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ok okay 5d
Lost in a hurricane
Her words were so torn
Distorted was her vision
She was growing horns
Her reflection found a puddle
But her likeness looked away
Ugly as the impending clouds
Life had never felt so grey

Eyes stranded in the center of the storm
Breath no longer warm
I could have sworn
She was dancing in the sun yesterday
Now she lives in between a storm
One final wish before she disintegrates
'I wish to be reborn'
ok okay May 15
Vivid green grass
A hollow day
I am stuck looking down
Her eyes await
Birds singing lullabies
Lost in a daze
This city is burning
We will become ash one day
Maybe I should look up
To see your face
ok okay Apr 19
I have not found peace for a while
Even when it rains
My hands still shake
I am not scared of the world
I am scared of myself
And the complexities my mind faces
Dreams are no longer my solitude
They are horrors that leave me no escape
I can find chaos anywhere
Even beyond your brightest smile
Below my feet from where I tread
The soil grounds me and consumes my  voice
Sometimes thoughts feel so close
Yet words feel so far away
And so silence becomes my misery
Freedom seems too abstract to be true
Maybe I am just too harsh on myself
Or too selfish to this world
There is beauty here
Beneath the stars
We do not have to look so far away
When my heart beats out of my chest
I must remember that everything will be okay
ok okay Apr 13
Take me where your eyes desire
Your heart stopped beating long ago
ok okay Apr 13
I spend so much time in my head
Sometimes I forget what is real
ok okay Apr 9
I saw your eyes wander out the window
Watching the daisies dancing in the breeze
Autumn came too soon
Now all I see are fallen leaves
ok okay Apr 2
Bourbon mixed with sweet decay
Empty sheets
A hollow day
Tell me things you should not say
Our dreams can take us far away
Along the river
Under the stars
Past the meadow where nothing lasts
Far away
Let us disappear
Until we wake up and repeat it all again
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