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Anais Vionet May 16
We’re in Paris, staying with my Grandmère (Grandmother) for a few days around Mother’s day.
Peter (my bf) is getting to know my Grandmère. They’ve started to relax and enjoy each other. This time, when they met, they hugged.
“You look great!” Peter said, “Have you had some work done?”
She made a face that acknowledged the absurd, and shook her head ‘no’.
“A rib removed?” He followed up.

Last night she told him a story about the strict and regimented world she’d grown up in.
When she was 8, she and her mom (‘GG’), had visited a friends' home for tea. Afterwards, GG asked her, “Did you see that?” In a horrified voice.
“What?” Young Grandmère had asked.
“When the houseman brought in that calling card?” GG asked, watching her daughter like she was taking a test.
Grandmère thought about it - but couldn’t find the fault, “What about it?” she’d finally asked.
“He just HANDED it to her - without a (silver) tray.” GG was scandalized at this debacle of civilized standards.

“That’s what WE were up against,” Grandmère said, “It was a strict and judgmental world.. back then.”
“But you were a strict-old-bird with my mom, right?” I asked (because I live to get a reaction from her).
“Oh, nothing like the OLD days,” she sighed, looking to heaven in reverie.
“Now YOU,” she said, (indicating me) like she was revealing some melodramatic truth, “get away with ******.”
“Yep,” I admitted, “That’s me - I’m guilty.” I shrugged.

Every June, there’s a grand masked ball at Versailles Palace and it’s AMAZING. Like the MET Gala, there are only some 400 tickets and those are instantly sold out. This year, my Grandmère has four extra - in an envelope.
“Give them to meeeeee!” I begged, shamelessly, stretching out a quivering arm, like a ****** in withdrawal. “We’ll see,” she said cruelly.
“If you do,” I bargained, “I’ll buy you some land in Camargue (an area of worthless swampland in southern France)."
When she didn’t give in immediately, I decided to try and keep her engaged with sparkling conversation.

“Ever noticed that the word ‘perfect’ has 7 letters?
So does meeeeee,” I said. “Coincidence? I think NOT”

My mind searched for leverage. Grandmère had taken Peter and I to a horse jumping competition earlier that day. I love the smells of horse, hay and leather - you know - all that - but I can barely ride. I continued to bargain.

“You know,” I began (like an actress on stage), in a shaky voice meant to convey extreme, past suffering, ”my parents never bought me a horse.”
It felt like there were tears in my eyes.
“Ok,” she said, boredly, tapping the envelope with ******* then sliding it, my way, across her desk.
I picked up the envelope - counting the tickets. Grandmère wasn’t above withholding one as a ‘business lesson.”

“Can I bring Peter, Lisa, and Dave?” I asked innocently. ‘Bring’s’ the magic word - what I’m asking is whether she’ll pay for everything (airfare, hotels, cash cards, designer costumes - maybe €60k in all).
She’s no fool, she’d offered those tickets knowing this - but it’s only polite to ask. (I could pay for it myself, dip-tha-fund as they say).
“Of course,” she said, offhandedly, “call François.” She’d moved on to the next thing on her desk.

François, a handsome, 27ish, perfectly tailored, hipster with straight blonde fringe-hair and a Sorbonne Université MBA, is one of my Grandmère’s conglomerate, executive-secretarial minions who’ll now coordinate all aspects of our travel and expenses.

I came around that desk and gave her a big hug, which she endured as she read something.
“You’re the Beatles,” I pronounced, before scurrying off to tell Peter.

songs for this:
Love Is Strange by Frenchy
Depression Royale by De-Phazz
Take Three by Club des Belugas
Inesaurible Tu by St. Project
dip tha-fund = take money from a trust fund.
the Beatles = simply the best

BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: Debacle: a complete failure
undefined May 15
The less romantic side
but majority of the time
sleeping uncomfortably &
keeping on all your ****

Wasting money often
on food that's no good
all of it really just
gas station garbage

making the miles needed
& quick  .
Just seeing connections. The real life of freight hopping US travel up to this year, and my current real life spent traveling Europe mostly by middle of the night plane rides.
Thomas Harvey May 12
The lazy dog jumped over the bridge
So, the old man grabbed a beer from the fridge

The dog swam through the river
The man had packages to deliver

Soon the sun went away
Then the dog reached the bay

The man passed out
Beyond drunk no doubt

He floated down the stream
Until the light shined from a moonbeam

The dog saved the man
So, they made a plan

So, they sailed the seas
The dop captain and me
Thomas Harvey May 12
Each night I dream a deep blue sky
A place where only birds could fly
Each morn I lie awake
Wondering who else made that mistake

Many of men I’ve seen waste their dime
Trying to hold and buy back time
It’s a common misconception
Often laced with deception

For a wise man knows, it’s the foolish who ask
And it’s the blind who lead the mass
Many search and few find
But so is the many that falls behind

I myself have seen my eyes full of fire
Burning to know true desire
So where do I fit?
Yet who am I to question it

