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MLH Mar 2024
Hidden Good Desires Within  
When they are covered but are seen from the windows within; you can tell the desires are hidden from those outside looking in
Sometimes it feels as though the outside knows; but the inside still would withhold.
The mirrors of our heart's desires are always on display, sometimes buried and hidden so deep where are they you yourself may say.  
One day they awaken or  escape from the hidden place and you find yourself or themselves were never lost in time and space
How and where will these hidden desires unfold, when from the depth of the hidden was disclosed.
How can I help and give these hidden desires to the ones they belong, is it to late because the wait was so long.
To give the desires to the ones in need were deprived of that one's necessities.
MLH Oct 2021
When the Soul is Grateful, you see it through a smile
When the Soul is Lifted, bright eyes
All around the Light of it will show, the glow, the flow of the Sunrise of the Soul

Be Mindful of it, or it melt away like snow
Keep the Sunrise closely of the Soul.
You can tell when its getting bleak, tears of sadness may fall
Lowly hearts my wither. Just know and turn back to the Sunrise of the Soul
How will I know, How will I know, this Sunrise of the Soul….Goodness and Greatness shall toss and turn; Gratefulness will explode, during the Sunrise of the Soul
MLH Apr 2021
Ubiquitous Feelings - They are all the time everywhere. Never ending in times sunny or fair.  When do they go, never even in despair.  Invisible as they are, we encounter them be it near or far.  Whether they are mines or yours - always around, throughout they soar.  Energy that never goes is ubiquitous feelings from our inner cosmos.

When you see it you know, when you feel it you show, ubiquitous in the talk and walk of your human flow. Sometimes so loud, others barely a sound, ubiquitous, ubiquitous feelings high and low.
MLH Apr 2020
The Peace that passes all that we can understand
Gives us the wherewithal to with-stand.

All the time,  at the Cross Road places
shows us it is truly about your graces

Past Experiences, cry out "Don't do it" ' its voice rings
Then You constantly reminds "don't worry about a thing".

The choice you make at the Cross Roads today, will extend his amazing grace.
MLH Apr 2020
Restore My Soul
Restore My Soul

In the weekly hours through the night
Or in the breaking of the light

Restore My Soul
Restore My Soul

Increase the feelings of self control
Watching and seeing the world as it tolls

Restore please restore, restore my soul

— The End —