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Dec 2021 · 235
The Plenitude of Splendour
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2021
The breath in the air,
The whisper in the breeze,
The whistle of the nightingale;
All pleasant surprise!
The sky bares the *****
For the mirth of the seas;
Raptures rapt around
in Morn’s miraculous release.
The rustles in the leaves,
The murmur in the brook,
The Love in the zephyr –
At the new Blossoms’ bashful look,
Make waves kiss the shore;
The Ocean dances with joy;
The message of the Beloved rings in the woodland far away.
The spirit of the Soul listens to the invisible call.
The song of the Silence
Is writ in the clay,
Im desolate and forlorn left on Night’s eerie solitude far away..
The twinkle of the stars
Speaks of the immensity vast;
The silvery white Moon unveils an amazing forecast.
The clouds over the hills
Heralds hours of Bliss infinite:
The flutter of the wings
Of the birds at the sight
Bring tidings from the Realm Recondite.
Creation is vast, beautiful for the Godhead to alight.
Time’s torrential outcome
Human mind fails to count;
The one sole-existent Entity
Keeps track of all account.
The twilight splendour
That our eyes encounter
To vibrate in its Harmony
Without the least fear;
Make it your Goal.
You are the exalted Ecstasy –
Rapture’s well-chosen envoy,
All the rest goes to the revolving wheel to be crushed
You are the exalted Ecstasy :
Rapture's well-chosen envoy,
All the rest goes to the revolving wheel to be crushed asunder at His One behest.
Go deep within from the turmoil of the shore,
Keep your door open for the Heaven's elixir to knock at your door.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram, Haridwar. 4th October 2019)
Dec 2021 · 168
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2021
The breath in the air,
The whisper in the breeze,
The whistle of the nightingale;
All pleasant surprise!
The sky bares the *****
For the mirth of the seas;
Raptures rapt around
in Morn’s miraculous release.
The rustles in the leaves,
The murmur in the brook,
The Love in the zephyr –
At the new Blossoms’ bashful look,
Make waves kiss the shore;
The Ocean dances with joy;
The message of the Beloved rings in the woodland far away.
The spirit of the Soul listens to the invisible call.
The song of the Silence
Is writ in the clay,
Im desolate and forlorn left on Night’s eerie solitude far away..
The twinkle of the stars
Speaks of the immensity vast;
The silvery white Moon unveils an amazing forecast.
The clouds over the hills
Heralds hours of Bliss infinite:
The flutter of the wings
Of the birds at the sight
Bring tidings from the Realm Recondite.
Creation is vast, beautiful for the Godhead to alight.
Time’s torrential outcome
Human mind fails to count;
The one sole-existent Entity
Keeps track of all account.
The twilight splendour
That our eyes encounter
To vibrate in its Harmony
Without the least fear;
Make it your Goal.
You are the exalted Ecstasy –
Rapture’s well-chosen envoy,
All the rest goes to the revolving wheel to be crushed
You are the exalted Ecstasy :
Rapture's well-chosen envoy,
All the rest goes to the revolving wheel to be crushed asunder at His One behest.
Go deep within from the turmoil of the shore,
Keep your door open for the Heaven's elixir to knock at your door.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Anand Utsav Ashram, Haridwar. 4th October 2019)
Sep 2021 · 146
The Sublime Unity
Bijoylakshmi Das Sep 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 31st August 2021)
I dwell in distant heights of the unreachable amazing Blue
Nothing in my little self remains that does belong to you,
Heaven’s flower may not seek to blossom on the miry earth
Latter is not ready to give shelter to any celestial worth.
Life that blooms afar is beyond matter’s reach
Man of matter has turned into a monster, call it the beast;
The paradise you build far beyond limits of stretch of space
It is only for the One above you love the best.
All that is “You” loves all-pervading “I” in me,
It’s not body, nor mind nor spirit that can see;
The breath that flows in air even though horizons apart
We are the indivisible whole of the omnipresent infinite Vast.
The ripples that reverberate within in rapture’s mystic moments,
New songs are born giving rise to musical accomplishments,
Every word we utter in solitary hours in the rarest inmost depth
It is ether’s treasure immortal and well-secured never does meet mortal death.
Let starry sky shed no more tears in dark night of despair
The elixir of the Elysian bliss is devoid of mundane desire,
The ocean’s expanse knows only the magnanimous eternity’s shore
Life is the perfect manifestation of Absolute - the one unique Whole.
All of ME belong to all of YOU only in Eternity
Creation’s cloistral corridor creates most enchanting ecstasy,
The intransient Intangible impregnates deathless life in each moment to each
Be a part of His endless Love and get bound by is infinite reach.
Aug 2021 · 105
Bijoylakshmi Das Aug 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 31st July 2021)
Man – the dumb ignorance in awakening vast
The poor little urchin glued to the inconscience stark,
A tiny speck of dust in the Absolute’s ocean stretch
The ignoble, evil doomed to its miserable mortal death.
Life not limited in its limited robe of flesh and blood,
Spirit not entitled to loiter in the miry mud
Pain and suffering are the only self-made disaster
To reach the invisible self-existing unity:  the divine goal.
All futile attempts to create God in his own image
Rather than to reach the godhead stage by stage,
The child, savage and animal- all three manifest in his finite orb
To the great purpose he is born, but how to serve!
The concept of reward and punishment is not the goal
Then incessant you do go on playing the fictitious role,
The childish desire you possess within to reach Heaven or Hell
The mad ethics of repentance makes you dream of the Kingdom of Bliss to dwell.
To reach the passion unlimited in an all-seizing embrace
To grow in the Light of Wisdom in the higher evolutionary emergence
The self-fulfilling Delight to become one with Unity in diversity
The Soul’s journey is to reach the ultimate goal in human life.
You are one with all and all with one,
You are alone in the endless Ecstasy but truly not alone.
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Life flows fast but journey infinite,
Do not lose your goal: Wisdom’s foresight.
From Blue to Brown and Brown to Blue,
Your aim- the celestial Beyond that reckons the blissful hue.
Wedded to the airy wideness of a flawless felicity,
Trusted upon the unwavering call of the steadfast certitude,
Your journey begins from the womb of flesh and blood
It has to reach perfection of the boundless beatitude.
Alone in the serene tranquility of the inmost depth,
To breathe the air of freedom from long-lost time’s immemorial quest,
Like the winner of the game of clambering steps
Oh Sons of Eternity! Do reach eternal loving breast.
The wild wanton play of greed and unwanted desires though dance all around,
But you have no role to play in the fictitious play ground;
Let the world go mad in its self-made insane uproar,
All is its own creation, it has to suffer.
You are the unique voyager of the sublime height,
Do never interfere, Reach the timeless Beyond: your one and only Goal.
Your thoughts transcend the limits of the mortal mind,
Physique no more slaves to desire of the senses blind;
Enraptured by the Sweetheart’s myriad-hued ecstatic embrace,
You are one with Infinity merged into its infinite grace.
Sit solemn in the inexpressible heights of the expanse blue,
Your beauty enlivened with blessedness’ heavenly hue;
You are the blazing effulgence of the brightest sun,
Also you are the calm moon-beam delight of the most refreshing rays of the earliest Dawn.
Harbor not despair in your heart, you are no part of it,
You are the inhabitant of the kingdom of mystic magnificence with no territorial limit.
The indwelling Godhead in each and every mortal chamber:
Creation’s cherished embellishment of the highest divine order.
Oh incarnation of Bliss! Do not ever grieve,
Bliss is thy birthright and in Bliss you do live.
(26th June 2021)
Jun 2021 · 150
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
The Creation is the beginningless Whole,
It has no end too,
It is like the most beautiful river
That flows within me and you.
The rapturous call of the beatitude beyond
To the land of timeless peace,
The melancholy of the mystic murmur heralds the infinite woodland bliss.
The amazing notes from stupendous heights
Breathe life in listless hours,
The hierarchy of ascending marvel unleashes Heaven’s healing showers.
The river flows within you,
Listen to its silent rhapsody’s rhyme;
Earnest to meet Eternity
In its quest pure and sublime.
The world Artist paints on the canvas
His unique archetypal curve.
Where the new meets the old
And the decrepit does dissolve.
The one Alone deciphers the Destiny
In celestial clairvoyant notes,
When devils cite the scripture
To meet the vilest purpose.
All is done by the One Will
Who sits immobile above,
His Love is infinite,
His Compassion even is beyond His Love.
(18th June 2021)
Jun 2021 · 158
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
When healing drops of Heaven’s elixir
Drop down upon Earth,
Beauty speaks of Delight of Being
And Brown breathes an exhilratingmirth;
Let the sublime silence of the sky
Meet not the furore of the miry filth,
And let night go without end
Though darkness seems to exist.
A serene tranquility trembles within the
Tremulous expanse of the occult space,
An iodolon of ecstasy soon
Retraces its long lost forgotten steps;
The nascent air is now vibrant with
The message of the incommunicable breeze,
An illimitable joy from the Kingdom of Bliss
Seeks its spectacular release.
The solitary clairvoyant writes
His message in inaccessible heights,
The memory’s archive soon opens
Its pages of formidable foresight;
The desolate despondency is in the soul within
Still, there is magnificent melancholy rapture-clad,
The lightening freedom bares its *****
To make the lone explorer extravagantlymad.
The miracle of mystery unfolds the secrecy
Of the unlocked chapter of the divine play,
The inner audience is the only witness
The appeal of the Ineffable opens its doorway,
The effulgence of a thousand suns
Emerges from the abysmal darkness’ depth,
The moonlit marvel raises alarm
Alas! Ony the stars are wide awake!
It is only in the awakening of your Soul,
The illusory world game disappears
In the purest Consciousness
Beyond Body, Mind and Spirit
In an enlightening Wisdom
You do reach the supreme human Goal.
(Dated 9th June 2021)
May 2021 · 103
The Law of Being
Bijoylakshmi Das May 2021

By: Bijoylakshmi Das
May 13, 2021, 10:42 IST


(BIjoylakshmi Das)

Blue is the Ocean

Blue is the Vast,

Blue is the mountain:

All is Nature’s surrealist Art.

Dark is your mind

Loves to live in the Dark,

Prey to Inconscience-

Of Matter’s ignorance stark.

Pleasure you think as birthright

Your mind’s eyes are blind,

How can you envision

The Supreme- the most compassionate and kind?

It is His signature

In each and every Nature’s act,

You will do unpardonable crime

And still think Nature not to react?

Your life as human

To do welfare to others,

But you play the Demon’s role

Then the One Will interferes.

You are mad and blind

Your greed exceeds the limit,

You want to rule the world

Where for a short while you do exist.

You are in utter illusion

You dwell in fake paradise,

Build castles in air

Even if close is your demise.

