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378 · Nov 2018
Secrets and Lies
Mark Redguard Nov 2018
Secrets and lies, ruining our lives
Piercing the spirit like daggers and knives.
Secrecies applied, the darkness they hide
Mouthpiece the media
They’re getting greedier they’re getting greedier.
Feed them some fear, they’ll feel unsafe
Carefully planned leave nothing to waste.
The secret plan Of terroism  is working.
They’re heavy, confused, their spirits are hurting.
A drop in their food, a drop in their drink.
Then put on the news, tell them what to think.
We’re reaching our goal controlling the blind.
Destroying their souls, controlling their mind
352 · Nov 2018
The Game
Mark Redguard Nov 2018
The Game
The world has gone mad can’t you see there’s a problem.
The low of the class are just kept at the bottom.
Political factions never speaking the truth.
Cause they’re false and they’re phoney and dangerous brutes.
Telling us to abide by their political system.
Taking us for a ride but I neglect to listen
To their silly speeches they put on the t.v.
The blatant hypocrisy seriously burns me.
Because from the day that we came from the cradle.
We’re given a name, a traceable label.
To keep us in check and subconsciously kept low.
The guilty oppressors are cast in the shadows.
Stealing the spoils sending kids into battle.
Pawns of the game and they’re slaughtered like cattle.
The missiles are flying as well as the rockets.
While secret parties are just lining their pockets.
They won’t stop this, the cost is, a life with no justice, they’re destructive
And that’s how the games planned to be
We’re controlled by a darkness
The powers that be.
179 · Nov 2018
Leave Me Alone
Mark Redguard Nov 2018
Why do I constantly feel down all the time.
Conflicting thoughts confusing my mind
Life should not be just doom and gloom
But I can’t find no light inside this dark room
I have no compassion, don’t care how you feel
Can’t tell if your fake or are you for real
Born to life learning life’s lessons
Two faced smiles bouts of depression
It’s a test, god bless, I feel I’ve been tested
To the point of madness I’ve cardio arrested
I feel no peace I just feel aggressive
So leave me alone I’m not the one to mess with
165 · Mar 2019
Human Robots
Mark Redguard Mar 2019
Human robots living in flesh, the mind gets no peace or rest, just stress,
God knows this stress is never easing,
Should begin the day with controlled breathing,
Tick tock tick tock, eyes peeled to the watch,
My job is just to help turn the cogs, I’m the flesh equivalent of robot, no shock, you forgot, you’re a have not, just treading water on the spot, don’t ask for more cause that’s your lot,
You’re living flesh human robots
155 · Aug 2019
Different Paths
Mark Redguard Aug 2019
I can’t control this prison I’m living in. Can’t reach my goal I just feel like giving in,
Then again, what’s relevant, is that drive is still in me, confusions left me wondering what will my next sin be, I’m empty, living in a world of plenty, should be living life but only darkness tempts me, should vex me but ****** and filth I find it ****, the all seeing eye to guide and protect me,
I’m crazy, maybe? blame the ones who made me, didn’t ask to live in a world of slavery, shouldn’t ask a brass to act like a lady, I’m shady,
You wouldn’t want the task to tame me,
Feeling fear with a mask of bravery
Seeing clearly the silent rage in me,
So steer clear your on different path and page to me

— The End —