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Leanne 15h
I closed my eyes for just a blink,
But these brown eyes sure made me think
Of wonderful things I saw behind the shades,
Unknown to the people around or in the parades.
The eyes beheld a beautiful sight.
A man whose heart wasn't fixed just right.
I knew right then, whoever he was, I was destined to.
It's like my mind took a snapshot of you.
It definitely knew you before I even took a step.
The letter was written for us before we even met.
It's like you and I were destined to be
seen by each other.
This radiant match was meant before we stepped from undercover.
To know that your heart needed healing by just seeing with closed eyes.
Maybe it was just the reflection of what was wrong with mine.
Either way, it goes to show
someone out there knows more than we know.
Still, as I close these brown eyes for a blink or to sleep,
baby, it's you I see, and now that's never a blink.
I close my eyes tighter when you're not near.
I feel your presence from behind these shades; have no fear.
Baby, I plan on seeing you forever and many more years.
Leanne 1d
It was that smile that first drew me in.
Showing all the happiness,
All in that grin,
I watched that face and those eyes over time.
Never once did I think I'd
call you mine.
I know I don't own you.
I sure would if I could.
I'd keep you with me.
And make everything so good.
You deserve all the greatness
this world has to give.
Oh, what I would do to forever be with him.
I know the situation is hard to look past. 
 But, man, in the blink of an eye, I'd be yours super fast.
You've given me some of your smile to wear.
You gave it to me with such care.
I know in my heart forever you'll be mine.
If only I could change the outcome.
Man, I'd love you forever.
You'd never have to worry about me.
I'd take care of you through everything.
I'd give you more than you'd ever know.
For two people meant for one another, Time and distance are never too long. Absolutely no one can tear them apart.
Just letting you know from the bottom of my heart.
This woman has loved you from the start.
  This woman is your sweetheart..
Leanne 3d
I can't wait to see you; it feels like it's been years.
The crazy thing is it's been only three long days (with some tears).
I can't wait until you hold me ever so close.
It's then that I get lost in those intoxicating eyes and when I brush against your nose.
I can't wait to steal your endless, breathtaking kisses.
It's then when I feel coming true are all my wishes.
I can't wait to melt in your arms so sweet,
I'll be the butter, and you'll be the sweet treat.
I can't wait to place my head on your chest, and rub you ever so soft.
Listen to your heartbeat, harder and faster, like it's ready to take off.
I can't wait to hold your hands and we play with our fingers like a little fight.
But man holding your hand is heaven when you squeeze it so tight!
I can't wait to be alone and away from it all.
Imagine the passion, the possibilities, starting from when we first began to fall in......
In Love ❤️
I can't wait for what's to come!!!
Leanne 3d
I wonder what it will be like to be completely snuggled up with you.
Man, this is something I've wanted to do.
To feel your whole body completely next to mine.
Forget the throws of passion; body to body will be fine.
To feel the warmth of our arms and legs intertwined perfectly just right.
Yes, there will be plenty of emotions we will have to fight.
When we become so close that we feel each other's skin tingle with each sacred touch.
Heavens knows where our hands will lead and how we will love it so much.
I've been on fire for being snuggled up with you for a while.
I know that my hands want to travel Over all of you, for miles.
The way you sweetly touch me now, pure, longing touches bring me endless smiles.
To know what you do to me just by being snuggled up sitting side by side.
I can only dream and imagine, when there is nothing to hide.
Baby, Bring it on, I'm not scared.
I want to feel all of you, as I know how much you care.
Our hugs are out of this world, between us two.
Imagine when we're both horizontal, imagine how snuggled up I will get to you!.
Leanne 4d
He can make me laugh any day.
He can make me melt with his sweet forehead kiss.
He can make my love grow stronger for him in every way.
He can take one step away from me, and It's him I already miss.
He can say "I love you" to me, and he knows I love him the same, if not more.
He can light this heart of mine on fire when he looks my way.
He can hug this woman better than she has ever been hugged before.
He can kiss me ever so gently, my sweet Ray.
He can kiss me so passionately that our mouths become in sync.
He can make me happy when no one else can.
He can almost read my mind, as if he knows what I think.
He can make a simple phone call and make me feel like he is my fan.
He can make me feel all kinds of indescribable.
He can make me feel beautiful, and I truly believe it.
He can make time for me whenever he is able.
He will have me forever because this love will never quit!
Leanne 5d
It's another night where I lie and wonder what it would be like.
I wonder what it would be like to be in that space.
What would it be like if I could just be in that place?
Thoughts fluctuate through my head,
Then suddenly my nose turns red.
I wonder what you've been up to without me. What do you do?
I'm sure thoughts of me have crossed your mind, too.
This has to be the hardest part.
I feel a terrible aching in my heart.
It's not fair; they can't see. How can they possibly not know what you do to me?
These are just some thoughts that fill my head.
I even wonder how pleasant and peaceful it would be here with you in my bed.
My connection to you, my soulmate, yes, that's what you are.
You're like a gift given to me from the heavens, in the form of a star.
But here I lie and dream sweet, endless dreams that probably will never come true.
Yes, all my wildest dreams are with you.
With all my love, soul, and my biggest heart.
It's another night that we are separated, and we are sadly apart.
Leanne 6d
When you hear the word "hero," you think of a strong person saving the world.
When I think of the word "hero," I think of you and how you have rescued me.
You may think you are anything but noble.
Or look and see your without your steed.
But to me, you're my hero because you know just what I need.
You may not think you're not worthy,
You have not be knighted by the sword.
But to me, your presence, personality, and love are more.
You may think you are not super, and you feel broken behind your mask.
But to me, I see a perfectly imperfect, super kind of man.
You may think your cape is missing.
You're not a hero in its absence.
But to me, no cape is needed to show a true hero to the masses.
You took all you are and all you have, and held my hand and me.
You speak to me as if I matter and make me feel so seen.
You're my hero; you've saved me from the sadness and loneliness I felt.
You're my hero, my unexpected blessing, whose whole being makes me melt.
You are my hero, my puzzle pieces that finally make me feel whole.
So when you hear the word hero and never think its you.
Just remember how wonderful the love is between us two.
My RL🫠❤️
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