From the clay you are born

In clay you will meet your death,

No one knows when

You approach the last breath.

Be not a beast, Oh Man of today!

You are in the dreamland of self-made dismay.

Whatever you sow, only you have to reap,

The good and the bad all the Eternity’s record keeps.

(12th May 2021)
May 2021 · 104
Bijoylakshmi Das May 2021
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Look not at the world with matter’s eyes you see,
It’s a vague beginning without any useful compromise;
The inviolable norms and the infallible rules of the unerring Absolute,
Can onle be fathomed with Wisdom’s enlightening eye.
In the true liberty of the Soul lives the inconceivable Bliss,
The cosmic Creatrix’s dance in her rapturous seraphim heights;
Your mind’s mask can only unravel the nescient dark’
Go beyond Mind….there lies freedom’s elixir in its
all-pervading expanse.
Your desolate despondency feigns what your self is not to be,
The mystic secret hides within all turbulence of your mind’s subconscious sea,
The pinnacle of success lies deep hidden in the debris of a pandemonium,
The Sphinx of the Soul will rise out of the eidolon of the golden ecstasy.
Incommunicable in the inner silence’s sublimity,
The amazing heights of the unreachable cast their iridescent gleam,
Envisioning the apparent plight of the creation camouflaged in surface peril,
The Infinite rejoices in the prowess of its indomitable Will.
In your attempt of the escapade into the unknown Beyond,
The plenitude’s treasure opens its doorway in each and every second;
Break asunder the bond of ignorance: the cause of pleasure and pain,
Then you will become Man immortal as Divine incarnate to reign again.
(25th May 2021, 0330 hours)
Nov 2020 · 175
Bijoylakshmi Das Nov 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 29th Nov 2020)
Silence in the sea
Silence all around,
Silence is sublime
Silence is the sound.
Blue of the ocean,
Blue of the Vast;
Blue is the mind
Nature’s surrealist Art!
Green is the Beauty
Green woodland vast,
Green is the forest
That dwells in your heart.
Asceticism in the air
Ascetic sits within,
Merge deep into its trance
The Omnipotent speaks within.
Away from the noise
Away from life,
The Pilgrim of the soul
Seeks Wisdom recondite.
Bliss is tranquil
Always sylvan-rapt,
Live in its kingdom,
Love the transcending act.
The mud and the mire
Only in the world outside,
Lies in the depth
Fortitude’s purity in pride.
Light is within
Once you dive into the dark,
The sacred iridescence –
Profound, naked and stark.
Blind is your Ego
When you are bound in it,
Live in the freedom
That lies beneath.
Freedom from desires
Is freedom from slavery,
Freedom of the soul
Is divine elixir.
Love’s limitless bounty
Drops from above,
You are not body, nor mind
But an indivisible part of love.
Creation all-embracing
With the most compassionate heart,
“Sharing and Caring”
Learn its beautiful Art.
Paint your pure thought
On its canvas infinite,
Rise above the Ego
Enjoy Freedom’s height.
You are a drop of divine elixir
That drops down upon Earth,
Be worthy of it
Fulfill your divine birth.
(29th November 2020, Golden Beach,Puri)
Nov 2020 · 99
Bijoylakshmi Das Nov 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
(Published in Speaking Tree Website of Times of India)
Blue of the vast endless stretch before me,
The mystery of the miracle is on play in the azure sea;
The euphoria of the enlivening welcome makes my mortal eyes closed,
The Bliss of the blessedness of the depth seeks an outlet to rise above.
Though there is storm in the air, tumultuous turbulence in the tide,
Mind knows not why in the sublime silence longs to reside;
The mirthful dance of lightening all around, but I sleep sound in solitude’s arcane depth,
The hurricane’s heavenly delight showers its illimitable celestial Grace.
The invisible Architect’s flamboyant poignant appeal,
To man in distress lost in the cobweb of his self-made peril;
The Omnipotent sits within, always calm, unperturbed and tranquil,
In my quiescent quest’s masquerade I meet my Beloved’s most solemn appeal.
The slow tread of the invisible Infinite alights upon Earth,
To wipe out all disharmony in Creation in its wrathful mirth,
Affranchised from the empire of Elysian heights the One Touch is ever vibrant-
With Love’s limitless Bounty, gifts of faith and certitude pure and sacrosanct.
The prodigious future foretells its fortuitous aeonic rise,
To cradle the golden future in its new awakening’s surrealist sunrise;
The roaring heights of the waves reveal Nature’s magnificent rendezvous,
The Infinity seeks the finite to enthrall in its endazzling hue.
The ephemeral’s earnest aspiration to embrace the Eternity’s solace vast,
The mortal’s primeval quest to reach the unreachable Immortality at last;
The revival’s resurgence reverberates in the new resurrection’s rise,
Evolution never traces backward despite man’s frailties and fake surmise.
Every life is a Blossom in the Spring-spangled Paradise of the One unique Whole,
Awake and arise from the stupor of Ego, O Man, do recognize your divine Goal.(28th Nov 2020)
Nov 2020 · 78
In Slemnity's Depth
Bijoylakshmi Das Nov 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
(Published in Speaking Tree Website of Times of India)
Blue of the vast endless stretch before me,
The mystery of the miracle is on play in the azure sea;
The euphoria of the enlivening welcome makes my mortal eyes closed,
The Bliss of the blessedness of the depth seeks an outlet to rise above.
Though there is storm in the air, tumultuous turbulence in the tide,
Mind knows not why in the sublime silence longs to reside;
The mirthful dance of lightening all around, but I sleep sound in solitude’s arcane depth,
The hurricane’s heavenly delight showers its illimitable celestial Grace.
The invisible Architect’s flamboyant poignant appeal,
To man in distress lost in the cobweb of his self-made peril;
The Omnipotent sits within, always calm, unperturbed and tranquil,
In my quiescent quest’s masquerade I meet my Beloved’s most solemn appeal.
The slow tread of the invisible Infinite alights upon Earth,
To wipe out all disharmony in Creation in its wrathful mirth,
Affranchised from the empire of Elysian heights the One Touch is ever vibrant-
With Love’s limitless Bounty, gifts of faith and certitude pure and sacrosanct.
The prodigious future foretells its fortuitous aeonic rise,
To cradle the golden future in its new awakening’s surrealist sunrise;
The roaring heights of the waves reveal Nature’s magnificent rendezvous,
The Infinity seeks the finite to enthrall in its endazzling hue.
The ephemeral’s earnest aspiration to embrace the Eternity’s solace vast,
The mortal’s primeval quest to reach the unreachable Immortality at last;
The revival’s resurgence reverberates in the new resurrection’s rise,
Evolution never traces backward despite man’s frailties and fake surmise.
Every life is a Blossom in the Spring-spangled Paradise of the One unique Whole,
Awake and arise from the stupor of Ego, O Man, do recognize your divine Goal.(28th Nov 2020)
Oct 2020 · 93
The Divine Romance
Bijoylakshmi Das Oct 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 10thOctober 2020)
(Published in Speaking Tree Website of Times of India)
May I have to touch the dreary dreams of the distant Blue?
To make it mirth-wrapped with the magnificent soulful skyless hue
Away from the din and bustle world’s uproar I build my beatific desolate den,
In the seraphic splendour of the woodland heights in its solitary sylvan ken
The heavenly boughs play laughing in the mountain’s loving lap,
Wisdom’s sunrays bathe them in their sun-clad enlivened clasp;
The song of Creation’s beginning’s first symphony in my inner ears I do always hear,
I retire in my diamond reverie’s rapturous deep with no human ever to interfere.
My Soul’s sanguine yearnings to be expunged from the earthly limits,
Not to be bound by desires and to reach the Supreme’s boundless summit;
To that pure land of Bliss my Spirit forever longs to soar,
The perfection’s peerless prescience where exist neither friend nor foe.
Rain’s ravishing uninterrupted roar all around, lightning’s lonesome dance,
With no human traveler as my playmate I enjoy the all-transcending trance;
With thunder as my armour Oh! I love the amorous airy breeze,
The solemn whisper of my Sweetheart I listen to in the surrealist release!
I sit sovereign in my solitude’s untouched sublime heights,
The lone sailor of the somber dark of the journey’s dolorous night;
The titanic torpor all around but I sail peerless in the cosmic ocean vast,
Truth as the only trustworthy guide to march forward in the midst of the horrific holocaust.
The unseen tremolos tremble in the quiescent quivering breeze,
The wearisome weather welcomes me in my choicest empyrean compromise;
I fall fast asleep in my plunge into the deathless depth of the uninvadable realm,
In the summitless Vast of the unknowable, my eternal Beloved’s long-awaited ken.
The quiescent quagmire of the world’s ephemeral wanton warfare,
Has been denied access to the uncharted region of my privacy’s felicitous hour;
The cloistral poignancy rules my kingdom’s immeasurable vast,
No mundane mire and no human devils ever dare to cast the devilish glance.
In my unequalled leap into the lustrous heights in the star-spangled joyance,
My enraptured flight towards the unreachable height in its rapturous romance,
Memories leave little trace behind, life consecrated to the Absolute Whole,
No citadels to build, no walls to bind me in the unique Creation’s most magnificent role.
Oct 2020 · 85
The Voice of Eternity
Bijoylakshmi Das Oct 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 5th October 2020, 22.56 hours)
The silent speech in the smile of the sublime Vast,
The Earth is speechless in her deistic delight in blossoms of beatific mirth;
Flowers are soil’s delicacy lisping lullaby to the sleeping mass,
Man has to rise from his self-made stupor of the stupid artefact.
Since long the Brown’s quest to meet the query of the Blue,
The Heaven’s felicity eager to shower its enthralling frost-moist dew,
An empyrean ecstasy looms behind the nether abysmal dark,
The Creation is cradled in the arms of an angelic exalted Birth.
The spirit of an amorous elegance is aired in the breeze,
The skyless height meets the soil in a seraphic compromise;
The oceanic depth declares the deific dawn of the new nuance,
An elysian opalescence shimmers behind the unearthly romance.
The twilight touch trembles behind the woodland green,
The moon-clad glamour and the sun-wrapt wonder are to be seen;
The mortal mind can never fathom deep into its mystic significance,
The azure speaks to the azure in the azure vast.
The reign of the rapture is in the rise in the rivulets’ roar,
The mountain’s marvel unveils rhapsody of the forgotten yore;
The distant horizon harvests the seeds of the new divine birth;
A puissant poignancy is poised in passion’s purest heart.
The thunderous clouds touch the untouched heights of the trenchant trance,
The highest ascetic revelation descends upon the darkest nescience;
The sacred strings of Love unites all in an all-embracing clasp,
All “I-ness” lost and forgotten in the greatest “We-ness” grasp.
Nature rules over Creation for eternity, never try to teach lessons to Her,
You are the most insignificant creature, so do never interfere;
Be a part of the Love which binds each and every soul,
Else you will nowhere upon Earth, do not forget the Supreme Goal.
(Published in Speaking Tree of Times of India)
Bijoylakshmi Das Oct 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 23rd September 2020)
In deep solitude of the spring-spangled splendour
I breathe my spirit’s most ecstatic Bliss,
The paeans of poesy are writ in the pregnant clouds
The heaven meets Earth in the most enchanted kiss.
I’m wrapped in a euphoric marvel
I live in the jeweled rapture of the rhythmic Delight,
The Creation is ever vibrant in the beauty of the celestial asphodel
Which adorns each and every corner of the new world to be built.
There exists the Eternal in its unique identity immutable,
Which man in his devilish designs can never reach;
All plans demoniac are just whims of wanton futile fancy.
Soon to be doomed to satanic death in perdition’s abyss.
The smiles of joyful radiance in the heavenly heights,
The blossoms of paradise bloom in the blessedness Vast;
I’m no more bound to the soil’s cast-away sojourn
I’m the lone witness of Supreme’s all-transcending Act.
I’m free in the freedom of my Soul’s depth infinite,
I’m felicity illimitable in the Kingdom of Wonder;
I’m the sovereign of my unbesieged surreptitious realm
I’m the most cherished guest at my Beloved’s bliss-kissed door.

