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Apr 21 · 168
Nov, 2018 Apr, 2024
Uninterpreted fears
Are a creaky door
Can’t be left half open
Or you're unable to pass through
Use the window
Turn to me
Look me in the eyes
Now turn around
What do you see
Not the rich, rolling grass
Nor the speckled stone
But the feeling
Like the tender nervousness of a first kiss
Or an embrace from a new friend
What is this feeling?
I cant make you feel it
It starts in your chest
Then works its way out
Your eyes warm
Then your limbs get fuzzy
This thing that we do
Pretending we cant see it
Look around you
You must only but glance
Its being alive that I see
Look for it next time
Aug 2019 · 101
je vais à s&c
Andrew Fontaine Aug 2019
damp, weary feet
being ******* at the sun
a heaviness around my neck
the draft as the descent is made
a growing growl
slick to the touch metal
wanting to be with someone
self consciousness
turning corners like i know
slowing down once the last one is behind me
sitting down
losing once
more patience
looking around
and now backwards
Mar 2019 · 85
Your son
Andrew Fontaine Mar 2019
Why do we argue
Why do we fight
I'm a man now
I know you don't like it and I know it hurts you
But I'm a man now
You used to be like me
A man then
Not too rebellious
Not entirely foolish
Conflict isn't condemnation
I'm a man now
Feb 2018 · 219
Andrew Fontaine Feb 2018
There seems to be no hope for these lines
As I read them I drift away
I just want to sleep
These people, with their false woe
Their sappy loneliness bleeds off my screen
I can feel it
So rich is the ink
That one cant seem to breathe
But what we can find
Is the slippery confines
That are minds
Feb 2018 · 168
Andrew Fontaine Feb 2018
Nothing is as it seems
Not the sky
Not the trees
Everything is alive
The very means of writing
Inspiration is derived from asperity
Oct 2017 · 180
Where art thou
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
It is in verse as is in dress
That beauty hides and needs caressed
Though true beauty only some possess
We look around and see less and less
Peer deep inside ones heart and chest
There must be beauty in all this mess
Oct 2017 · 137
Something Sweet
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
Crisp as the new day dawns
Seemingly over hills
The sweet nectar
Of love
******* tumult
Eager to please
And be pleased
Oct 2017 · 156
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
Fresh in my mind
So much to do before I die
The howling doubt
Littered sins
Vain requests
How can one do so
Clenching fingers
Out of reach
Out of sight
The poem portrays a picture connoting a sense of hope amidst disharmony and discord. Having noticed the final destination close at hand, the narrator while making preparation to accomplish the assigned tasks , seems to disappear from this earth. -Hitesh C Bhakat
Oct 2017 · 130
Numbered Dreams
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
My hands grow numb
Honeyed venom seething through her lips
Her gaze meets mine
All I can do is stare
Sight grows dim
I'm falling up
Squeeze through
Back to my world
All I can do is laugh
I won this time
Oct 2017 · 129
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
When I return
The lights shall be lit
Table set
Floor swept
Door unlatched
Roof thatched
Everything repaired
For one final go
A shot in the wind
My last chance
Expect me
Oct 2017 · 280
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
One vast expanse, rolling
Like the leaf that never falls
Holding on, no letting go
What is in a thing
Like thorns on my cowl
Seemingly intertwined
Nothing ever turns out all right
Stops all growth
Its getting cold
Oct 2017 · 219
Crows Nest
Andrew Fontaine Oct 2017
May I lead you
On through
To high!
Down deep
Wading in seeped dreams
But you
Feeling alone
Mist veiled
Through the gates of my mind
In passed the hill
Take a right at the greene
Whats that
A door

— The End —