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Sep 2010 · 921
This Love, This Trust
8DaveWonder Sep 2010
Have you known someone this life-time
That was here and now is gone?
You remember easily their cheerful-laugh
And maybe took a walk with them at dawn

Does your heart ache for them sometimes?
When you have a moment all alone?
Your memories of time together
Maybe good conversations on the phone

When you look you can see their soulful smile
You remember a warm embrace
You can even recall the times you argued
And the tears streaming down their face

Do you recall how when you were with them,
That with you they were like no-other-friend?
You thought how lucky that-you-were
And wanted to have them with you till the end?

Take a close look right now in your life
And tell me who you'll really miss
It may be a friend you share a coffee with
Or a lover with whom you share a kiss

But in this life you'll meet so many
And in that many there will only be a few
Right now your mind may go to someone
Who truly loves and understands just you

You realize there's something unique about them
Where love and friendship go beyond
And if you knew one day they were here-no-more,
Possibly you'd feel like you just could not go on...

This love, this trust...
It's a closeness that cannot be described...
In truth your souls met and shared one heartbeat,

And today this keeps both of you alive...

©8DaveWonder September 2010
Aug 2010 · 924
It's Hard to Believe
8DaveWonder Aug 2010
Can you really forget me,

just as simple as that?

It's hard to believe
after making love in your bed
with all the things that we shared
and all the things that you said...

I feel like a fool
please tell me it just-isn't-true
because it seems I believed

in falling in love,
falling for you...

Now there's something I feel
I really must ask,

Can you truly forget me,

just as simple as that?

I really don't get it?
I mean what happened to us?

We'd laugh and we walked
We'd have coffee and talk

For hours on end,
As intimate friends...

Closer and closer
The more love that we shared
I opened my heart
You showed that you cared

But suddenly it's different
Your distant and cold
You say it's all over
Like we're young and then old

Is there is someone you want?
More desperate than me?
That is so unbelievable
My heart cannot-even-see

My soul it feels shattered
In fact my heart it's in shock
Were your words all just empty?
The late nights that we talked?

And after all of our sensual
and intimate texts
It's hard to believe
that nothing comes next...

I told you I loved you
in intimate chats...

Can you truly forget me?

just as simple as that?

©8DaveWonder August 2010
Aug 2010 · 1.5k
Kiss Now
8DaveWonder Aug 2010
Kiss Now

Kiss now
Before  you forget
Kiss now
Just like the day we-first-met

Kiss long
Like time has stood still
Get lost in the moment
Until your hearts are fulfilled

Kiss deep
With every emotion you feel
Take one single breath
As your eyes lock-onto what's real

Kiss gentle
Until you both feel aroused
Kiss soft
Until you feel your head-in-the-clouds

Look ahead
As you age and slow down
I'm sure you'll kiss then
Kiss now
While they're still around

Kiss now
With every ounce of your soul
Kiss with passion
So that each of you know

Kiss Now
because soon
Now becomes Then
And guess what?

You'll look back


"Wished you kissed when..."

©8DaveWonder 2010
Jul 2010 · 710
8DaveWonder Jul 2010
When you touch me
Touch me with your heart
When you whisper
Whisper also when we're apart

When you look at me
Look at me so I know
When you kiss me
Kiss me from your very soul

When you hold me
Make me feel that I'm the only one
If our day it has its troubles
Then tomorrow bring back the sun

When we lie beneath the covers
And you feel my body bare
Look past my imperfections
And see that in my eyes I care

When in a moment of uncertainty
If you feel that we are through
First hold my hand and lean closer
As I whisper how much love I have for you...

©8DaveWonder 2010
Jul 2010 · 660
When the Silence Came
8DaveWonder Jul 2010
When the Silence Came

When the silence came
I forgot your name

Because I was stunned,

By the radiance of your smile
By the quiet-breathing of your soul,
That joined with mine for-just-awhile...

You know I couldn't move...
But only listen,

To the rhythm of your heartbeats
as they would glisten,

next to me...

When the silence came
I wanted just-to-freeze

Inscribe inside my heart
The letters of your name

And then the silence became
more still
As both our souls
were filled...

Especially when we kissed
Because our lips
they never missed

Covering every curve...

We both realized we were caught
in this slow-motion-passion-place

The gentle sunlight
both our bodies
As we held each other
and embraced

Our heartbeats ever-softly-tapping
Like they were busy-mapping

The road...

That led from my heart back-to-yours
And your heart back-to-mine

So when the silence
would come again,
We'd know exactly
where to find,

Each other...

©8DaveWonder 2010
Jul 2010 · 761
Eternity in a Moment
8DaveWonder Jul 2010
There really isn't anything like it,

Is there?

Often-times it is intense
Sometimes your heart held-in-suspense

Your insides bursting
Your heart aflame
Sometimes you wonder
Will you feel this way again?

There really isn't anything like it,

Is there?

Your nervous heart
Your sensual mind
You recall last night
As passion climbed

It often makes you catch your breath
Without this feeling your soul bereft

They're here they're gone
You lay in-your-bed
romantic-reruns play in your head

It's so electric
It's laughing-fun
It's like a huge-embrace
From the noon-day sun

It's also sometimes
Filled with tears
Words you heard
That fan your fears

But that's what makes it the world's best drug

You grab and kiss
Just one more hug

You want this feeling to forever-last
So you create each moment
and forget the past

Sometimes those three words
They're in your head
You wish from them once more they're said

These words this feeling
And then the hush
Your heart is beating
You feel the rush

You look at them it feels-so-deep
Like eternity-in-a-moment
It's yours-to-keep

It's yours it's my mine
It's ours divine
It's never-ending
So take your time...

There really isn't anything like it,

Is there?

©8DaveWonder 2010

— The End —