Unseen tremolos from the trenchant tunes
Float in air from the distant vast,
The untouched elixir unleashes ecstasy profound
To make Earth enveloped in its enrapturing mirth.
I’m the solitary sailor of life’s ocean of never-ending transience,
The mortal eyes are shut to all happenings of mundane fear;
I do remember the One God as the eternal Dweller:
The sole Creator and as well the most ruthless Annilhilator!
He is the deathless Flame, the Mystic Fire of the unforeseen Apocalypse,
To burn all evils alive and make you reborn as per your nefarious acts;
He is the Saviour of all aggrieved and the most deprived,
He is the Supreme Ruler of Creation’s all-pervading vast.
The never unfailing Certitude of the Solace of the cloistral beyond,
Deep hidden from the blind eyes of the Man-monster in the rise;
The Creation is not a blood-thirst regime of the mortal vampire
Just a twinkle of an eye of Him is enough to settle your deadliest demise.
Be awakened, do live the life as an integrated whole,
Make the World ennobled and enlightened by the One Will of the Supreme Master.
(Published in Speaking Tree website of Times of India)
Oct 2020 · 106
Bijoylakshmi Das Oct 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 1st October,2020, 03.00 hours)
Light descends from celestial Heaven,
Our opacity obstructs;
Wisdom dawn upon Earth,
Our inhumanity hinders;
Love’s labour lost
To make human truly human
And worth living like an evolved being -
Always in harmony with Creation’s choicest destiny.
TRUTH is Omnipresent,
Man lives in Falsehood’s impotency:
Ever hallucinating!
Godhead dwells within
In each existence - living and non-living.
Certitude reigns supreme
Planet is on re-making
To a new awakening.
Man on Earth
Never meant to fall apart
With sheer disgust and agnosticism.
But to live a higher living.
Not as an animal
Nor as a Beast
In wine and flesh
Music is played in air around
Symphony scintillating!
The brightening breath of the Godhead
Enlivening and enlightening!
The Poetry of Earth
Writ on Creation’s canvass
Vast and endless in Elixir’s mirth;
The nectar drops down on us
To make us pure and sacrosanct,
Our Ignorance the obstacle impendiment
Always ignoring and manipulating!
We play Music like fools
Living in Fool’s Paradise;
Our Ego says,” We are superstars”.
We are truly in the abysmal depth of Abyss,
Slaves to senses and unrestrained passions
Ever vacillating
In dooms of destruction and desires
Unbridled and slowly devouring.
In the Ocean of fiery passions always oscillating!
No aim, no destination
Our human identity utterly lost
In the Beast in the making!
Whatever has been given to you
Will be taken away, be sure
One day!
You will be left in imagination’s Kingdom
As a false and defeated King.
The Empire of Love: a formation of your vital mind
Where you feign to rule the Supreme!
Be in stupor
Oh Man-monster!
Or arise and awake
To reach the divine Goal you are destined for
You are human mortal no more;
In Immortality ascending
To reach the shore of Infinity’s Ocean
Ever compassionate, all pervading!
(Published in Speaking Tree website of Times of India)
Bijoylakshmi Das Sep 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 6th September 2020)
With the starry sky around and its moon-lit mirth,
Life is joyful in the beautiful Ocean’s melancholic vast;
Melody from the distant woodland’s dreamland bliss,
Awakes me to the ecstasy’s elixir which I do often miss.
The beauty beyond the limits of earthly mud and mire,
The incessant urge to touch the unflickering flame of the mystic Fire;
The horizon afar is clad with the transcendent twilight kiss,
The fragrance of the flowering blossoms seems to be heavenly slendour-rich.
Life upon Earth is a prelude to the Eternity’s epiphany beyond,
To make living worthwhile forgetful of pleasure and pain in its each and every second;
In Wisdom’s wide lap to finally retire and lay asleep,
Only to wake up in a profound awakening, vernal and deep.
The elfin delight is a masquerade of the elysian Grace,
The night’s dark hours often conceal the nearing Dawn’s brightening break;
The ravished rapture does roam on reverie’s forgotten shore,
Oh Mortal Dear! I’m no more captive to your futile mansion’s emerald door,
The little physique left behind, the Spirit within flies to the soaring heights high,
To reach the Unknown region’s deep-hidden Felicity in the Illimitable sky;
Escapes into the forbidden realm of the rhapsody recondite,
I’m a lone traveller of the unique journey with formidable foresight.
All around here is delusion, man has lost the way in Illusion’s paradise,
Values utterly lost in vanity and glamour’s fake ascending sunrise;
The mundane eyes are sun-blind to envision the Invisible beyond,
All longings are now soil-bound, the Unknown never to respond.
The journey of the Soul is always alone with indefatigable toil,
The timeless Infinite lurks behind the all-surpassing Vast, never to recoil;
The onward march will not retrace the footsteps trodden in the past,
Life not confined to the little confinement; it is an amazing all-expanding Vast.
We never depart and the Creation never leaves you too.
“As you sow, so you reap”, you have to get whatever is due to you;
Be a worthy participant in Nature’s ever-repeating perpetual Playact,
Leave not a stone unturned, do fulfill your human role in your new supreme Birth.
……………………- …………………
Aug 2020 · 76
Bijoylakshmi Das Aug 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 19th August 2020)
When clouds reach Earth’s playground,
With El Dorado’s splendour all around
Beauty of the smile sublime
Offers felicitous feelings at your door;
Turns into silence of the sound,
Oh Dear! Traveller of the recondite Vast!
Where is grief?
All is Bliss and divine spell-bound.
May I steal a few pearls
From the sandy depth of the sea?
And make the world change in a glittering spree?
With the whisper of the smile.
The lone recluse of the forbidden realm
Forgetful of the grief and the forsaken pain,
The golden mansion and its emerald diadem
The lone caravan is out on his predestined journey infinite
To the land of Wisdom with a watchful foresight
Seeks after the Paradise long-lost once again.
Alas! Love is not a frolicking game!
Idle mind’s pastime in the passionate realm.
All yearnings of errands of –
Notes of epiphany of the flute,
With blush from the Blue and your staggering look;
The solace of solitude showers grace at your solemn feet,
The starry blossoms are clad with celestial moonlit Bliss.
Everywhere there is limitless mirth,
To enthrone you in the enlivened birth.
The hidden call from the unforeseen heaven’s height,
The lisping lips of love reveals ‘love at first sight’
Drops of nectar drizzle from the ravished heart,
The Journey to the ecstasy-rapt Rapture
Forever to last.
Feeling felicity of poise
On your dreaming wings,
Your flight to the Unknown
With miraculous happenings;
Oh Caravan of Delight!
Tarry a little on your rose-spangled path,
Let Light, Love and Joy
Make your living worth
In the new awakening of the enlightened Birth.

Jun 2020 · 132
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 28th June 2020)
May I buy for you the blush from the Blue
Beautiful blossoms with glittering hue,
And endless smile from the smileless Vast;
To make you Monarch of your magnificent Art?

Flickering fringes from the firmament far
Unsullied Bliss from the uncharted world;
The dignified delight of the deific Joy,
To make you blithe in the world-stir’s play.

I cradle you Oh Dear in my inmost heart,
With vernal promises never to keep us apart;
Life’s limitless stretch in the skyless infinite,
Breath merges into breath though out of human sight.

The euphoric amour of the airy mirth,
The sylvan symphony alights upon Earth,
The appeal of the Unknown is aired around,
To make us enraptured in Ecstasy’s playground.

May I fathom deep into Felicity’s depth,
To get emerald elixir from the immortal breath;
To see you blossom in your brightening birth,
The world smiles back at you;
You are in unison with your mystic Art.

Grieve not, Little Dear! Though the struggle is hard,
Estranged from your Beloved, melancholic and sad;
Time’s wheel rotates, it’s not always the same,
Fragrance from the far-away flower will certainly reach you once again.

Close your eyes, dive deep into your Soul,
The true Music begins there; listen to it with your inner ear,
The world around is false, fictitious and ephemeral,
Dwell deep in the depth of Certitude’s uninvaded empire.

Sing the Song of your Soul from the sorrowless land of Love,
The amethyst blue Beauty all around,
Heaven’s Blessings from Eternity above.
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 25th June 2020)
The blush of the beautiful morn in blossoms
From the slow-bending bows touching the breeze,
There is mirth in air, reverberating reverie
In the midst of magnificent surprise.

Gifts of music from Above afar alight upon Earth,
Felicity opens firmament’s door;
Just at the moment you arrive by my side,
Holding my hands, Oh Supreme Dear!
Each of your footsteps I do distinctly hear.

Earth transforms into a blossoming paradise
With no more notes discordant, nor any of life’s din and bustle;
The rarest Beauty bares her *****
To the Beloved Zephyr in its silent rustle.

I’m in union with my Sweetheart -
In the inseparable knot of Love,
We live beyond life and death
In Rhapsody of the Beatitude from above.

Captives of the whorl of symphony
Emanating from the surrealist Whole,
We do never part but a million light years apart
We are Heaven’s choicest Dear.

Art for Art’s sake,
The unsung song of the Vast is sublime,
The invisible touch sends myriad kisses
In Nature’s never-ending Rhyme.

