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Arlen May 20
In certain words you say
I hear the echos of the past
In certain words you say
It takes me way, way back

I don't want to be mad anymore
But your words follow me around
I don't want to be mad anymore
But in your words, I drown
Arlen May 10
Welcome to the world baby girl
We'll always hold you near
Except if we decide your existence
Is something that we fear

Welcome to the world young girl
Is that something different that we smell?
Make sure to ignore that
Or we'll no longer treat you swell

Welcome to pre-teens, girl
Quit questioning yourself so much
Read the societal guidelines
So the critics don't get in touch

Welcome to your teens, girl
I'm sure you're enjoying your stay
Don't let the fear of being ***** or murdered
Get in your merry way

Welcome to young adulthood, girl
We hear you are quite confused
Your gender and sexuality
Are something this society has refused

Welcome to adulthood
Except you aren't welcome at all
Society only lifts up some
And lets the others fall
Arlen Mar 13
I can feel my body breaking
in the tiredness of my bones
I can feel my body breaking
in the heaviness of my clothes

I can feel myself letting go
of what I used to dream
I can feel myself letting go
as the apathy rises around me

I can feel my mind shattering
as he tells me what he thinks
I can feel my mind shattering
as our friendship starts to sink

I can feel so much
but I still don't seem to care
I can feel so much
in the distance that is there

I can't let myself feel this way
in the long-range
I can't let myself feel this way
it's time to make some change
Arlen Mar 9
Mother told me I was a girl
In the clothes, she bought me to wear
Mother told me I was a girl
In the way she did my hair

Mother told me I was a girl
Because society told her so
Mother told me I was a girl
Because trans people weren't shown

Society told me I was a girl
And said that's all I could be
Society told me I was a girl
But that doesn't feel like me

Society told me I was a girl
That anything else would be a lie
Society told me I was a girl
And I felt a part of me die

Jamie Raines showed me
That I could be a man
Jamie Raines showed me
I'm not too hard to understand

Jamie Raines showed me
Something I'd buried deep within
Jamie Raines showed me
My existence isn't sin

The trans* people before me
Showed me I could exist
The trans* people before me
Showed me that not everyone is cis

The trans* people before me
I owe so very much
The trans* people before me
They have been my crutch
1 month on testosterone, life is looking up :)
Arlen Mar 7
I don't want the kind of masculinity
That drives dads to hide their tears
That tells little boys it is wrong
To express their fears

I don't want the kind of masculinity
That says expressing emotions is wrong
I want to be the kind of man
That knows expressing emotions is strong

I don't want the kind of masculinity
That says there is only one kind of man
We can come in all shapes and sizes
Why is that so hard to understand?

I don't want the kind of masculinity
That pushes me aside
Even if I was born different then some others
I know who I am inside
Arlen Mar 2
Old man, you left me there
Floating, drowning in the sea
So now that I've finally made it back to land
Don't pretend you still know me
Arlen Feb 28
This body is not my home
The words you use for me are not my own
So, please don't presume to know me
As you see my passing by
What lies beneath the surface
Is more than what meets
Society's eye
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