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AOk Jan 2019
the dense/scent
of winter-peaches.


& the early-tease
of morning-breeze

my heart is whole;
it is the dawn that breaks
AOk Jan 2019
Well, yes.

I am Sisyphus.

But baby, no one said you had to help.

In fact, *******.
I got this.

I mean, it's my mother-*******-rock.
I should know,
I picked it.

And yes,
I will push it up this *******-hill
over, and over, and over, and over again.

Just for the split-second that it sticks.

For that hairs breadth between me and death.

For the longing that steamed off my coffee this morning
as I stole a few blinks to catch up on my yawning.

For that smile that propenses
every time your lip tenses
as it sweetly condenses
the-thought of a kiss.

For the way
all your eyelashes
'just this'

For the moon
in the sky
in the stars

For the fact that the Earth
is the Moon's only/love.

Cuz at the beginning of time
when their names nearly rhymed,
Oh the Moon,
she spun

So close to the locus
the Earth couldn't focus
onthat sweet-swallowed-secret
that Reva-in-Rock.

So the Moon was embarrassed!

Cuz the Earth couldn't see
just how beautiful cavernous moon-dust could be
cleverer/lovers might have found other/druthers
but that Moon, she's as shy as can be.

So she took a step back.

In the hopes that this tact
might help her sweet-lady to see
the slow unfolding of her smile
an expansion of existence
to put infinity to trial
and every singularity
hidden in her grin
held a small
to the edges of its skin
cuz the scantest
that this ruse might just still win
makes the act of
look a little like a sin
don't it

Just give me time.

I will find your lines and cross them.

If you let me laugh with you
I'll help you see how ******* me
is like eating the space between the phrase
and the word

You can't blame a Beast for Being
when existing is the only thing it owns and
honing-that-ferocious tends to try-the-tamer
cuz this
will never make me saner.

I got a-Beast.
With bones that moan.

She sleeps inside a cold-cave-stone,

She spends moonlights roaming countrysides,

and pushing rocks
to prove she's live.
AOk Jan 2019
I think about the ache
that cracking predicates itself upon.

How all-my-young-life
I wished for the snapping/satisfaction
of sinewed bone releasing pressure into atmosphere at will.

As if nursing-up some
till it's ripe with honeycomb and milk
only to set it loose in/of the wild-wood at night.

It's not that way though is it?

It's fissures in the ice
which rise from warmth.

A low/persistent/river
flowing steady through the reeds
till each they dry
and crackle-in-the-current.
AOk Jan 2019
There's something about the way
the air-weighs before it rains.

Like it aches with water,
decided not to swallow mid- sip.

A whole mouthful of wet
lazing around the root of your tongue.

Lips sealed-up
around a mess
of falling
AOk Jan 2019
What it is,
is good.
And so was
what it was.
AOk Jan 2019
It will never be perfect,
we may only begin,
if we look around lightly,
we might learn to swim.

— The End —