The dreamland of delightful fancy
Awakens divine elixir in the inmost depth,
The sylvan skyless solitude all around,
We lay motionless in Eternity’s breath.

The allurement of the airy mirth
Empowers us with freedom illimitable,
To choose the life living-worth
Far, far away from the world: mortal and visible.

Priceless promises float in the ether,
All dialects embedded in the invisible Vast,
Confinements cross all country barriers
We can no more live apart.

All in Creation must live in Consciousness, Truth and Bliss infinite,
The golden opportunity to Man is given
To live the life of his legitimate birthright.

Oh Sons of Immortal! Arise! Awake!
The unique Play’s participants of the wanton warfare,
Rise above finite petty limits of fictitious living
To re-unite with your pre-destined goal under the Supreme Care.
Jun 2020 · 111
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 7th June 2020)
The Blue of the Sea
The blue of the Vast,
Let me be lot
In Creation’s surrealist Art.
There’s music in the breeze
Melody all around,
The rainbow-rapt hues
Make earth spell-bound.
Light, Love and Bliss
Reverberate in ether,
The message of the Beloved
Is heard in untouched whisper.
We are all voyagers
In the same life boat,
The stormy night’s tempest
Keep us all afloat.
We are untold marvels
The whole world is one,
United we do stand
Let no one be alone.
All diverse notes
Of the one single symphony,
Nature nurtures us
In her unique Harmony.
Rivers from distant mountains seek for the Ocean’s floor,
The enlivening woodland green
Knocks at firmament’s door.
The bright golden sunrise:
The loving kiss of the sky,
The moonlit mirth of the night
On its lap we all lie.
The blossoms from Paradise
Herald our Dawn,
The sun-spangled rapture
Ushers into the magnificent morn.
All discordant notes
Please do keep aside,
You are sons of the Immortal
To Immortality you have to rise.
You were born in Bliss
To Bliss you must return,
Write your Bliss-rapt chapter
In this short earthly sojourn.
Jun 2020 · 113
The Unique Oxymoron
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 30th May 2020)
With endless stretches of the blue above,
All around the limitless vast of the sea;
Oh Dear! You have made solitude your absolute kingdom
In Soul’s sublime freedom free.

Alone, all alone in Moon-moist rapture clad,
And ravishing Rhapsody of the starry mirth;
The sweet kisses cypher blush in the Blue
The Creation seems to be joyful, living worth.

The ceaseless symphony that stirs the World
The museless melody brings elixir to life,
The whole universe is just one single string of Love
Tied in beads of compassion infinite.

There lies no more the difference between YOU and ME
All compact in One single beautiful harmony;
Love’s immensitude flows from Heaven to Earth
The Brown’s Beauty bares her ***** to the Sea.

The illusory illusion that you see around
The notes discordant hinders your freedom’s liberty,
And you have misplayed enough in the Divine Playground
Now let nature clear dirt from your Destiny.

Creation belongs to all, but your illegitimate will –
To make the rest serve to your ****** whim,
Why are you crying now, my dear Man-monster!
”As you sow, so you reap”: the unique Oxymoron’s unceasing Rhyme?

Be aloof, sit sovereign in Soul’s lone empire
Ever uninvadable, where Love guards as sentinel,
There the Spring-Blossoms wither not
The Empyrean Damsel welcomes you her door to dwell.

Take care! Nature is to ****** her legitimate rights
Sooner or later, your devilish hands could no more hold;
Your grip is brittle, bones are shattered
You have made it yourself in the vilest endeavour.

The nightmare is your own making,
The colossal waste of life and energy,
You have always been the blood-thirst Vampire,
Now be ready to visit your worthwhile destiny.

Back to Nature: the earnest Appeal,
Back to Creation’s legitimate Whole;
You are a mere speck of dust in the Vast
Hence, in the Vast Nature do not interfere.
Jun 2020 · 125
The Lisping Lips of Love
Bijoylakshmi Das Jun 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 30th May 2020)
There is an endless ecstasy,
The immortal opens its door of Eternity;
Its divine solicitude -
Implores me to merge into Bliss’ infinity.
The exalted euphoria of Heaven’s elixir,
The rainbow-rapt mirth in the distant Zephyr,
The call of the Unknown from the long-lost Felicity,
The new revelation of the fortuitous identity,
The silent killing of the self-esteemed ‘I’ in me.
There you sit alone and rule sovereign,
The Monarch of the solemn solitude’s King.
With azure mirth all around,
Creation is the most beautiful play ground;
The vibrating mellifluous notes
Which in the argent air float.
It seems as if Infinity is imprisoned in the
Finite human being.
Full of Compassion and all the best.
The moment’s most momentous touch –
From the land of the Sublime,
Sings songs of celestial rhyme.
The all-pervading Vast adores Thee,
In your pure and sacred spirit free;
Blossoms from the Kingdom of Beatitude
Make life anew,
With innumerable hue;
To roam in the freedom of Soul:
The choicest destiny man could ever behold.
The soft whisper in your breath
Which Creation breathes into every life’s depth,
To make it afresh
The mortal living,
But epoch-making;
But not for vain frolicking!
Though we seem to belong to the World
And take it as our own,
The World never belongs to you,
You are the Absolute, all alone.
You aspire for enlivenment
Which always will renew -
Midst innumerable hue.
The New World Order is only for the choicest few,
Not for the idle, not for Man-monster;
The One Will of the Supreme Master!
It is not for any playful pastime,
Oblivious of the unique exemplary Rhyme.
For, each life counts
In the eyes of the Sublime.
Do rejoice
In the unseen Grace
Only in caring and sharing.
All are tiny specks of pollen
Dropped from starry golden Blossoms of -
The flawless firmament divine.
Sweet are thy notes,
Sweet is the Symphony;
Sweet are your moon-clad rapture,
Soft is the Rhapsody.
Let the little “I” in me
Forever merge into the limitless Vast in Thee,
In the most magnificent majestic Harmony.
Apr 2020 · 126
The Solace of the Vast
Bijoylakshmi Das Apr 2020

(Bijoylakshmi Das, 23rd April, 2020)

I have long lost the “I” in me in quest of the YOU in all,
The night’s caravan of delight seeks the dawn’s solacing soul.

The heaven’s homage to the Earth in the honoured humility of its showers,
The Bliss of the unknown kingdom heralds after toilsome hours.

The silence of the woodland vast sends message serene and sublime,
The Earth is tired of the noise – the apocalypse is on the climb.

The unheard rhymes reverberate in the air
Vibrant with rapture-rapt mirth,
Creation is in the making
After an epoch-making holocaust.

The new life bubbles out
Of the tempest’s turbulent uproar,
The firmament opens her freedom
The Brown bares its door.

The mystic flame burns deep within
To meet the Clarion Call,
The radiance of the rainbow-clad splendour
Tears apart Darkness’ door.

All is calm, sublime in the depth of Being,
The surface is just a mirror,
Images evanescent dance to and fro
To be extinct in the self-made horror.

The World drama is played on the stage
The curtain is left to be pulled apart –
By the One Supreme sitting above
Your role is over, be ready to depart.

Just the slightest tilt of the Earth
Could bring end to your demonic play,
Sorrows and sighs of the Soil
Will bid you soon your worthy farewell.

Oh Man! Awake and arise,
Come back to the true nature of your Soul;
You are not here to live for eternity
You are in illusion in oblivion of your human goal.

The Earth is a beautiful paradise
For Truth and Life Divine to lead us all,
It is not your Devils’ resort
To act as you like, that’s not your goal.

Time’s sword is hung over your head
Can any moment sever off all evil endeavour,
Oh Man-Monster! You are destined to your doom
How long the Supreme can endure?

The Creation is going to evolve,
Be certain and sure,
With a few choicest souls it will reach the summit of the Divine Goal.
Apr 2020 · 97
The Unique Challenge
Bijoylakshmi Das Apr 2020
( Bijoylakshmi Das, 24th April 2020)
With wings of the wind and joys of the Zephyr,
I cradle in my breast Earth’s earnest appeal.
Felicity’s fairest welcome with all heavenly exuberance,
Heralds the unique unforgettable: the New Creation’s divine romance.
The Birth of the Kingdom of Bliss with beautiful blossoms from Paradise,
Ushers into momentous moments
Of Elixir’s golden sunrise.
The blessedness of the beatitude; The Creation is so vast,
Just a speck of dust: The surface turmoil’s holocaust!
The epoch-making apocalypse
Enhances the great earthquake move,
For the world unknown
And its immeasurable surrealist Love.
Even the tiniest amoeba
Cradles the most significant birth,
With righteous revels of life living-worth.

There is life in the air,
There is a higher life in the sea,
The greatest is the life in the woodland green
In Soul’s absolute Freedom free.
Freedom is your birthright,
Freedom is your mirth,
Cherish the freedom within in Creation’s amazing Vast.
There’s lightening in the Blue,
Melody in the breeze,
The far mountain heights
Reveal the rarest surprise.
Do care no further
For worms of mud and mire,
You are the brightest spark of the invisible Mystic Fire.
Rejoice in rapture,
Merge into its Bliss,
You are the new born infant nourished by Nature’s loveliest kiss.
You are the most invincible
Fathered by Truth sublime,
You are the lost cadence of Certitude’s eternal rhyme.
The One sits above
Rules the Creation vast,
Man’s sordid design soon to fall apart.
Truth rules the Universe,
Truth reigns over the Vast,
Be a part of the Truth,
You will never fall apart.
Apr 2020 · 94
The Unique Challenge
Apr 2020 · 114
Bijoylakshmi Das Apr 2020

(Bijoylakshmi Das, 14th April 2020)

The Light I feel within, the Lotus I vision in the eyes of Thee,

The sweet kisses of the rose of my heart in the distant zephyr free.

I now long to dive deep into the depth of my inmost Blithe,

For, I was born in Bliss and I must return to the Immaculate Wealth of the YOU in ME.

All that is around is just like the heap of garbage of the stagnant pond,

Soon it will end in its deadliest doom with no one even to look beyond;

Look, hearken to the Call of the Flute that floats in the argent air,

The Love of the Eternal Beloved and His clinging clasp of the Divine flair.

The Harmony is in full swing upon Earth with the deathless Symphony of the distant woodland green,

The Call of the Beyond , the sweet kisses of the Supreme Sweetheart, invisible and unseen;

The unfading blush in the Blue at the blessed touch of the blossoming breeze,

All is marvel, all is wonder, the unmixed Delight of Heaven’s choicest surprise!

The Divine Hour is just for a few chosen awakened Souls,

Make life upon Earth worthwhile, do surrender with Supreme as your unique Goal;

Just with a tiny droplet you think as if the Godhead is showered at your feet,

The boundless Infinite is rich in His Bounty; you are in great deceit!

