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H A Vitatoe Sep 2020
I can’t sleep
in my bed.
for the dead.

Get Out!
Get Out!
As they scream
for me.

Get Out!
Get Out!
& Join
the streets.

Get Out!
Get Out!
As I
come out
Too see.

Get Out!
Get Out!
Are those
at  me.

Get Out!
Get Out!
At me.

Get Out!
Get Out!
they scream
I eat.

Get Out!
Get Out!
Come & kneel
at our

Get Out!
Get Out!
Those people
on me.

Get Out!
Get Out!
Death threats
too me.

Get Out!
Get Out!
As they scream

Get Out!
Get Out!
and me.

Get Out!
Get Out!
Too claim
bring  peace.

Get Out!
Get Out!
From History
we'll read.

Get Out!
Get Out!
the streets.
2 in 1 poem
Emmie monticelli Apr 2020
What is this world we live in, with no real rules or regulations, but still having a guideline? Having a sense of freedom, but yet, you don't. Look around this would and you'll see the pain and suffering of the broken and poor, and the unjust rankings of today's wealthy. This isn't a world we live in, it's a prison. A prison of our self doubts and beliefs of ourselves. A prison that we ourselves have made to make sure we all keep in line. But yet this isn't a prison as we all have freedom. So why don't we use it? Because we can't. We're told we can't. As children were told to follow orders of people above us, so we all fall in line and look like one. To become the perfect creation of man. But **** your rules, **** society. I am my own free will. Why follow a broken justice system, just because your told to? Why conform to other people's norms so you can believe your Happy? Be who you want to be, don't listen to the cowardliness of change, as you are your own free will
Kagey Sage May 2016
We do not pine for just one day
where the markets, morality, or technology
tune themselves in perfect harmony
We say the future's now
if we unite in just one way:
the acknowledgment that we have the will and machinery
to feed, clothe, house, and heal
every human being

Who cares if they find a wage
Let's "let anyone follow their dreams"
be the creed of Earthlings
I'll have much more a fun time
going to my neighbor's for beers
if they spent their days doing
what their inner child intended

Pipe dream, much?
Acknowledgment our task's a process
another must, even when we feel so close
What's your story
other than the idea that authority's some natural right?
The Government and the Propertied
Working together or against each other
forever in eternity
(the Capitalists are the biggest Marxist narrow minds
who refuse to hear Karlo's ending)
Wade Lancaster Sep 2015
You could say she was classless like a Marxist utopia.
From a recent encounter. First attempt at a ten word poem.

— The End —