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30 Days Sep 2018
When we look back in 10 years

I hope we smile
30 Days Sep 2018
The hard times are over

There is no room for anything in this life but pure and unfiltered happiness

For someone so comfortable with writing, there will never be any words to describe the way I feel when I see her smile

And I’ll do everything and anything to keep that precious smile on her face

Because the woman who brings out the best in me, just by being who she is, deserves everything her heart’s ever wanted
30 Days Sep 2018
Singing together
Laughing together
Falling asleep together
Waking up together

We start, spend, and end our days together

I never want to spend a morning without making her laugh
I never want to spend a night without seeing her smile as she slowly unwinds from a long day

I never want to spend a day without her

Thank you for being who you are

Let's stay

Let's always stay
30 Days Sep 2018
Tomorrow is the day

Her day

All those stressful mornings, tearful nights
For a lifetime of making students smile

I pen my good luck message for her as she laughs on FaceTime
Like I always do, like I always will

Tomorrow will be special

And I will do everything I can to make it a day she never forgets
30 Days Sep 2018
For the first time, she told me she needed me

And maybe it's just tonight, but maybe it's something more

Maybe we are something more

Yeah, we definitely are

Something special beyond words

And I think she knows it too


I’m going to marry this girl
30 Days Aug 2018
I will forever cherish ending my nights with her

How can someone so quiet make my nights roar with euphoria?

Happiness. Pure.
Always, with her

There isn’t a night I want to spend without her by my side
30 Days Aug 2018
You make me so happy, just by being who you are.

And I know I make you happy too.

I just want to make you the happiest you’ve ever been, for the rest of your life
30 Days Sep 2018
This had to happen

Everything has to happen

Everything that has happened, needed to happen, for reasons one day we will both understand

But tonight I get to end my night in the only way that feels right

With her
She feels right to me

And right now, that's all that matters
30 Days Sep 2018
It’s 2AM, and we’re miles apart tonight

I miss her

And I know she misses me

For that reason and a million others, I’ll be building her a teapot one day

I believe in her, and I believe in us
30 Days Sep 2018
I’ll never care for it to be easier

I’ll never care unless it’s you

And I don’t need it to be easier

I just need it to be you

I hope one day I can show you that
I hope this shows you that

I pray everything makes sense soon

And we’re as happy together as we’ve always deserved to be
30 Days Oct 2020
It's been well over a year

And I still think about you often
Every day, if I'm being honest

I know you think about me too

I just want to know that you finally understand
And that things have changed

I always tell myself that if we ever run into each other
We might not even recognize each other

And maybe that's a good thing
New people with new lives

Better than who we used to be


Tell me that things are better now

That's what I need to hear to find the peace I am looking for
30 Days Aug 2018
She's going to absolutely hate me when I show her this.

If I ever show her.

I missed her, more than I could put into words.

She's different.
She's special.
She's everything.

And she deserves something like this.

I hope I get the chance to show her.
30 Days Aug 2018
I remember when I made this account by accident

But now it all makes sense

I can’t wait to surprise you, with everything

To make you smile
To keep you smiling

Everything happens for a reason

Maybe it was so I could make you smile, and keep you smiling

Always and forever
30 Days Sep 2018
Sometimes I just need to take a step back

And appreciate you
And enjoy what you give to the world
And be grateful that we were able to cross paths in life

And just let us be who we are together

Tonight, let's stay

And let's never leave

Maybe that's the key to everything
30 Days Aug 2018
She is the best thing in my life

Sometimes I wonder if I like ending my day with her or starting my day with her more

The treasure in starting my day with her, is that I get to think of a 1000 different ways to make her smile all over again

My favorite smile, always
30 Days Sep 2018
I just want you to be happy

I just want to be the one that makes you the happiest you’ve ever been

I hope you trust me

That’s my drunk text
30 Days Sep 2018
Right now, it doesn’t make sense

But she makes sense, to me

That’s why I’m still here
That’s why we’re still here

I just want to make her happy
The happiest, and safest she’s ever been

One day it’ll all make sense
30 Days Sep 2018
How lucky am I that I get to end my night with her

My mind is always 6 steps ahead, as if life is a game of chess

But she stops me in my tracks

And I breathe

And I am grateful that the universe put her in my life

I could write about her every day

But it still wouldn't be enough to describe the blessing she is in my life
30 Days Aug 2018
I’ll be building you a teapot one day.

