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SelinaSharday May 17
what I got for mother day

Ah What I got on yet another Mom Day
some air and some imagination, hopeful wishes at bay.
some invisible, un -acknowledge_ ables, some
written unperson-ables.
A happy M day not much else to say..
As If i am some kind of..
Never there fa you kinda motha/*****.
Don't do nothing fa ya Kinda motha..
Trifling otha kinda, something or other type motha..
What I did get and have is.....the spirit of let down.
A gift of  no consideration.
A quiet shadow of you ain't that important or relevant.
The failed chance to say oh you shouldn't have's.
The missed moments of awe how sweet of you's.
The crumbs of no gratitude, from self absorbed tudes.
And a simple say anything I'd come off as rude.
I'm unseen, unheard, seen as old fashioned old school old ways.
Blinded shades, wisdom ignored, prayers stayed, unappreciated days.

Thanks for the little tab bits of invisible cards...hmm really
Thanks for the symbolic s of traditional materials,.. untouchables
Those just tryna say I lov ya so's...(walkin in them shoes)
The absence of it can at times pain the soul.
Never one to ASK FOR MONEY OR GIFTS...Do I! wee bits..
By surprise be nice to discover how It'd feel to get the what ifs.
To be given the  unexpected gift, how heaviness might lift.
How solemnness n sadness may suddenly shift.
It's not the material of a gift,, It's the showing of
heartfelt bliss. Spiritual Uplift.
I sit and it makes me recall.. the six times, six souls, six plights..
To sow, to plant, to till the ground,
to labor, to sacrifice, to pray during those daily fights.
To feed, to nurture, to yearly grow.
Unselfishly.. regardless of the needs of me.
By Grace of mercy heavens kept me.
So I can be.. still Mother, imperfectly.
Happy Momma Day 2Me...
@S.A.M  H.E.R/POETRY2020
Oh whoa,, ignore the typos I already know' so its the way i still want to flow.. mothers day holiday what. Some sons are wonderful and thankful. and teachable. some though forget to say and to bless on  special days. They overlook. But I know as a soul I've been there always through prayers, sweat and tears. raised all my sons.
SelinaSharday Apr 20
Pour your smiles on me.. Paint my face your way..
Let me say I feel things in my solemn of days.
Don't be bothered
by how I can paint my face,
diff then what you ordered.
Green red or blue.
Doesnt mean my heart ain't tru to you.
If my red lipstick makes you sad.
why can't it make you see red is pretty and be glad.
My personality does it matter how fun and cute adorned with sashes.
Or is it you can't see it your too busy being mad about lashes.
I bought me some fancy adorable colored rings.
Your like hmm, cuz you'd rather
I'm plain and stripped of all my pretty things.
Paint me how I look when I wake up.

My face is still pretty with no make up.
But when I shake some colors up.
Grown Up fa me cuz colors should'nt make you mad at me,
when you love me..
Love me, like me.. dolled up or down.. I'm a lovely me..
Why is that hard fa you to see. free ya mind babe....

@SelinaShardaye_H.E.R Poetry copyrights..
SelinaSharday Mar 23
After making me Feel ah way! Ok!
Say fare enuff sweet friend..
I'm just across the street.. remember
Say ok cool shardaye..
Cuz I'm just a prayer and a thought away.
Think oh she just decide to chillax. and I know im cool always with huh..
Hi my guy friend. I am here, in my room ok...
working on wonderful virtual adventures all at bay ok..
I'll hit u up when everything's all ok.. try not to feel a way..
I'm sensitive, needing things done my way..
Know that the hill and me needed to chill in our own divided way..
Say.. oh hey.. You know me I'm being shardaye..
Keep a smile on yo face er'day ok.. as i'm just sails away...
just Pray.. ok..
byH.E.R_Shardaye.RosePoet S.A.M 2024
Do with ya.
Make ya breakfast on time. Duh…
I see somethin diff about cha.
some don't know what to do with ya.
But you can see sumthin different when ya with me.
preparing ya lunch.. What you like I got a hunch..
every day when ya f'in with me.. be somethin diff.
Dinners going to be somethin to stick to ya bone.
Ya won't get the same thing er’day.
the young chicks don't know what ta do with ya..
with ya yeah yeah.
I'm like seasoning simmering and classic dinning.
but home grown fixing..ol schoolin know what I mean..
I'm jus saying I'ma eye pleasing cuddly smiling thang.
Dedicated behavior..
dressing thangs up and smoothing things round..
so cool so cool....
Bring yah specialty behavior...
So I can bring tha flavor...
tasty gravy.. committed chemistry, sweet rarity.
I could be best fa yah...
cuz some wouldn't know what ta do wit cha..

H.E.R_Poetry By SelinaShardaye
Being Her.
Sadness is the feeling.
Depression is the temperature.
Coldness is the feel.

Pushing above the reel. Is such an option quite a big deal.
I need to find a sweet pickle of a mood.

Protect my drive to improve..

Im tryna keep nice and warm.
Fix my hearts alarm.

Nothing fake, no playing patty cake no baker man for the lost to take.

I  don't know what are my biggest mistakes.
But I refuse to let my peace escape.
For Shardaye Rose Sake.
S.a.m 2024
I'm giving you heads up.
That I have gathered my suitcase
folding and packing up my aromas  that's sweetly
divinely me..  
Cuz I've shared so many things.
About myself about my life but it's not nearly half of my daily things. Sometimes my days are filled and sometimes a little unfiltered.
But it's getting to a point that I feel I am consuming.
I am like a colorful rainbow of smoke
and as you take your puffs it can get you high.
So high that you may begin to forget to do the returning needed respectful things.
My examples shown.
I won't ask to be treated as I treat you.
But I'll just remove my me.
Clearly see thru my soulful
Beauty. The fullness of me....

I need a strong friendship a strong partner.. If I feel I am not matched I will be strong and pack up my beautiful things...
Don't steal it.. Take my way to reason write and rhyme..
Don't zap it quickly to copy cat me..
Make me afraid to share myself with liberty..
let me post freely..
I do want to inspire.. But let me encourage you to thrive higher.
I'm me yes crazy eccentric creator molded differently.
But I'm trusting when I speak my diversity.
I love how your different than me.
Keep showing your soulful delivery.
I burst artistic lyrics.
I drool for knowledge and spiritual growth.
I enjoy posted notes..
Invite me I'll share my quotes.
I am cruising casually.
Biblically loving longevity.
The truth spread widely as matters to address.
Don't copy, paste and fail to credit that's such a mess.
Be gentle with me. In my shared rarely.
As the unheard personality... Browser shy. Don't steal my poetics of wings.
As I share my uncovered word bling's.
selinasharday rose..@H.E.R-Poetry 2021
Be You Just do You Poetically..
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