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 Feb 2021 beth
Charles Bukowski
I read that he lost a suitcase full of manuscripts on a
train and that they never were recovered.
I can't match the agony of this
but the other night I wrote a 3-page poem
upon this computer
and through my lack of diligence and
and by playing around with commands
on the menu
I somehow managed to erase the poem
believe me, such a thing is difficult to do
even for a novice
but I somehow managed to do

now I don't think this 3-pager was immor-
but there were some crazy wild lines,
now gone forever.
it bothers more than a touch, it's some-
thing like knocking over a good bottle of

and writing about it hardly makes a good
still, I thought somehow you'd like to

if not, at least you've read this far
and there could be better work
down the line.

let's hope so, for your sake
 Feb 2021 beth
Emily Dickinson

The Hollows round His eager Eyes
Were Pages where to read
Pathetic Histories—although
Himself had not complained.
Biography to All who passed
Of Unobtrusive Pain
Except for the italic Face
Endured, unhelped—unknown.

— The End —