darkness
between the stars
through you scars.
there was terrible silence
the moon ever heard.
your eyes lit up a city.
there was a weird beauty
the butterflies ever saw
234 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He stood strong
when he decided to love me
he admired all
my broken parts,
my hideous sides,
my wildest roars
and my demons asleep.
My heart mysterious of all
and yet he found it solved
233 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I want to un-feel everything I ever felt
211 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Was growing up a girl hard for y'all?
166 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
Don't talk to me
if you want
but send me a song
I'll sing it to the moon
164 · Apr 2021
His eyes
ARAYNA Apr 2021
His eyes shined brighter
than any galaxy ever will
158 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You were my moonlight
when my moon was scared to shine again
my heart it said that
no more could it feel the pain
that day I fell in love with you
and wondered what would it be like
if you loved me too
132 · Apr 2021
God is one
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Sometimes I pray and it reaches to krishna
Sometimes it reaches to laxmi
Sometimes I pray and it reaches to Allah
Or sometimes it even reaches to the father, the son and the holy Spirit
When our gods don't discriminate then why should we?
126 · Sep 2021
Dear beloved
ARAYNA Sep 2021
Dear beloved,
I knew you thought of me sometimes
I knew we had something
Something you couldn't explain
You wrote poems about how I hurt you
You told your mom that I made you happy
When it was the distance
that made you realise
That I wasn't the one
you would want.
You told me that I had the prettiest eyes
But were it mine that made yours cry?
I don't have an excuse not a reason.
But I can say that you deserve the world.
Dear beloved,
I am sorry that you weren't loved
124 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She smiles
revealing a mystery
which will remain unsaid
123 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
And you just vanished
Breaking my heart
But leaving a smile on my face
117 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I never knew that
the cloud of love
I thought you had
was nothing more
than a bubble
115 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Even in my wildest nightmare
you appeared as an angel
113 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Falling for you was never hard
It was more like falling down from the moon
and into the hands of a star
113 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He threw light on the world
through the window in his every scar
112 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That day,
the whole day
I danced on
the tune of his breath
111 · Jul 2021
Sweet heart
ARAYNA Jul 2021
What happened to that sweet heart of yours
Why did became so bitter and numb
Like yesterday you were so bright
And today your so dull
I know you have risked everything
I know every second your mind is screaming
I know it's killing you
And that it's not what it could be
Just give it a thought
And know that it's worth
Do it before your world starts falling apart
I know it's still there, that sweet heart
-those sweet hearts
are often played on
111 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Love is like a game
We are the ones who get tossed
between selection and rejection
by the people we try to love
109 · Jun 2021
ARAYNA Jun 2021
Walking towards you
is more like
looking for a home
in briars and thornbushes
109 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You broke her walls and you did it beautifully
Now she is breaking and she is doing it beautifully
108 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
the hollows in our hearts were once filled with the goldest shines ever
107 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I've seen a devil in your eyes
and I've been brave to fight
it all alone
107 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
In all these years
when I tried to make
a better home for you in me
all you did was
remind me that
I was nothing more than a guesthouse
for you
106 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Love is not about making it till the end.
Love is simply about never ending it
105 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I found my calm in his chaos
105 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
How can my heart die
when it's inked in these
103 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
It's the love that they fake
that makes our hearts ache
101 · Feb 2022
Love me that way
ARAYNA Feb 2022
I saw you in the ballroom waiting at the door
Maybe she was running late
You were with your mates
How will I compete with beauty like hers

Sipping wine at the bar all alone
I was hoping you would notice me
Then you come with your head down low
She broke your heart,
she has done it before

I said can I make you a drink?
Then you smile and say yes I need it
Dances and dramas
Laugh through the trauma

Tell me will you fall in love again?
Tell me will you risk it all?
With a heart stuck in a knife
Tell me will you love me that way?

Now my mind will be in that room
Hoping I’ll be there with
I just wish that you knew
I was on my knees falling for you
101 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
A little advice for every little girl:
Never possess a
damage prone heart
101 · Jul 2021
Blind in love
ARAYNA Jul 2021
Scary that we can't see
When we think someone's
Fixing our heart
we don't know that
They're just shaping it
as they want just so they
can break it easily
98 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You held me close
when I was scared
You guided me
when I was lost
A love like yours has no cost
You taught me dignity and self respect
Thanks for all my flaws that you accept
Maybe in some years I'll be like you
until then and always mumma I love you too
98 · Apr 2021
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She is mysterious but full
with love revealing scars
she wrapped her arms around the moon
the night she gazed at the stars
97 · May 2021
ARAYNA May 2021
When your heart
feels in pieces
you have the beautiful
power to arrange it
in any shape you like
94 · Apr 2021
My crown
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That day when
I was attacked by my devil lovers
My own crown
Weighed me down
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