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To want to learn how become comfortable with who it is
that you are.. within your own skin, is the  firstfruit  beginnings
that will lead into the healing and resolve of your  inability
to be alone, and the overwhelming need of your  current
emptiness to have its debilitating loneliness filled in ways  
that in the long run, bring about more harm into your world
than good.

What I brought to you involves the less traveled road  that leads
into true healing and resolve of this primary and current
issue of yours..  
    but at this point, that is not what you want.
The emptiness  you will now have filled in your current way,
   but it will come at such a cost.
You were built to become healed into the fullness
of who it is that you are..
and the comfort within your own skin
that fullness will bring to you..
and therefore to your whole household.

That process takes time.
It is difficult and uncomfortable.
It takes trust and the desire to truly love yourself.

I did not lie to you.

You can start again with a different supportive,
loving friend..

if you are fortunate enough to find one.

I hope for you that you do.  

I can hear the distant thunder
Of a million unheard souls
Of a million unheard souls

Watch each one reach for creature comfort
For the filling of their holes

When you've done all you can
and the end is still an out of control trainwreck..

God is not on the Throne,
  Emptiness is..

and the subjective  paintbrush
its all-consuming void creates
I passed by a piece of land
It was covered with weeds
Aside the trees, it has nothing else my eyes wanted to see
The same land before now saw different farm tools dress it
Season after season
Year after year
It was dressed and clothed with different crops
Crops in rows and and made of different colours
But this piece of land has lost its beauty today
The tools won't work it again
The rains may come
The sun isn't out of job
But the tools have all gone to bed
Because the farmer has gone home to rest
A rest from all this earthly stress
I took a walk with my mom today
It was an old park where I used to play
We sat on the swings for what felt like hours
On our way out we stopped and picked flowers

Before heading home, I went into a shop
It was an antique looking place I used to stop
Everything looked the same, in its unique spot
Who could have guessed I would have missed this a lot

I saw an old friend walking on the street
He looked a little busy for the two of us to meet
When leaving I spotted a penny on the ground
I reached down and flipped it around

Later on, my dad and I went on a drive in my truck
All the gears were shifting fine, so we were in good luck
We stopped at a place we’d visit when I was young
All those times I would sit there and bite my tongue

Yet there was still some sunshine left at the end of the day
So, I went to the lake to pray
When I was done, a bluebird came to visit
But he was gone in mere minutes

Goodbyes have never been easy
But life’s not always lemon squeezy
Yet there’s peace in this serenity
Knowing that I still have all of eternity
Viktoriia May 3
she borrows the light from the sun
just before it can set,
slipping to the other side of the horizon,
reflecting it in her irises,
covering them in liquid gold.
she's the entity that the pagans prayed to,
the object of countless legends.
she slips into her skin like a hand-sewn dress,
and everyone who ever loved her
is now consumed by the earth.
she picks flowers that took root in their skulls,
wears a crown of white ribs
and grows around their remains like moss.
she's the end of all things,
the silent watcher of time,
meeting the travelers on every single one
of the countless roads.
she borrows the light from the sun
just before it can set,
breaking through the other side of the horizon,
reflecting it in her irises,
standing by as the world around her burns.
Zywa May 1
The devil glances

at the clock, eternity --

isn't coming along.
Story "Dichtertje" ("Little poet", 1918, Nescio), written in 1917, chapter 1

Collection "Rasping ants"

Word and thought exist
in their unformed state
within the Aether..
which in itself,
is without beginning  
nor end..

And so it is within that union
into the Perpetual
that words and thought
are metabolized into existence..  i.e.
"Brought out into the light of day" ..
within the working  agreement
of body, mind, soul and spirit..
which in part, is of the finite..
    and in part of the eternal..

Which all,  in itself
places us in commune  with the Aether;
(and all of the spirits  within
that it contains)

And so the circle of inspiration is complete,
      but clearly..
      not only is it without beginning,

          but also..  without end.

I see the world
feel the chill
Which way to go
I see the words
on a rocking horse of time
I see the birds in the rain

Oh dear Dad
can you see me now
I am myself
like you  somehow
I'll ride the wave
where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me

Oh dear Dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
like you  somehow
I'll wait up in the dark
for you to speak to me
I'm opened up

Release me
Release me
Release me

for my brother Jeremy
2:20PM/ SM

I long for this very day —
You’ll sing me lullabies
You’ll welcome me to Your rest
Where You prepared a room for me.

I long for the tears to be wiped away
For every spoken word to be heard firsthand.
And Your throne of majesty will satisfy my eyes,
Your presence and greatness, no more a picture.

I long for the glory to come,
For every heart to beat for You —
To bring glory not just in knees
But to see You face to face.

I long for Your return
Not just a visit to my broken soul,
My weary heart awaits for you…
And I’ll wait patiently —
Patiently waiting for You.

It is me tonight

that will need
to find  release
through ******

Find a quiet place
on the edge of
your bed

and join me

Dear world--

Some things you will never tame
What does it mean to be truly free? /
Walk unafraid through the turbulence /
Of a world with so much unknown. /
Know that the principalities in power /
Do not quell, do not pacify the Holy Dove. /

The heartless, the lost, the wayworn, /
We pray they'll find their way /
We beseech divine Aether that all pain be undone. /
A miasma lingers in the atmosphere: /
The sting of death & of mourning. /

Wandering in loss, fugitive these words lay /
In my subconscious; therefore, I look within /
For the sinew, the strength to carry on. /
Life continues for so long as we pilgrimage, we roam, /
The Land of The Living. /

3 "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: /
'Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them /
And they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. /
4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will /
Be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.'"—Revelation 21: 3, 4 (NWTSE)

What limitless heights we could achieve /
Without the kiss of death, /
Yet a life eternal awaits those who are liege & faithful /
Yes, one without suffering & one without loss; /
Moreover, cause for rejoicing! /

Should I awake upon the morrow /
I will not fear my departure /
For I know that something illimitable, something aeonic, something sempiternal, /
& something far grander awaits: /
—Life eternal. /
Francie Lynch Mar 19
This world is moving fast.
One thousand miles per hour.
Quicker around the sun.
Faster around the galaxy,
And fastest into the universe.
No contraction. Just expansion.
We agree, it's infinite in time and space.
Is there a nucleus for BOOM?
Does time go in only one lateral direction?
Was there more than one BANG for the buck?
More than one universe?
Creation isn't an asterick,
Exploding in all directions,
Like the rays of a sun.
Time may have no beginning, no end.
But stories need a beginning, middle and end.
My story does.
The universe doesn't. No story.
Not without a start and an end.
Just a middle, with crises, conflicts and looming decisions.
This is the illusion.
No chronological order or raison d'etre means no story... no us.
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