I can feel it.

It’s what we want.
It’s what we deserve.

Our one day.
It’s coming.

Life is so much better with you in it.
30 Days Sep 2018
She wants to hear from me that I need her

And one day, I'll tell her

I'll show her just how much I need her

With this

And make her heart happy in a way she's never quite experienced before

I appreciate her soul

And I never want to lose her

Against all the odds, against whatever life throws our way

I will always believe in us
30 Days Sep 2018
"Love suffers long and is kind. It is not proud. Love bears all things. Believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things."

"Love never fails."

We can sway and falter

That's okay

But we will never fail
30 Days Sep 2018
I don't want you to settle for being "content"

Not now
Not ever

Because a woman as resilient and loving as you deserves a fulfilling happiness far greater than anything your heart has ever experienced before

And that is why
30 Days Sep 2018
I just want you to be happy

To be holistically enveloped in the happiness you've always deserved

And I hope it's everything you've always dreamt it would be

Wherever life takes you

Don't ever stop smiling
30 Days Sep 2018
I will never need you to be "better"

I just need you to be you

And I just need you to trust me
To trust us

Because no matter how far we drift, we always find our way back

I hope one day we let go of our fears
And welcome love in

Until then

It's all just rivers and roads

Till I reach you
30 Days Sep 2018
I need a sign
From something, anything

That tells me I should send this to you
Or if I should wait

I’m just not sure if life is better without me

I miss you
So much

And I need you
So badly

I’m just keeping it to myself
For now

It feels so empty
I can literally feel the void in my life
It just doesn’t feel right without you

Everything does happen for a reason

Maybe it’s so you can finally let go

And we can finally start over
30 Days Sep 2018
Tonight you told me that you want me to reach out to you when I need you

That you want to feel needed by me

Not knowing just how much I need you
Not knowing how much better you make my life
Not knowing how right you feel to me
Not knowing about any of this

I just want to surprise you with this
I want you to feel the happiness in your tummy
I want you to be as happy as you've always deserved to be

That someone cares so deeply about you to make you smile in a way you've never smiled before

Tonight we take a step back

To maybe finally take our leap into each other
30 Days Sep 2018
I remember when I first started writing poems for you

I'd spend hours agonizing over finding the "perfect" adjective to express my message to you

But you taught me that writing is about far more than that
You showed me how powerful it is to write with how you feel

And so that's why I'm here
That's why I made this page, all for you
And that's why I want this to be a surprise you'll always smile about

This came so easy to me

"it's as easy as"
"one two three"
"lollll i funny u licky"
30 Days Sep 2018
Everything I do, and everything I don't do, is to protect you

To protect your happiness

No matter the consequences I may suffer
Even if all the weight falls on my shoulders

I will bear it, happily

If that means a precious smile stays on your face
30 Days Sep 2018
It feels like we haven’t talked in ages

And I could be sad about that

But how lucky am I to have found someone that makes me feel that way

Where any time without you feels like an eternity

I hope you’re doing okay
I know you’re doing okay

You’re a strong woman and I’ll forever be enamored by that

Sometimes I need to remember to thank the universe for letting us cross paths

Thank you for being who you are

Don’t ever change
30 Days Sep 2018
I miss you

So much more than you know

And I hope you’re happy tonight

I don’t ever want you to be anything less than the happiest you could ever be

Life feels empty without you

You feel so right to me

I pray I’ll be building you a teapot one day

I pray our one day is soon
30 Days Aug 2018
I think I do need you, but you don’t know that yet.

I know that will make you really happy.

I think I’m going to marry you one day.

— The End —