I could spend a lifetime is search of freedom
Only to be left with a sea full of conundrums
Of each problem to ever exist
And temptations I have to resist

So, I’ve become the fool at hand
While time slips through my fingers like sand
Now it's too late for me to understand
That it’s the devil that haunts a hungry man
Thomas Harvey May 12
I open my eyes but am blind to the sea
My ears are filled with myths
For no creature could lurk in the abyss
Perhaps I should have paid the fee

The air is denser than it was yesterday
The sun is refusing to shine
And the lonely sea continues to whine
Six more nights till I see May

I try to sleep at day
To be prepared during nightfall
That’s when I hear him call
Five more nights till I see may

I’m getting closer I think
Based on my supply of food
It’s not lot looking to good
One more night, I say on the brink

He waited for me to reach the bay
Where he rose larger than the sun
There I knew I was done
Here I almost made it to May
Aynjul May 11
when I was in Japan,
I reached in my bag for yen,
I drew a coin with the Zia on it
given to me by a gem
as I stared at the cold breezy mountains of Japan holding this, I  was reminded of
The deep Roots of cracked hot concrete I would work out on
The smell of albondigas Nana would be making
The bright yellow and blue tile mismatched on the lining of the kitchen
The simpleness of living in a "this'll work" architecture
the tumbleweeds, the dry cacti landscape, vast dirt reaching to the dark amber mountains, painted with fading perfect blend from the sunset, homemade meals, la raza, tias and tios, the stray cats and dogs (and family pet names)

My Arizona desert was so hot that everything did its best to share being in the Cool casted shadows.

yet here I was in the complete opposite wishing for that sun
holding this coin brought be back to when you thought I would Judge where you were from
but your "Land of Enchantment" will always remind me of being one step closer to home...
Arizona > New Mexico > Japan
nostalgia through the lens of another home has never been so touching.

Zia symbol meaning:
North: the 4 directions
West: the 4 seasons
South: the 4 mountains of life: infancy, adolescence, adulthood, elderhood.
East: the 4 aspects of self: Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit.
I took a walk with my mom today
It was an old park where I used to play
We sat on the swings for what felt like hours
On our way out we stopped and picked flowers

Before heading home, I went into a shop
It was an antique looking place I used to stop
Everything looked the same, in its unique spot
Who could have guessed I would have missed this a lot

I saw an old friend walking on the street
He looked a little busy for the two of us to meet
When leaving I spotted a penny on the ground
I reached down and flipped it around

Later on, my dad and I went on a drive in my truck
All the gears were shifting fine, so we were in good luck
We stopped at a place we’d visit when I was young
All those times I would sit there and bite my tongue

Yet there was still some sunshine left at the end of the day
So, I went to the lake to pray
When I was done, a bluebird came to visit
But he was gone in mere minutes

Goodbyes have never been easy
But life’s not always lemon squeezy
Yet there’s peace in this serenity
Knowing that I still have all of eternity
Anais Vionet May 7
Something’s happening, let’s call it sunrise, for now,
and summer vacation in Geneva, in umm.. 10 hours.
My heart-beat is spiking, like a flag or kite flying.
I’m leaving an empty room - making one last pass with a broom.

I’m stuffing my bag, with the last few things, for escape on aluminum wings.
My dreams, woven in bright, butterfly tapestries, are rolled and folded -
packed between urgent fantasies and harsh, time-sensitive practicalities.

I know you’re there, a quarter-world away, good news, pegasus awaits,
to streak gulf-stream high, over choppy oceans wide with mechanical fire,
its ice-cycle crystal contrail will point, like cherub cupid's arrow, toward you.

Forget pixels, tech instruments, remote lifeline connections,
and prayer-like whispers over thin, criss-crossed wires.
I’m making my move, coming compass-needle true,
to press up close, reintroduce, extemporize and ******.
music for this:
Someday by Sugar Ray
sunburn by almost monday
This Charming Man by The Smiths
Heaven by Los Lonely Boys
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge: extemporize: to improvise
Àŧùl Apr 29
If I were a time traveller,
Would I be able to jump back?
Or would I die in the process?

And if I could do a thing again,
Presuming that I reach back in time,
Would I remain conscious of what needs to be rectified?

And what's the guarantee that
What happened won't repeat itself the same way?
And what's going to happen to my existence in this timeline?

Traveling time would not make any difference,
Because the past has already happened, it can't be changed.

If at all, I'd end up in a parallel timeline,
Stuck forever,
In the middle of people who want me dead.
My HP Poem #1965
©Atul Kaushal
Carlo C Gomez Apr 24
It must be dark
out here in the cold penumbra,
where mile after mile
no one smiles,

dots and loops,
dots and loops,
a kind of blissful nullity,
beautiful and pointless,

wearing at the edges
it almost stings,
seclusion unraveling
at the underground in us all,

aubade aberrations abound,
challenging the orthodoxy
of the troublesome
morning road,

but should this near-life experience
hydroplane toward
another mineshaft, it helps to know
less is less, not more.
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