Be a part of the limitless Love, pure, profound full of Elixir’s lore,

Feel yourself as the smallest speck of dust in infinite Ocean’s shoreless shore.

……………………- …………………………- ..
Apr 2020 · 108
Bijoylakshmi Das Apr 2020
(By Bijoylakshmi Das, 15th April 2020)
Oh Eternal Flame! I adore Thee: the Soul of my Being,
The beautiful blossoming Earth all around –
Man in the making!
The Maenad delight just on the surface of all Dionysian pleasure,
Look beyond the horizon; all burnt to ashes: the deadliest Demonic endeavour.
The blissful breeze murmurs lullaby to the sleeping fatigued Earth,
The latter was meant for Bliss, Peace and Love living worth.
The Sun sets for the Human monster to be devoured soon in jaws of Time,
Time waits for none, your time is up – enough bloodshed, enough of crime;
The sublime hour ahead, perfection’s postern appeal lingers behind the Darkness’ veil,
Oh Man! Try to be humane, you have done enough with your self-doomed hell.
Your Spirit’s forsaken sobs for the long-sought forgotten height,
All is lost, buried in Abyss your frustrate delight.
The Nature is in full bloom with no man-cannibal to interfere,
Your missiles and torpedoes will be lost in perdition, do always remember.
The earnest appeal of Earth is attended by Heaven, you are stone-deaf to hear,
For, your Death Knell is ringing loud; all evil designs to be torn asunder;
Life is evanescent, you are not here for Eternity – do remember,
Your mundane apparel though most dear and near –
To the Divine which rules from above and keeps track of   actions’ every record,
Be a part of the world Drama: the Apolcalyptic paradise which is just for a few days more!
Choose your cherished option “Truth or Abyss”- the inviolable Supreme Order,
Light the Flame within, be only the witness to be guided by the Commandment of your Soul.
Mar 2020 · 135
Bijoylakshmi Das Mar 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 24th March 2020)
I sing from my Soul
Oh Rose of my Love!
I breathe life into Thee
Oh Blossom from above!

My spirit sobs in you
In solitude’s sublime hours,,
All my sweet dreams
Are for you, my Sweetheart.

The Felicity of Paradise
Kisses my privacy’s chamber,
My heart is bared
At your El Dorado’s door.

All poems of ecstasy
Locked in elixir of Soul,
The further you are
The most you are near.

I dive deep within
Into my Elysian depth,
‘Forget the chaos around
To touch you in my breath.

The rarest Beauty on Earth
That ever adores the soil,
The Heaven’s choicest pleasure
Meet not the miry toil.

The notes of melody’s tremolo
From past memory’s archive,
Bliss of the Union
Keeps me on Earth alive.

The loving lips of Love
Whisper love to the breeze,
The unsung tones of the Flute:
The celestial surprise!

Don’t alight here on Earth
The latter is not ready for You,
Man is not Human
To touch your Elixir’s dew.

You are the brightest sunshine
In my dark hours of night
You are the Moonlit marvel,
Love at first sight.

So, I cherish you deep,
Deep within my Soul;
Let no Mortal glance -
At my Supreme Dear.

The unique untouched Beauty
Of Godhead Beatitude’s splendour,
The most magnificent marvel:
Creation’s greatest wonder.

While stars are asleep
Behind the veil of the sky,
You are the ****** vesper Moon
That shines so high.

I don’t have wings
To soar so high,
Still I touch your breath
Ever feel you nigh.

I sing from my Soul
Oh Rose of my heart!
Stay safe in Heaven
We do never part.
Mar 2020 · 95
Bijoylakshmi Das Mar 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 22nd March 2020)
Rays of radiance from the untouched Vast
Wing my hours with aureate Bliss,
The austere epiphany of the enamoured mirth
Lures me to the land of illimitable peace.

With Truth as Chariot which I ride
The celestial valour as its wings,
Patience’s puissant height to attain without pause
Dignity of depth – the song it sings.

The world seems to be a coin having two faces
The one is the brightest brilliance of the certitude vast,
The other is the dark delirium of despair
Forsaken sobbing of desires’ dance.

The measureless might of the million suns,
The deep conscience pulls my chariot’s strings,
Compassion infinite cradled in my *****
Forgiveness as weapon to defeat enemies.

With kindness and love showered upon Ignorance
My Golden Chariot heads to the Invisible’s Goal,
Beauty envelopes me with beauteous wonder,
The celestial surprise knocks at my door.

The Supreme Surrender as my successful Charioteer
The fearless fortitude drives me on,
The dark side of the coin is just a mirage
Soon to fade away in the rising Sun.

The lovely lightening from lovelier clouds
Steers clear the path ahead of me,
The sweetening symphony plays the Flute
With thunder as armour guards my side.

The magnificent mansion to reach in the woodland vast
With beautiful blossoms that adorn its floor,
No roofs to make the Freedom bound,
No walls to limit man to mind’s corridor.

There rules the One Law of the Supreme Master
No space for hatred, greed and mortal fear,
The Spring-spangled splendour is high in air:
The eternal ecstasy of the Supreme Dear.

My Sun-clad journey to the Moon-rapt Rapture
The heavenly Damsel pours the heavenly nectar,
I’m Freedom’s the most cherished Choice
I’m the Guest of Honour at Infinity’s door.

So I reign in the Kingdom of the Absolute
I’m the pure Soul of ineffable Bliss,
The world I once inhabited in the forgotten yore:
My memory’s torn pages merged in debris.

Truth is Bliss profound, Truth is Freedom vast,
Truth is the only Solace to win each and every heart.
Oh Man! Rise from stupor to re-discover your Soul,
Adore the true Wisdom of Truth and make it your Goal.
Mar 2020 · 120
Bijoylakshmi Das Mar 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das,19th March 2020)
The more I look to the world around,
The more I dive into its turbulent sea;
I find myself wrapped by the Divine elixir:
The Saga of the untold yore opens pages before me.

My memory’s poignant pageantry touching the heights
Of Felicity fugitive of the realm recondite,
In its deepest depth sits solemn and silent
My inner Guide, my Soul-mate of immeasurable insight.

The Earth at the surface is now a huge uproar
Of tumultuous uprisings and the utmost disorder,
Far away from it lurks the brightest luminosity of the highest world order;
All is silent, sublime: the miracle of Godhead’s Wonder.
The Poetry of Supreme is vibrant in rhyme and rhythm,
The Song of celestial rapture turns into Nature’s whisper,
The eternal sunshine adores the enlivening morn
The smile of the Beloved sits behind the dew-moist glitter.

The Roses of Love sweeten your enrapturing hours,
The twinkling stars herald your Union to Bliss,
The loving eyes pour heavenly elixir
To get you merged into the ecstatic kiss.

Leave the world of peril to Demons’ paradise
To meet the doomsday of the self-made abyss,
You are El Dorado’s well-chosen envoy,
You journey is destined to the unsullied Bliss.

Your footsteps have long since left the mundane mire,
You have risen above the body, mind and spirit;
You are pure, sacrosanct, the Divine’s choice,
The Flame of Mystic Fire within your Soul is being lit.

Your eyes are rapt with Elysian delight
Far removed from the soiled dirt of ignorance;
You are awakened, enlightened with Wisdom profound,
The mortal ken is kept at ransom to the darkest inconscience.

The moon-clad mirth of the empyrean order
Wings your hours with ceaseless splendour,
The secure solitude invades your privacy’s kingdom,
You are the most cherished guest at the Immortal’s door.

Just close your eyes to all happenings evanescent
Your quest after Infinity lands you in the land of Paradise,
The moonlit night’s blissful sojourn
Sings lullaby for the surrealist peace.

You are God in Man, the Creation’s highest marvel,
In your fall you are Devil in disguise;
Cast aside our false and fake signature
Be the indivisible part of your in born Bliss.
Mar 2020 · 106
Bijoylakshmi Das Mar 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 10th March 2020)
Let all my breath be yours –
In the Land of Freedom’s Bliss,
The Earth has its ephemeral wonder
Tightly clasped to her unwavering feet.

The untouched vast of intransience
Are playthings of the Unparalleled from Above,
I do rejoice in pomp and pageantry
Of the immaculate paradise of His love.

In mind’s blazen labyrinth
With concocted delight’s deformed desires,
Man has lost his way to Godhead
Which speaks within in solitary hours.

Dies deep in the depth
Of the unimagined dreadful abyss,
Love for the body and mind
So futile but clasped by its serpentine kiss!

In my thickets of trenchant thoughts
Far beyond the spirit’s uninvadable realm,
My sleepless night’s dreamless trance
Awakes me to the Invisible’s ken.

Creation’s mysteries unexplained
Unveil the unsolved riddles before me,
I’m in love with the Absolute Supreme
With none as my enemy.

The infinite joy hidden in the transience,
The illimitable bound in its limits,
There blossom the flowers of the Fairyland:
The splendour of Elysian Beauty.

Do you ever seek for the Unknown
In the lonely hours of self’s demise?
To reach the goal of your Pole Star
In the inner awakening’s rise?

In my inexperienced expedition
Of my little Self’s earnest quest,
I sail my boat alone, all alone
To meet my Beloved, the Eternal Guest.

Oh Mortal! You die death in each moment
In your futile sojourn of body and flesh,
How can you hearken to the Invisible
That goads you in each moment?

Leave your petty attire aside
Which serves as the deceitful masquerade –
Of your beautiful inner being:
Sanguine, transcendent and pure.

You are no more the little ‘I’
That dwells in the finite orb,
Listen to the Clarion Call:
Your sacrifice in His Flame of Love.

There exists no friend, nor foe
In the Kingdom of the Absolute free,
I merge in You, and You merge in ME
In the most exalted bliss of Harmony.
Mar 2020 · 111
Bijoylakshmi Das Mar 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 10th March 2020)
There is colour in the air, colour in the Blue;
Is it you Dear supreme playing with the hue?

The Flute from the far invisible Land of Bliss,
The notes mellifluous and the ecstatic kiss!

Maddens man in love with the unseen ecstasy,
The colours and the shadfes are the ****** Beauty.

The scintillating splendour of the sky
In night’s darkness’ depth,
The One Hope enlivening
In mortal human’s breast.

Felicity unfastened in finite hours
To reach the Infinite far away,
To dwell as Immortal’s comrade
In this unfazed world stir’s play.

Symphony in Solitude profound
Music vibrant in the morn-moist Earth,
Nature is the ceaseless Poetry
Of elixir’s boundless mirth.

All is rhyme, all is rhythm,
Where the Absolute’s footsteps tread,
All is rapture, all is rhapsody,
On the vernal Creation’s bed.

