The heart wants, yearn and grows weary
But is simply a vessel beating till death
The mind sees,perceives and regrets
But it's just a lump of grey matter behind your forehead
The tongue cuts,stings, luls and inspires
But it's a mere tasting tool behind my insisers
Eyes feel,reel, impose great fear
Windows to the soul or something bland and not so real
Hands shape, create, deliver hate
Used to help deliberate
Individuals or just workers running loose for awhile.
Are we not more than that for which we were created
Builders of dreams, futures and sky scrapers
Feeling, seeing and believing
Inspiring, chastising, advertising all that we believe in.
Remembering all that we know
But still yearning for all that is not
Or is it all fake?
All masked and lying in wait
Ready to pounce, Denounce
Leaving you alone to your fate.