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558 · May 2012
It was love, it was hate.
13 Reasons May 2012
She sat down at the bar right next to me.
She was looking kind, she was looking kinda *****.
She said she saw me a crossed the bar.
Really wanted to by me a drink.
Red lip stick, glitter in her hair.
A red summer dress, a piercing stare.
Grey with a blue shade.
Leather boots as high as her knees.
She had me at "Can I buy you a drink?"

And we hit it off from there.
It was sweet, it was cool, it was something else.
It was love, it was hate, confusing as all hell.
I pushed her around, she forces me down.
And we hit it off from there.

She sat down next to me in the light.
Another cobwebbed Saturday night.
Said she saw me a crossed the room.
Said I didn't feel right.
And its the same old story.
She says I was looking too lonely.
And she was cute, she was ****, oh she was kinda *****.
Black laced eye liner and black lipstick.

And we hit it off from there.
It was sweet, it was cool, it was something else.
It was love, it was hate, confusing as all hell.
I pushed her around, she forces me down.
And we hit it off from there.

Its the same old story, another night another sorry.
Another role play, another morning.
And she isn't ever you.

And so we hit it off from there.
It was sweet, it was cool, it was something else.
It was love, it was hate, confusing as all hell.
I pushed her around, she forces me down.
And we hit it off from there.
440 · May 2012
Give It Up
13 Reasons May 2012
Are you mad cause of those words.
Was it all just a bad curse.
I remember you grabbed my chest.
Blue eyes and you blessed me with that kiss.
It was love or was it lust.
I didn't care all I wanted was you to give up.
This game of cat and mouse its such a shame.
When all I want is a taste.
So I practice what I preach and.
You keep your clenched fist.
So your mad I get out.
Time to leave but you wish.
For me to stay its like a weight.
Can't help but keep you down on your knees at my feet.
When it is all said and done, you'll get up.
Brush you dress and leave, give it up.

— The End —