The Call of the Unknown –
From the distant woodland vast,
The Tryst with the Supreme
Will no more keep us apart.

The shiummering lights in the horizon
Guides the Soul in the dark,
However long and arduous
The journey difficult and stark.

To dwell in the certitude
In the kingdom of fortitude fast,
The fidelity never forsaken
In the tireless trekking vast.

Deeo in the mountain gorge
Humble in the rivulet’s roar,
The immensitude of Joy profound
Is unlocked in Nature’s door.

Do revere its appeal,
Do welcome in heart,
Keep aside your desires futile
To greet the Supreme vast.

There only you will find Beauty
In each and every breath-
Of the universe alive,
Vibrant along its large outstretch.

You are one with Bliss profound
In Bliss you were born,
Your living is in Bliss’ profundity
To Bliss you must return.
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Maha Shivaratri,21st February 2020)
With the blue of the Vast and the green of the Mind,
I sate for the insatiable Quest of the rarest kind –
With hunger for the summitless summit and passion for the passionless Ineffable,
I sail my life’s little boat in the solitude’s journey unassailable.

I seek after the inexpressible ecstasy hidden behind the heavenly height,
I crave for the crown of the Kingdom of Bliss in my highest soaring flight,
I now unlock the Joy of Paradise upon the turmoil of the earthly toil,
I meet my Supreme Beloved behind the mask of man as Godhead.

The touch of the Intangible in all things ephemeral and transient,
The Voice of the Unknown heralds the Dawn of the immortal golden moment,
The bound of the birth that baffles man since time immemorial,
The shadow of Death which casts the direst dread abysmal.
All is so swiftly vanishing behind the New Wisdom’s hem,
I do stand alone in my Soul’s uninvadable Supreme Ken.

The alluring glance of the Invisible and His enticing lips,
The unreached Rhapsody’s deep-hidden distant enrapturing kiss;
Enlivens my journey towards the Goal of the timeless Infinity,
I reveal the unwritten chapter of the Unseen’s sovereign secrecy.

My shivering strokes of the brush on the Creation’s Canvas of Art,
With blissful pang and the endless agony of my Being’s ever-grieving heart;
My inmost desire to draw a few legible lines of Love on the Olympian Blue,
On the mortal tenement ever aspiring to rise above and reach the deathless hue.

The fugitive madness to rise from the fall in the abyss,
The courage indomitable to cradle the emerald empire of Elysian Delight,
All feelings insentient: the camouflage of the desireless Absolute Alone,
Seek the sunlit glamour and the moonlit mirth far away in the in the uninvadable kingdom.

Unimaginably large is the Ocean, endless its expanseless shore,
My sail in the tumultuous tempest, half-broken my mast and its oar;
Still the touch of the Transcendent in each leap of the ascent vast,
I’m spell-bound by the supreme splendour’s seraphic Art.

Just a bundle of quantums are Time’s tenebrous moments,
The Divine Algorithm rules the highest in the unique Supernal descent,
I seek after the Certitude unshakable with the passion of passionless blithe within me,
I journey towards the One timeless Time that bounds the timeless treasures in limits of Infinity.
Feb 2020 · 134
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 17th Feb 2020, Puri)
ItIt’s when the sublime silence seeks solace in the vacant naught,
Matter ceases to be meaningless in the highest altitude ever sought,
Life blooms in the enlivenment of a blossoming paradise
It’s there I meet you Beloved! In my inner awakening’s brightest sunrise.
Away from the world in the immense solitude where now I do live,
In Beauty’s beatific Bounty the outward chaos comes to an eternal cease,
The vast infinitude adores me in the beautiful expanse of the amazing Blue
The loving caress, the golden welcome! Oh Dear! It is none other than the unseen You.

The infant longing to be in love with the untouched Absolute
All my breath stops there in the earthly longings irresolute,
The spirit soars high, listens to the Clarion Call of the inmost Soul,

That lives deep within me, guided my Consciousness to reach the invisible Goal.
I‘ve been clad with the shapeless Flame’s all-solacing clasp,
The Earth belongs to me, I’m no more a victim to her serpentine grasp,
The mundane responds to the deathless Delight to descend down,
The Glory of the All Alone is adorned with the Immortal’s crown.
The mortal mirth no more momentary in the momentous hours,
The Heaven’s felicity drops its nectar not in drops but in showers;
The sweet kisses of the distant Sweetheart’s never-parting lips,
The earthly sojourn sings the songs if the Empyrean Bliss.
The formless fortitude regains faith in the once fugitive certitude vast,
The agony’s amour is ready to touch the ecstasy’s enrapturing heart,
The spilth of paradise is in plenty upon the breast of the browny earth,
Look upward, rise from your stupor of the all-lingering ignorant mortal birth.
The enlightening effulgence of the imperishable rays from the abode above, makes me bathe in the all-touching Alone’s immaculate Love,

I’m one with Him in my body-less attire of the Soul sacrosanct –
Making my life worthwhile in the Omnipresent’s immensity vast.
……………………- ………………………- ………
Feb 2020 · 105
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 18th Feb 2020)
All thoughts for you in the life of Liberty free,
Oh Dear, all alone! But I do ever live in Thee;
Dreams of the distant past do not dare invade any more
I am the tiniest wave of your Ocean’s shoreless shore.
The ray that flickers faint in my fathomless deep,
To reach the unreachable region’s of your dreamless Delight’s sylvan kiss,
The heavenly heights which you hide in your heightened mirth,
I’m just a drop of elixir dropping down from you upon Earth.
The tranquil trust of the single moment’s truest surprise,
The highest citadel of certitude in the end it gives rise –
To live in the loving lap of Love’s kingdom of the illimitable above,
Never to part, ever in Bliss uninvadable of your immaculate Love.
The earth touches no more the physique’s divisible finite part,
All united in a single Whole, we are no more apart;
Never confined to the confinements of the limited ‘Last’
We are vast, infinite and deathless in our immortal Birth.
Laments linger not, no more mortal desires to fulfil,
All hopes do merge into the one indomitable Will;
No sorrows in our sojourn where we now forever dwell,
Oh My Dear! Ever adorable Sweetheart!
I am in your Felicity’s sublime spell.
The sand leaves no trace behind upon which the past mansion of us was once built,
All earthly desires die in debris in firmament’s all-embracing Bliss;
The solitude’s solace showers its Grace upon the all-amazing Act,
Oh Dear! I’m ever united to you in the all-pervading Beatitude vast.
……………………- ………………………- ………………..
Feb 2020 · 133
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 10th Feb 2020)
Though you are far away, My Immortal Dear!
In the unreachable heights of the firmament above,
In Certitude’s Kingdom of the beatific Beatitude;
I offer at your golden footprints left on Earth –
“Gratitude in Solemnity: My rarest Blossoms of Divine Love”.

Heaven’s Glory adores your abode in abundance
The deathless Delight kisses your forlorn heart,
The voiceless Voice’ sweet soft muse
Makes your recluse resplendent in Joy’s radiance.

The message I send you enveloped by rain-moist clouds
Of the highest rapture of the untold ecstasy,
The emerald memoires of the earthly sojourn
Ordained with mind’s magnificent phantasy.

The brightening brilliance of your blooming visage
Enlivened with celestial enrapturing hue,
The sweetening fragrance I’m now wrapped around
Of the mystic presence, Oh! That is You.

The silent solitude: the only cherished dream
Of your infancy’s longings of the melancholic heart,
Away from the world and its endless torpor
To build the hermitage in the sacrosanct Vast.

The brooding Eve’s beautiful rhapsody’s chapter
Repeat its cadences of the unending mirth,
The Sunlit splendours of the forgotten reverie
Often inspires me to rise to the Vast.

The oceanic depth of calm dwells deep within me
Only at the surface do waves play uproar,
The measureless stretch of the Time’s endless expanse  
Takes me back to the timeless yore.

I rejoice in the golden reminiscences
Of the gladdening moments’ pleasant gifts,
I try to feel your invisible presence
In priceless precincts of the sublime Bliss.

There you sit on unreachable heights
Much above the body, mind and spirit,
You are in union with the Supreme Beloved
Merged deep into His rainbow-rapt kiss.

The graceful gestures of the woodland far
The tireless trekking of the mountain vast,
Which once made us live together
In the inmost recess of two joyous hearts.

The body-less infinite, the mindless region
I’m no more captive to the Spirit in me,
The drops of nectar drip from the Immortal’s sky
Make us forever live in limitless blithe.

Oh Dear! Oh My ever-loving Dear!
Roam forever in the Garden of Rapture free,
Though you are far away in your Elysian paradise,
As Godhead’s Kin do dwell in me.
Feb 2020 · 1.4k
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 9th February 2020)
Silence in the air
Silence all around,
I long to merge deep
In the depth of Silence ' play ground. Silence is Harmony
Silence is Suoreme' s breath,
To regain our felicity fugitive
In our mortal breast -
We dive into Silence' depth.
The One Exprrssion of the unique Sublime -
Amazingly awe-inspiring
Utterly captivating!!!
Silence is the Art
Which makes others live
A joyful living united with the Infinite:
Selfless and all-forgiving!
Silence is the silent throb of the heart
Of the One Highest Breath,
The Consciousness sublime.
Silence is smile
On the face of the One Adorable Being.
Silence is the lone traveller
On the vast expanse of Time,
Silence is the reveller of Joy
Of the never-ending rhyme -
Silence is vast
Silence is Beauty -
Of the all - transcending Act!
Silence is Immanence
Of Creation's inherent Harmony.
Silence is the Mystic touch
Of the Absolute all-surpassing!
The celestial dwelling
For every loving heart,
Love's resplendent splendour
In life's journey vast!
Silence is perfection
That is never-ending;
The footprints from above
Solace descending!
The rare reminiscences
Of the One Eternal Inhabitant,
The all-shaping Flame
Of the Mystic Fire
Ever vibrant
Silence is Light
That lies deep within -
Each living and non-living
In their inertial sleeping!
Silence is awakening
From the most senseless stupor,
Silence is the patron -
For earthly life
Solemnly condescending!
Silence is Humility of the highest order,
Silence is Dignity always to remember,
The Beauty and Mirth that in life we seek for
To rise above the mundane self and its self- made disaster.
Silence is Blessedness' Grace
For every grieving soul;
Silence is Symphony
Of the ageless yore.
Silence is the sole companion
Of Spirit's magnificent melancholy,
Silence is Union with the Beloved in ecstasy.
Silence is Poetry
Of our rhythmic thoughts,
Silence is manifestation
Of our formless forms.
Silence sits alone in its Kingdom vast,
Why not make it your Soulmate
Oh Man! In your endless journey of the mortal birth?
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Feb 2020 · 135
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2020)
I scale the Sublime heights of the azure Vast
To have a glimpse of someone unique and new,
I try to walk to the incommunicable Absolute
To know the whereabouts of Beauty, that is You.

