Divinity is inside
Divinity is God's
Love in your heart
We all carry a piece
Of God's love inside
We all carry that
Divine grace and
Mercy that comes
When we least expect
When we look inside
When we truly search
Ourselves we will find
A little piece of God
And beauty inside of
All of our hearts
We are all searching
For that divinity
We just don't always
Know where to look
We can look everywhere
Instead of looking in
Ourselves and seeing the
Love brewing inside
It can be very easy
To try and rely on
Other people
Or even other
Things to dictate
How we feel or
Try and steal
That divinity and
Peace and love
With fear and hate
And uncertainty
Depression and
Darkness can
Steal our inner
Divinity and light
As well but when
You find that light
Inside of yourself
You will begin to
Glow with God's
Love and peace
And happiness
And whatever
Was hurting or
Whatever was
Causing stress or
Strife in your life
Will melt away
As God's love
And light and
Divinity heals
You from the
Inside out
Letting you
See what God
Sees when he
Looks at you
And says I am
Pleased with all
Of my creations
And I love all
Of my children
Just the same
You are truly
Beautiful in the
Eyes of your
Creator no matter
What the world
Or even you
Might think
We all have that
Inner beauty and
Worth and unique
Glow that is just
Waiting to flow