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some people can spot a flaw at a 1000 yards but wouldn't see a blessing if it kissed them on the cheek
im only here
a few days
with sad heart
we now part ways
until the next we meet
blessings to you
from your head
                     to your feet
MT Browder Jun 4
my happiness
makes you sad
your sadness
takes my happiness
what a sad circle
MT Browder Jun 4
how many lives
must we endure
how many souls
to make sure
that life ever
however short
we love
we love
we love forever
MT Browder May 17
my vision of the structure of our existence is the shape of a sweet potato (pointed at both ends), one end is God the other is no God. We exist in the cross section of future and past in the mandala of the human existence, each soul attached to its own flower/mandala. existence passes as strings through the mandala and some loop around and pass again. these that loop are our connected souls and those physical things that we have influenced. God/Love is the "gravity" of the system moving to itself.
MT Browder May 1
i saw a crooked man today
old and wrinkled and gray
he walked a crooked walk
his jaw made crooked talk
why this shape i wondered
his pain, not to be numbered
i ask my friend if she knew
yes, she said, he is half of two
his love and he shaped a heart
his love passed and split it apart
MT Browder Apr 25
your eyes may see
with the age of years
you may carefully listen
with experienced ears
you can carry yourself
as confidence earned
and speak with words
so brilliantly learned
but heart, meek and mild
give and hope and love
as you were a child
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