I trek the abode of the distant mountains
I spend sleepless nights in the woodland green,
I listen to stars whispering to the Moon
In night's melancholy of moments' unseen.

An aureate agony is aired around
Giving rise to the roseate dreams,
I sleep in Beauty's majestic splendour
In an unending rhapsody of the unknown Bliss.

Love's sweet lips of joy profound
I'm wrapped in wonder of an exalted ecstasy,
Who's that who shares my kingdom
Of my solitude's private ecstasy.

The One who enters into my silvery sojourn
With golden blossoms plucked from the celestial Blue,
My eyes are euphoric with Infinity's wonder -
Of Beauty of Elegance, Oh! that is You.

I knock at the gate of the emerald Palace
Where Nature nurtures me with love and care -
Of the most beautuful heart of the eternal Beloved
Just because Beauty of Certitude is there.

I merge into the deep of the Ocean's green
Which foresees Creation's future hours,
With tidings unheard and melody unseen
Adorned with Felicity's exquisite flowers.

I'm in union with the deific Delight
I feel it in every moment of my mortal breath,
I'm being overwhelmed with Joy's paradise
It is due to Beauty of Grace beyond death.

I touch the solemn kiss of the breeze
Which soothes each and every grieving heart,
I reach the unreachable heights of Heavenly surprise
Just because of Beauty's surrealist Art.

I listen to the earnest appeal of the Earth
In forsaken hours of the forlorn march,
Beauty of Gratitude paints her Elysium grandeur
On the measureless stretch of the world canvas.

Beauty is Grace, Beauty is Splendour,
Beauty is the unforeseen Wonder,
Beauty all-pervading, Beatitude vast,
Open your door of the heart to Beauty's footprints to alight
Be a successful actor in Supreme's all-surpassing Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Feb 2020)
Feb 2020 · 143
Bijoylakshmi Das Feb 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2020)
I scale the Sublime heights of the azure Vast
To have a glimpse of someone unique and new,
I try to walk to the incommunicable Absolute
To know the whereabouts of Beauty, that is You.

I trek the abode of the distant mountains
I spend sleepless nights in the woodland green,
I listen to stars whispering to the Moon
In night's melancholy of moments' unseen.

An aureate agony is aired around
Giving rise to the roseate dreams,
I sleep in Beauty's majestic splendour
In an unending rhapsody of the unknown Bliss.

Love's sweet lips of joy orofound
I'm wrapped in wonder of an exalted ecstasy,
Who's that who shares my kingdom
Of my solitude's private ecstasy.

The One who enters into my silvery sojourn
With golden blossoms plucked from the celestial Blue,
My eyes are euphoric with Infinity's wonder -
Of Beauty of Elegance, Oh! that is You.

I knock at the gate of the emerald Palace
Where Nature nurtures me with love and care -
Of the most beautuful heart of the eternal Beloved
Just because Beauty of Certitude is there.

I merge into the deep of the Ocean's green
Which foresees Creation's future hours,
With tidings unheard and melody unseen
Adorned with Felicity's exquisite flowers.

I'm in union with the deific Delight
I feel it in every moment of my mortal breath,
I'm being overwhelmed with Joy's paradise
It is due to Beauty of Grace beyond death.

I touch the solemn kiss of the breeze
Which soothes each and every grieving heart,
I reach the unreachable heights of Heavenly surprise
Just because of Beauty's surrealist Art.

I listen to the earnest appeal of the Earth
In forsaken hours of the forlorn march,
Beauty of Gratitude paints her Elysium grandeur
On the measureless stretch of the world canvas.

Beauty is Grace, Beauty is Splendour,
Beauty is the unforeseen Wonder,
Beauty all-pervading, Beatitude vast,
Open your door of the heart for Beauty's footprints to alight
Be a successful actor in Supreme's all-surpassing Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 3rd Feb 2020)
Jan 2020 · 105
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 30th Jan 2020)
Love is profound,
Unsullied Bliss;
Love is Creation's rapture-rapt kiss.
Love is immortal Gift from above
Love is Nature's surrealist Love.
The covert message from the unseen Messenger,
Love is Supreme's surpassing Splendour.
The earnest appeal of the Distant Sweetheart,
To unite with the deathless Vast.
The most mellifluous notes of the magnificent Flute -
For the eternal Beloved,
The Song of silence of the Sublime Soul.
Love is Heaven's muse-moist peace,
For sleepless Humanity Lullaby's kiss.
Love is Union of the highest Harmony,
Love is Blessedness, the covert Symphony.
Love is not passion of the finite orb,
Love is Compassion to rise above;
Love is solemn ever humble,
Love is perfection, Love is subtle.
Love is Omnipotent, Love is vast,
Be a particle of dust of its indivisible part;
Make your life Love's joyful worth,
Then you are truly Man in your human birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri. 30th Jan 2020)
Jan 2020 · 129
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 29th Jan 2020)
Music of the Vast
Is music of your mind,
Listen to it first
In the enlivened morning,
The silence transcending
Unique of its kind!
Bliss of the rapture
Reigns over the breeze,
Awakens the brook
Tells it to rise,
The little ripples reveal a lot  -
Above human levels and their sordid thought;
There float the higher happenings and greater surmise -
Just tarry a little
Merge deep into your Soul,
You will reach Infinity:
Your invisible Goal.
The air you breathe around
Is flavoured with fragance
Of the effulgent Felicity of the Divine Romance ;
The One universal Breath -
Where all is One,.
On the Infinite strech
No one is alone.

Vast is the Ocean,
Vast is the Blue -
The oracular Opulence is His Celesty's hue;
Vast is His Kingdom
Of an ineffable Mirth,
To make life on Earth living worth.
His beatific plenitude rules over the Earth
To ennoble Man in an enlivened Birth.
All that is turmoil
Wants to rise,
With delirium of despair
And its countless lies
Of false hope and promise
Of the nescient birth,
That sleeps in stupor
In an inertial lap.
Only at the surface
Will certainly cease,
The Sphinx of the aeon
Is going to rise,
All that is imperfect,
All that is impure,
All discordant notes
Never chosen by the Immortal Dear.
Grievings of your heart
Do cast aside,
Look within the surrealist Vast
That wants to rise
Out of the doldrums of inconscient sigh
The sleeping Humanity in ignorance high!!!
Look ahead to the invisible Wisdom's flight
With aureate wings and azure light,
To the Land of Immensitude
In Intuition's insight.
Merge deep within,
You are an immortal Whole
You are the shoeless Ocean
And its sandless Shore.
You are its indivisible part -
Of Symphony of the ageless yore.
The One Rhythm
That makes World unite,
Love's enraptured Ecstasy
In an enlightening height,.
The One Glance above
Is Rhapsody recondite.
Takes you far in the ascending flight.
Live deep within
The Godhead dwells in you,
Do live in the World
But let the World not live in you.
All Poetry fails
Before the One Sublime,
Which Nature writes in her unending Rhyme,
The scintillating effulgence
Of Her unsullied Bliss,
The Divine rapture
In Her unseen Kiss -
May enliven you  and
Make you pure in heart,
Then only you become Man
My Dear!
A successful participant -
In the immortal display
Of the Infinity's Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 29th Jan 2020, Puri, 06.00 hours)
Jan 2020 · 113
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 28th Jan, 2020)
Lost in Solitude's celestial surprise
Dazed by the dazzling dews of the
skyless hue;
The spirit in me awakes to the audacious adventure
Clad with impeccable iridescent hue.

The sky shakes its silvery flowers
Of starlit mirth and moonlit joy,
An alien Delight reigns over Earth
To take you to the Land of Bliss far away.

There dwells the lonesome lovely heart
In harmony's kingdom of the highest order ;
The hierarchy of the Supreme Felicity
In the midst of the spotless splendour.

The Sun goes humbler as it rises high:
Humility of the most magnanimous soul,
The Divine principle of Wisdom profound
The long-sought quest of the human goal.

The Earth turns timid in her tiresome toil
Of disharmony's delirium dreadful dance,;
All her attempts to make man Human
In an ennobled sacrosanct birth.

The gladsome gifts of the grateful Green
Are showered down at the feet of earth;
To let you live in Gratitude's ken -
With grace and dignity of an angelic heart.

The seraphic Damsel sheds tears from Sky
At the pressing plight of the Creation's Art;
So perfect and sublime once upon a time,
Now sleepless laments in the limitless Vast.

The beautiful Blossoms bring Bliss transcendent
Love's endless ecstasy enlivens the soul,
"Surrender unconditional" - the One Rule inalienable
To reach Humanity's the most cherished goal.

The little "I" that lies in you and me
The Ego that raises its head so high;
The insignificant Self:s earthly compromise
Brings sorrow and agony and timeless sigh.

The priceless Bounty of the Beatitude's crown,
The immortal treasure of Rapture recondite;
The Creation garbed in an eternal radiance
Of Compassion infinite in prophetic foresight.

Be vast like the Ocean,
Be ever-giving like the noblest tree
The Art of Giving is vibrant in Nature -
The Creation is the ceaseless Poetry.
Make its Liberty an integrated Whole,
Freedom beyond the freedom vast,
"Supreme Surrender" as your life divine's Goal.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri)
Jan 2020 · 84
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
With sparkling splendours around me,
The glittering radiance at my door;
I long to sail the Ocean vast
To reach Eternity's uninvaded shore.

The deific dalliance of the Divine raptures
The amazing excellence of the heanenly Blue;
The seraphic kingdom of Bliss' infinitude
Adorned with Immortal ecstatic hue.

Beyond all limits of earthly Ken,
Above unreachable heights of the azure Vast;
The celestial mirth of the Mystic solitude -
Heralds the Dawn of an enlightened Birth.

Mind dives into the fathomless Deep
In search of the Wisdom's pearl,
The World is too much with me; so I live within -
And knock at Felicity's immaculate door.

Dreams are no more the Master of my Spirit,
Thoughts never play any significant role ;
The Certitude's magnificence rules my heart,
The Faith unshakable guides my Soul.

Knowledge is imprisoned in fetters dark -
Truth finds no way out of the maze
Of Falsehood's empire but held in ransom -
At fictitious longings' perplexing haze.

Still, Nature's surprise is showered at your feet;
Bow down to Her in Gratitude's wonder,.
The Supreme Law tell the Truth inalienable :
"In Nature's activity do not interfere".

Though it's a fact that I live in this world,
But the world never lives in me;
Just close your eyes and look deep within -
The world dissolves and again never to be seen.

