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Apr 2021 · 396
ARAYNA Apr 2021
They call is weak
and then fear to give us the power
Apr 2021 · 983
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She carried the sky
in her mind
the ocean in her eyes
and the golden in her hands
Apr 2021 · 78
When it rains
ARAYNA Apr 2021
When it rains I think of you
roaming on the street at night
When it rains I think of you
Kissing me in broad daylight
When it rains I think of you
Sleeping by my side
When it rains I think of you
And the times when you were mine
Apr 2021 · 63
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I feel pity for myself
that i lost myself
and could not even have you
Apr 2021 · 69
ARAYNA Apr 2021
A poet looks for words when there are no words to say
Apr 2021 · 70
ARAYNA Apr 2021
But we're all
fighting a
heartbroken war
Apr 2021 · 86
ARAYNA Apr 2021
And the
way you broke me
My mind started
writing poetry
Apr 2021 · 58
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Every girl should remember
that her body is not an
amusement park
for unwilling guest
Apr 2021 · 69
Love fears oblivion
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You never forget
the one you truly loved
even if they made your heart grow sore
somewhere in your heart
the feeling for them will never die

Love has a rule of splitting
a heart into two
Sometimes the splits happen by breaking
Or sometimes the person accepts the other half of your heart
but once in love you heart will never be whole one in yourself again.

This is the reason we can never forget what they did to us.
Apr 2021 · 82
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I will have to make up words just to describe how pretty his eyes are.
there are no words to describe his eyes
Apr 2021 · 88
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He died on this very day
a year ago.
Late night car crash.
So unexpected.
I cried the whole night
thinking I would've at least
said it's okay.
He never ever left my veins
Apr 2021 · 78
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I no longer
want to turn
your hate you
into love you
Apr 2021 · 60
ARAYNA Apr 2021
There's chaos in everything
In losing
In loving
In letting go
In gaining back
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He taught me everything except how to move on
Apr 2021 · 49
ARAYNA Apr 2021
How we loose people
Will always be a mystery
How we let them
tear us is crystal clear
Apr 2021 · 89
ARAYNA Apr 2021
If the heart has the courage to fall in love,
It surely has the power to mend itself
Apr 2021 · 234
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He stood strong
when he decided to love me
he admired all
my broken parts,
my hideous sides,
my wildest roars
and my demons asleep.
My heart mysterious of all
and yet he found it solved
Apr 2021 · 82
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I tried my hardest to forget you
but you know, that's not how it works
somehow the stars in your eyes will always be shooting in the sky of my heart
Apr 2021 · 107
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Love is not about making it till the end.
Love is simply about never ending it
Apr 2021 · 118
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I never knew that
the cloud of love
I thought you had
was nothing more
than a bubble
Apr 2021 · 112
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That day,
the whole day
I danced on
the tune of his breath
Apr 2021 · 85
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I found a love
wrapped in words
of his sentences
Apr 2021 · 111
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Love is like a game
We are the ones who get tossed
between selection and rejection
by the people we try to love
Apr 2021 · 234
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I want to un-feel everything I ever felt
Apr 2021 · 91
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Her poems were unnoticed
the mystery was unsolved
the love was not reciprocated
the tears never stopped
the sea was never calm
the winds never changed
her heart had it all safe
Apr 2021 · 77
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She was the king
and she
ruled like a goddess
loved like a mother
Flew like an angel
dreamt like a girl
- don't say that woman
cannot set an example
Apr 2021 · 98
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She is mysterious but full
with love revealing scars
she wrapped her arms around the moon
the night she gazed at the stars
Apr 2021 · 105
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I found my calm in his chaos
Apr 2021 · 75
ARAYNA Apr 2021
"No", she cried as the monster explored the mysteries in her body.
Apr 2021 · 74
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I am tired of being a princess
I am tired of being expected to be delicate
I am tired of being pointed at
I am tired of having decisions made for myself
I am not tired of being a woman
Know the difference
Apr 2021 · 164
His eyes
ARAYNA Apr 2021
His eyes shined brighter
than any galaxy ever will
Apr 2021 · 67
ARAYNA Apr 2021
That's it!
Nothing is wrong with him if he cries freely
Nothing is wrong with her if she laughs freely
Apr 2021 · 81
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I sat down with my mother
she asked me for a cup of coffee
we sat in the balcony
talking about life
She asked me if I was okay
I had no answer so i said yeah
she said it's mysterious
that you don't look like my flower
I finally told her
that all that's left of me
are my thorns
they tore my petals
to burn them
She said it will be okay
she said that she believed
in me more than she believed in God
I thanked her for her unconditional love
She held me close to her heart
and said that
I was enough to make my way
out of this fight
and into a lovely life
Apr 2021 · 82
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Now my idea of love can only be fulfilled by fictional characters
Apr 2021 · 82
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I'll live better
when I die
Apr 2021 · 107
ARAYNA Apr 2021
In all these years
when I tried to make
a better home for you in me
all you did was
remind me that
I was nothing more than a guesthouse
for you
Apr 2021 · 75
ARAYNA Apr 2021
When you said
she was your world
I was looking for
the galaxy I had in myself
Apr 2021 · 86
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She is walking through the grass
All on her own
She knows that nobody
Is going to come
She just wants a happy life
But who hopes for that
After being stabbed by a knife
They made her weak
As skin and bone
Now she is walking through the grass
All on her own
Apr 2021 · 93
ARAYNA Apr 2021
How does it feel to be a boy in this wrong generation?
Apr 2021 · 211
ARAYNA Apr 2021
Was growing up a girl hard for y'all?
Apr 2021 · 125
ARAYNA Apr 2021
And you just vanished
Breaking my heart
But leaving a smile on my face
Apr 2021 · 54
ARAYNA Apr 2021
You've hurt me so much
I felt sorry for being there
for you
Apr 2021 · 103
ARAYNA Apr 2021
A little advice for every little girl:
Never possess a
damage prone heart
Apr 2021 · 78
...... 🤍
ARAYNA Apr 2021
I am either
missing my childhood
longing for future
Apr 2021 · 67
My wild
ARAYNA Apr 2021
My wild roars
my demons fall asleep
Apr 2021 · 105
ARAYNA Apr 2021
It's the love that they fake
that makes our hearts ache
Apr 2021 · 79
ARAYNA Apr 2021
His smile
was like a witchcraft
in the world of demons and monsters
Apr 2021 · 80
the tower
ARAYNA Apr 2021
The princess
knowing she could fly
was scared to jump
off the tower
Apr 2021 · 78
ARAYNA Apr 2021
She was the words
his poems missed out on
Apr 2021 · 497
ARAYNA Apr 2021
He loved her
but he was just another boy trapped in people
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