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the accusations come real easy
the man just levels at others
what he himself is guilty of.
life is poetry
unknown futures ( and presents)
all await the discovery of the creative mind
Were my everthing,
Now he has become my poems.
a smile will get you just so far
will not give you a universal pass

what mind you have to share
universal mystery all want to hear

be amazed sure we will
behind the smile a unique soul
My child is your child.
Their happiness is ours.
Their unhappiness is our own.
If you adore someone else's child,
your own will be cherished.
If you dislike someone else's child, your own will be hated.
The children are our greatest possession.
Children are the centre of our lives.
The children are our blessings.
And the children are our source of fun.
Please do not humiliate children in any way.
Let us grow them at every chance. Because they are tomorrow's titans.
Open your future to the mistakes of the past
Accept the fragility of dreams that don't last
Too much life has happened to me
To be able to relate to you anymore
I need more
And I find you not enough
I've lost direction of my boat
Too many winds
Pushing and pulling me
In uneven and choppy waters
So fiercely
So frequently
They have left me scrambled
I don't know the path anymore
And so
I float
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