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Nov 2020 · 270
Melissa Maylath Nov 2020
It was around fourth grade I was diagnosed with dyslexia. I wasn't sure what it was, all I knew I saw the world from a different point of view.  It affected every point of my life & everything I do. I always wanted to be a writer, but thought it could never be. Who would ever publish me? Would my stories make sense? Would my poems be worth the read? I wouldn't go into academics. I'll have to take a different path. I also have dyslexia in math. Whatever it is I decide to do. I will somehow make it through. Dyslexia will not define me.
Nov 2020 · 84
Melissa Maylath Nov 2020
Like & love change with the seasons. Like the Weather - good or bad everything happens for a reason. Some people are like  Spring, common & Fair. Others are like Winter cold and distant. Many are like Summer warm and inviting. Others come without a warning like thunder and lightning. Some people can be like fall forever changing like the leaves. Seasons come & go, just like people. And people just like seasons are forever changing.
Nov 2020 · 97
It's just a feeling
Melissa Maylath Nov 2020
I was feeling optimistic I was feeling bright and shiny. Even with all what's going on in the world I was truly a happy girl. But lately I've been feeling down & blue. Many people in my life turned out to be false and untrue. It made me rethink the way I look at life. Some people cut me deep like a knife. Others have let me down time and time again. And yet there's some I thought were my true friends. I have a cat and he turned out to be a better friend than most. I also realized through life I could no longer coast. It just a feeling that I have. It's just a feeling that I know. The only person I can really trust is myself. Sometimes you can trust on no one else.
Melissa Maylath Nov 2020
No matter what life throws at me. No matter what will be. You are the best part of the day. You make all my troubles and worries go away. You Don't judge me and put me down. You don't run me ragged and drag me around. You Make me smile when I'm feeling sad. You make me happy when things go really bad. You make every day worthwhile. You are my Hope you are my smile. I'm so glad you are in my life. And i will always keep you near. I can't tell you how much I love you but everyday I will make it clear.
Nov 2020 · 92
It's just a feeling
Melissa Maylath Nov 2020
It's just a feeling I get. I shouldn't waste my time on pain and regret. Don't Dwell on the past and look towards the future. There's no quick fix there's no quick cure. Pain is something you have to go through you have to endure. It is a part of life like it or not. Be Grateful for what you have be grateful for what you got. Time is short and so is life. People's can word soothe others cut like a knife. Whatever life throws at you take it all in stride. Hold your head up with strength and pride. No matter how bad things it can get it will always get better. Just don't give up never say never.
Nov 2020 · 88
If only I knew
Melissa Maylath Nov 2020
I used to see the good in people even when they were being bad. I used to trust people even when it hurt me & made me sad. I put my faith into anyone who treated me kind. Who gave me hope & peace of mind.                                                   Now I can't trust my judgment at all.                                                        Peopl­e won't help me up when I fall.                                                      Whethe­r it's literally or figuratively.                                       Some people try to get the Best of me.                                                      I look before I leap                     
Now I'm in way too deep.                                                 
 If only I knew ahead a Time.                                         
   Who was truly a friend of mine. I would not have put my faith and trust in them.                                           Then I wouldn't get hurt time & time again.
Oct 2020 · 113
Friends come and go
Melissa Maylath Oct 2020
Some friendships last forever. Some are just passing by. Some friends barely stay together. Some people become more than friends but don't know why. A good friend is hard to find. Some friendships are like rare gems and give you peace of mind. Some friends come and go. Some of you barely know.
Oct 2020 · 124
One day of love
Melissa Maylath Oct 2020
When somebody loves someone with a love so pure & true. The way I will forever love you. We have a love that binds you & me for all eternity. On the day I first saw you is the day our lives began. Into your arms I ran. On that day you held me in your arms I was enchanted by your charms. I looked into your soulful eyes & began to cry, As you sang a song about the stars, moon, & sky. When I close my baby blues &  dream. I see you standing by a cool water mountain stream. You're speaking so softly words only you & I can understand. You say that our love is stronger than Romeo & Juliet or Isolde & Tristan. Give me your heart & soul & I will give you mine. All good things happen in due time.
Oct 2020 · 368
Promises promises
Melissa Maylath Oct 2020
Some People are only as good as their word.  Some are like sheep and follow the herd.  Some people make promises with no intention of keeping them. Some people hide behind the guise of friend. Promises made, promises broken. Some people are as empty as the empty promises spoken. Some people promise to be there and they never show up. People do their best to try and that's just good enough.
Sep 2020 · 99
Under my skin
Melissa Maylath Sep 2020
It's not what you say it's how you say it. Words could could sting or scar.  Many people probably wouldn't admit it. No matter how thick skin You think You are. Words can cut deep and leave and everlasting impression. Sometime from the wrong people we look for the bloom of affection. The trick is not to let it get under your skin. Don't let the negative words seep in. What you think of yourself is the only thing that matters. Do your best not to listen to idle chatter.
Sep 2020 · 114
View from my window
Melissa Maylath Sep 2020
Looking through my window brings me peace the mind. I never know the rare treasures I might find. The clouds form into mysterious shapes. Through my windows squirrel gage. The flowers soak up the sunshine. On grass the deer dine. Birds sing happy in the trees. The leaves sway beautifully in the breeze. The dogs & cats , run, bounce, & play all-day.
Sep 2020 · 118
The beauty of nature
Melissa Maylath Sep 2020
Nature is a natural beauty. The trees stand tall and proud. The birds sing a happy tune out loud. Leaves fall gracefully. The sun shines & warms the air. Children run through the fields for hours without a care. Seasons change with the scenery. Mother nature's animals run wild and free. Beauty of nature can be seen by all. Winter spring, summer, and fall.
Sep 2020 · 73
Cat enthusiast
Melissa Maylath Sep 2020
From domestic cats to wildcats I love them all. From the very big to the very small. The Very fluffy ones, to the ones with no hair at all. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some give you love while others give you miceies as surprises.  Some cats have cattitude, some are quiet as a mouse. You may be the owner, but they have the run of the house. Whether They are family or friend. They will love you unconditionally to the very end.
I am a cat enthusiast. This is my little ode to cats

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