My Journey is destined to the One Indivisible Whole,
The World as the base and the body as tabernacle
To make the Supreme dwell in its invisible core
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 22nd Jan 2020)
Jan 2020 · 87
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 20th Jan 2020)
Words float in air in eerie silence of the Night,
Message undeciphered writ by the great Hierophant in His Mystic height,
I revel in the Bliss of the unforgettable Vast recondite,
To unravel the prophecy of the unsullied oracular insight.

Unbuoyed by Mind's vague gestures and vain surmise,
In the auspicious ensemble of divine moments' pleasant surprise,
The Evening iridescence has already ciphered her enlivening episode,
A prelude to the unique journey ahead of me: My Soul's adventure.

In the azure ambience of the all-pervading inane Solitude,
My Soul has taken the flight to the remote realm of blissful Beatitude,
The long-travail of the distant past is buried in the debris,
The body has cast off its mask of transience to begin life anew.

Love turns into the lisping lullaby of the lucent Moonlit mirth,
The brightening brilliance of the silvery beams casts spells of majestic magnificence
Soon life slips into sleep's loving lap in the land of reverie,
Life on Earth in its highest awakening is freed from age long slavery.

The breeze from the distant woodland brings blossoms' fragrance,
The highest manifestation is awaiting for Unforeseen's amazing advance,
The loving Sweetheart's solemn footsteps herald a divine nuance,
The beautiful flowers bloom in the lone ascetic's austere visionary trance.

The Sunrays' glitter even feels ashamed to shine at the Godhead's feet,
Where Joy and Light overflow with endless radiant rays of the blissful Infinite
The dazzling brilliance ascends to the unreachable heights of the sky,
To make man get merged into the Transcendent Vast far away.

The New Hopes find release in the ruins of agony' s despair,
The seeds of dignified elegance begin to germinate in Earth's mud and mire,
The celestial Certitude celebrates the carnival of her charming cadence,.
Life upon Earth gets ennoblrd in Supreme's enlivening ascendance.

The Creation is not a battlefield of greed and Lust and violence dire,
The blood and sweat of the earthly toil is not to be burnt in the abysmal
It's time to rise to the highest awakening of the apparently unpromising Earth,
Man! Come back to your identity in Soul in the novel Vernal Birth.
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Jan 2020 · 130
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 16th Jan 2020)
I long to merge into the beautiful Vast
Where all is azure, all is blue,
The oceanic solitude reigns over my heart
To begin the wondrous life anew.

My days were spent in the nether dark
In nescient heights of fruitless dreams,
I want to scale the Omnipotent's height
To get merged into His immaculate Bliss.

My intense longings for the Unknown impalpable,
Desires no more doomed in earthly mire,
Pleasures no more a plaything of fairyland delight
My only seeking is for the Mystic Fire.

Love is no more a frantic fancy
Cravings no more for gossamer labyrinth,
Where inmost passions lost in Lust's frail fantasy
Bliss is imprisoned in the land of guilt.

My amour longs for the celestial ardour
Where brightest dews meet in the  rainbow-rapt kiss,
With Eternal Sweetheart in the joyous playground -
Heaven-fraught Delight showers heavenly Bliss.

My sojourn is settled in the supernal shore
Of the unreachable ocean of ageless yore,
My journey is from the mortal to the deathless far
Eyes cast upon the One Cosmic Goal.

Wrapped in wonders of Wisdom profound
Mind freed from fetters of the finite,.
Body obeys no more the rules of senses
I'm on Earth to fulfill the mission recondite.

The empyrean felicity wings my hours
The moonlit moments kiss my feet,
The sun-clad splendour keeps doors open
To enter into its exquisite Bliss.

All is Harmony, all is Divine,
All is Delight, all is Ecstasy,
Oh Man! Be honest to be human
You are welcome to the Sublime's privacy.

In the Immensitude my existence is lost
I'm no more the body, mind or spirit,
I revel in liberty at Freedom's door
I'm ever free beyond Freedom's sight. .

Love the world with sincere heart, the world will love you too,
You are one in multitude in the multitudinous Vast
You are in union with All  and All united to the Supreme in You.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 16th Jan 2020, 01.45 hrs)
Jan 2020 · 830
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 15th Jan 2020)
Oh Heaven's Pleasure in the play of the Supreme Vast!
Your Grace elegant pours elixir upon the ailing Heart;
Do drop a few more drops of nectar
on the nescient Earth,
Life lies aggrieved, tired of human thoroughfares' playful act.

Oh Dignity of Perfection! The Celestial Blossoms of the Far!
You move away when Creation gets merged in mud, mire and despair:
Time's Wheel of Annihilation to restore Harmony is always at work,
The imperfections of impurity will certainly die death in the nether Dark.

Your attempts to build the Land of Bliss by Certitude's Grace,
With Nature's amazing phantasy on Beauty's intransigent breast;
The sorrowful tears of the sobbing sky to enliven the fatigued Earth,
The exhaustless marvels do roam around the Sovereign Blessedness vast.

Oh Purity of Certitude! Do cast your immortal glance,
Things ephemeral run so fast to meet the funeral of the mundane chance;
The World is in turmoil, Man has lost his inborn innocence,
The Absolute sits immobile, views all in His apocalyptic Trance.

The unsung notes struck from the strings of the Elysian lyre,
The strength of the heightened Felicity and the soothing solace of the Mystic Fire;
Man's glamour exotic, and his passions' most violent exhibits,
Meet their end in his Self-made cobweb of falsehood and defeat.

Man makes the huge wall of peril around him with Ego and Pride at its helm,
The rays of resplendence reluctant to shine upon its sordid realm ;
The World beyond runs wild in the wilderness of the Vast,
Lo and Behold ! A lovelier perfection is in nascent rise on ashes of the past,

The New Creation is manifest with fathomless Felicity of Harmony,
Notes discordant and all interventions with Nature's activity will meet a devastating destiny;
Your blood-thirst desires to rise to the highest at the cost of the Deprived,
The One Will above will crush you asunder in the dreadful disaster wild.

You are an imperfection, not truly meant for it in the Surrealist Art,
The Supreme Artist paints ceaseless on Nature's all-pervading canvas;
Be Human, love and serve all ;you are meant for Eternity's deathless Love,
You are Infinity's most cherished Guest in your finite human orb.

You are an ever oscillating drop of the large Ocean of immeasurable depth,
You are the scintillating mirth of the Illimitable Illumination ever present;
You are a wonderful surprise, also an experiment of the Perfectionist Art,
Rise to the Zenith of Perfection in Creation's blissful all-transcending Act.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Makar Sankranti, Puri, 15th Jan 2020)
Jan 2020 · 74
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
Since when you have
Imprisoned me -
In my Delight of Being,
Of existence, life supreme;
All else looked fake
and futile as a
Semblance of appearance
soon disappearing.
I feel myself as if
I am the Monarch of my Soul!
May I worship Thee?
The Ruler of Existence!
The Treasurer of Ecstasy!
Of infinity's Bounty.
Oh Supreme Being!
The Lord of my Soul!
The Eternal Birth beyond death!
My offerings are cast
At Thy Feet,
Till life loses identity in it;
As you have helped me
to reign over desires unbridled but controlled by Your Will.
The world's grief and mirth,
Sorrows and pleasures -
Are the faulty outlook
of an erroneous life.
Where reality is  hidden,
I feel myself as if
I am the Monarch of my Soul!
May I worship Thee?
The Ruler of Existence!
The Treasurer of Ecstasy!
Of infinity's Bounty.
Oh Supreme Fire!
The Lord of my Soul!
The Eternal Birth beyond death!
My offerings are cast
At Thy Feet,
Till life loses identity in it;
As you have helped me
to reign over desires unbridled but controlled by Your Will.
The world's grief and mirth,
Sorrows and pleasures
Are the faulty outlook
of an erroneous life.
Where reality hidden,
and forgotten
By ignorance blind
of human mind.
Why turmoil?
Chaos all around?
We are all blind
to the unique design of His hands.
He thus intervenes
When man turns into beast in the bottomless Abyss.
The Lord of Existence awakes,
Gives the Clarion Call
For humans to hear,
Never pay a deaf ear.
If you defy,
End is near -
For the great changes
for a world better.
You are meant for Bliss!
His Hands are at work
In the epoch-making
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri)
17 Feb 2019.
Jan 2020 · 2.5k
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das)
The silence of night scares you
With its eerie thoughts
Ever azar with doors wide open
To give vent to unrestrained dreams,
Never letting you to rise above
The mundane laws of existence.
Do you ever think of SHIVA
The eternal principle of the Sublime?
Sitting alone on the peaks of the Himalayan silence,
Speaking to you in His divine muse-
Of ineffable ecstasy.
The body is not all.
That obeys the physical laws,
The mind is not all.
That listens to odd yearnings.
And the spirit too is not your limit.
You have to go beyond
Far beyond life's petty limitations
To reach Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.
SHIVA, the enlightened.
Which translates human dialects
Into an indefinable divine hieroglyphic.
SHIVA, the Supreme
Creates the Universe,
Rules it too,
Annihilates when Harmony loses its identity.
The universal principle of Love
Gets bewildered in empirical rules of earthly existence,
And Spirit fails to rise above,
SHIVA opens His Third Eye,
In its piercing gaze
All lights fade and
The fugitive human mind finds no sojourn
He warns you.
Arise, awake
To reach your goal
Beyond the earthly ken.
(Bijoylakshmi Das Haridwar)
Jan 2020 · 74
Bijoylakshmi Das Jan 2020
Have you seen God?
Who is He?
He is not like you.
He is someone -
In Perfection and Harmony.
Why are then war, strife, slaughter and crime
Without cause?
It baffles us so much?
Why sufferings pain and disease?
One lives healthy and the other in misery?
You earn them
In this tenure of Earth
By wrong doings
And follies of EGO-self
And you think -
Go unpunished
And escape Time's Wheel
That roars forever
To devour.
God has no role in it.
God is Conscience too -
He can liberate you
Can also make you forever free.
You are under His Scrutiny!
Do you deserve?
God is not the Doer!
You create fortune
God is not a fortune teller.
God is your Ultimate Dissolution!
As a child making toys with clay,
If not proper smashes it away;
You are a tool in His Supreme Hands
Forever for experimentation and display.
You have to rise above human level,
Once go down to become a beast
Only to meet the Abyss.
God is Ultimate Reality.
The more away you are from it,
You are amiss.
Man is meant for Truth, Light and Bliss.
Your body suffers
Till you redeem your follies
In tears of repentance
and a great penence of activity.
God sits above.
We have not seen Him,
But we feel His Love
Ever undiminished.
Equal for all.
Man is meant for Truth, Light and Bliss.
So, your choice is imperative:
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 4th Feb 2019)
Puri, Odisha.
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